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Readers’ wildlife photos

Why Evolution is True Feed - Sun, 06/02/2024 - 6:15am

John Avise is back with his third installment of the birds of Spain and Portugal (part 1 is here and part 2 is here). John’s captions are indented, and you can enlarge the photos by clicking on them.

Portugal and Spain Birds, Part 3 

This week’s post is the third and final of a mini-series on birds I photographed while on a business (i.e., seminar) trip to Portugal and southern Spain in 2010.

Red Kite (Milvus milvus):

Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa):

Red-rumped Swallow (Cecropis daurica):

Eurasian Scops Owl (Otus scops):

European Serin (Serinus serinus):

Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia):

Eurasian Spoonbill flying:

Spotless Starlings (Sturnus unicolor):

Spotted Flycatcher (Muscicapa striata):

European Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola) male:

White Stork (Ciconia ciconia):

Common Swift (Apus apus):

Categories: Science

A New Way to Make Precise Maps of the Lunar Surface

Universe Today Feed - Sat, 06/01/2024 - 4:26pm

There was a time when maps of the Moon were created from telescopic observations and drawings. Indeed Sir Patrick Moore created maps of the Moon that were used during the historic Apollo landings. Now researchers have enhanced a technique to create accurate maps from existing satellite images. Their approach uses a technique called ‘shape-from-shading’ and involves analyzing shadows to estimate the features and shape of the terrain. Future lunar missions will be able to use the maps to identify hazards on the surface making them far safer. 

Researchers at the Brown University in Rhode Island have helped refine a process used to map the surface of the Moon making it more accurate than ever before. In their paper, published in the Planetary Science Journal and authored by Benjamin Boatwright and team details the enhancements to the mapping technique. It can generate detailed models of the Moon’s surface to highlight craters, ridges and slopes from composites of 2D images. 

Closeup of lunar surface (Credit NASA)

Highly detailed maps are of crucial importance to lunar missions and help the planners to identify the safest place to land. They can also use them to identify areas of particular interest that require further study enabling the whole mission to be far more efficient. Missions such as the Artemis project will benefit when it heads for the south pole of the Moon, an area which is not well mapped. High resolution maps of the area will aid the autonomous landing systems to avoid hazards. 

Artist impression of Artemis lunar landing

Creating the maps is a time consuming job and is difficult to be accurate when lighting levels on target area are poor. The interpretation of shadows has been less than effective until now with the team addressing the issues. In their paper, the team explain how advanced computer algorithms can automate a lot of the process and improve the resolution of the generated models. Their new software gives lunar astronomers the necessary tools and information to create larger more detailed maps of the surface. 

To allow lunar scientists to create a map from images requires at least two images of the same area. Each image must be perfectly aligned with its counterpart so that features in one are in exactly the same place in the other. Until now, the technology has not been able to take multiple images of an area and create a perfect map. Boatwright said ‘We implemented an image alignment algorithm where it picks out features in one image and tries to find those same features in the other and then line them up, so that you’re not having to sit there manually tracing interest points across multiple images, which takes a lot of hours and brain power.’

Along with the image alignment algorithm, the researchers created quality control algorithms and filters to remove poor quality images from the alignment process. By only inputing good quality images to the process means the output will be of far higher quality. It is a similar model that astronomical imaging employs when processing multiple images through stacking and alignment techniques. 

To evaluate the accuracy of their work, the team compared the output from existing maps of the Moon to look for errors. To their delight, they found that maps created using their enhanced ‘shape-from-shading’ technique was more precise compared to those acquired during traditional techniques. 

Source : New technique from Brown University researchers offers more precise maps of the Moon’s surface

The post A New Way to Make Precise Maps of the Lunar Surface appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Science

Japanese Billionaire Calls Off His Starship Trip Around the Moon

Universe Today Feed - Sat, 06/01/2024 - 3:23pm

Six years after he announced a grand plan to fly around the moon with a crew of artists in SpaceX’s Starship rocket, Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa said he was canceling the project due to delays in Starship’s development.

In a series of postings to the X social-media platform, Maezawa said he signed his contract with SpaceX “based on the assumption that dearMoon would launch by the end of 2023.”

“It’s a developmental project, so it is what it is, but it is still uncertain as to when Starship can launch,” he wrote. “I can’t plan my future in this situation, and I feel terrible making the crew members wait longer, hence the difficult decision to cancel at this point in time. I apologize to those who were excited for this project to happen.”

DearMoon crew member Yemi A.D., a Czech choreographer, talks about the mission’s cancellation.

After a selection process that attracted more than a million applicants, Maezawa named eight artists and communicators, plus two alternates, to the crew in late 2022. One of the chosen crew members was Tim Dodd, a science communicator and YouTube video creator who’s known as the “Everyday Astronaut.”

“Of course I’m extremely disappointed, having dreamt about this mission since I first heard about it in 2018 and even more for the last three years since the selection process started,” Dodd wrote in an extended posting to X.

Maezawa made his fortune by starting up what would become Zozo, Japan’s largest online clothing store. He sold most of his stake in the venture to Yahoo Japan in 2019 for around $2.3 billion. A fair amount of his riches has gone toward high-profile purchases, such as the $110.5 million acquisition of a painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat in 2017 and the estimated $80 million fare for a trip to the International Space Station in 2021.

The mega-launch system now known as Starship was at an early stage of development in 2018 when Maezawa struck a deal with SpaceX CEO Elon Musk to reserve a round-the-moon flight. The mission was envisioned as a roughly five-day trip that would give artists and performers on the level of Pablo Picasso and Michael Jackson the chance to experience space — and work that experience into their artistic creations.

The cost of the dearMoon project was never disclosed publicly, but at the time that the plan was revealed, Musk said Maezawa was providing a substantial deposit that “will have a material effect on paying for the cost of development” of the Starship system. Back then, Musk said the total development cost was on the order of $5 billion.

Developing and testing Starship has taken longer than Musk planned — which is par for the course when it comes to new types of spaceships. During the most recent Starship flight test, which took place in March, the rocket reached orbital altitude but broke up as it descended to a planned splashdown. Another flight test could take place as early as next week.

This isn’t the first time Maezawa has backtracked on his plans for spaceflight. In 2000, he pulled out of a reality-TV project that would have traced the selection of a female contestant to accompany him on a round-the-moon trip, presumably aboard Starship. Despite that precedent, the crew members for dearMoon said they were surprised by the cancellation of a trip they’d been so looking forward to.

“You didn’t ask us if we minded waiting or give us an option or discuss that you were thinking of canceling until you’d already made the decision,” Rhiannon Adam, an Irish-born photographic artist who was chosen for the crew, said in an X posting directed at Maezawa. “I can only speak for myself, but I’d have waited till it was ready.”

Another would-be spaceflier, night-sky photographer Brendan Hall, said in an online statement that “the cancellation of this mission was sudden, brief and unexpected.”

Dodd echoed that sentiment in his posting to X. “The one thing I have a hard time reconciling is the timeline,” he wrote. “Had I known that this could have ended within a year and a half of it being publicly announced, I would’ve never agreed to it. We had no prior knowledge of this possibility.”

Dodd said he remained optimistic about the long-term prospects for citizen spaceflight. “I still firmly believe that, within my lifetime, we will see missions like this happen, and while I will never be the first to do such a mission, it brings me great joy to know the future is bright and exciting,” he said.

The post Japanese Billionaire Calls Off His Starship Trip Around the Moon appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Science

Universities’ capitulation to protestors

Why Evolution is True Feed - Sat, 06/01/2024 - 9:15am

It’s my day off, but I have to post at least one piece of news. This comes from Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, which is a pro-Israel organization whose reporting seems pretty accurate (there is lots of documentation, for example, in the article below). And that article, which you can access by clicking on the screenshot, is a longish summary of what happened in the last two months with encampments, arrests, punishments, capitulations, and so on.

If you’re interested in the campus protests, you’ll want to read the whole thing, but I’ll just post one excerpt about the concessions that universities made to protestors. Some are serious, others performative, but all were made to stop encampments and protestors.  Maybe I’m a grumpy old man, but I would stop illegal disruptions, like encampments, in their tracks using sanctions, and would be very loath to “bargain” with protestors who enacted illegal disruptions. (If protests are legal and student “demands” worth considering, it’s another matter. But institutional neutrality, at least a Chicago, would prohibit almost any concessions for protestors, as it did indeed.)

The excerpt:

At Northwestern University concessions included a promise to reveal its investments and to establish an investment advisory board with student participation which will advise trustees, student involvement in assessing university vendors, as well as two professorships and five scholarships for Palestinians, and a ‘Middle Eastern and North African’ residential unit.

Brown University promised protestors that after a student presentation divestment would be voted on by trustees. The students identified a number of aerospace and defense companies they alleged were complicit in “grave human rights violations” including Northrup Grumman, Boeing, and General Dynamics.

  • At the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee administrators agreed to permit anti-Israel students to present the case for divestment to trustees, called the situation a “plausible genocide,” condemned destruction in Gaza, and demanded a ceasefire. The chancellor later apologized for weighing in on “deeply complex geopolitical and historical issues.”
  • The University of Washington agreed to demands from the “United Front for Palestinian Liberation” including student representation on a divestment committee, free tuition for 20 Gazan students, a faculty committee to examine academic boycotts, and a “Center for Scholarship of Palestine.”
  • Within the University of California system the Berkeley administration agreed to a divestment task force and the chancellor called for a ‘permanent ceasefire.’ The Riverside administration agreed to similar terms and also terminated a variety of overseas programs including in Israel, which had been the target of long term pressure.
  • Goldsmiths College agreed to student demands after a five week occupation, including scholarships for Palestinian students, a review of investment policy, and renaming a theater in honor of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.
  • Trinity University announced “divestment from equity investments in Israeli companies that have activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and appear on the UN Blacklist in this regard.” It will also bring in Gazan students and faculty and review student exchange programs. The decision came after protestors blockaded the exhibit of the Book of Kells which earns the school some €350,000 a week during the summer.
  • Union Theological Seminary announced that it would “identify all investments, both domestic and global, that support and profit from the present killing of innocent civilians in Palestine” in order to “withdraw support from companies profiting from the war.”
  • The New School for Social Research agreed to hold a divestment vote in June “from industries implicated in military and police violence in Gaza and the West Bank, and all global militarized conflict such as companies or subsidiaries involved in weapons manufacturing, military supplies and equipment, military communication, and public surveillance technology.”
  • Bard College announced an agreement with protestors that included disclosure of investments, strengthening ties with a branch campus in East Jerusalem, and “support of appropriate challenges — political, social, and legal— to Executive Order 157,” banning investments in institutions or companies that boycott Israel.

The most extreme example of concessions to students came at Sonoma State University where the president, Mike Lee, agreed to fully divest from Israel, permit an SJP ‘advisory council’ to oversee the agreement with protestors, introduce ’Palestine’ and a ‘Palestine Studies’ program, and to ban all Israel programs. Cal State administrators, however, quickly accused Lee of “insubordination” and forced his retraction and then retirement. Acting President Nathan Evans then met with protestors after they disrupted commencement.

Many of these colleges, in their concessionary pronouncements, violated any principle of institutional neutrality. These violations include terminating programs to Israel, calling for “permanent ceasefire,” and declaring that they’d divest.  Preferential admission of students from Gaza is surely illegal under Title IV (see below), as is preferential hiring of scholars from Gaza, a Title VI violation involving employment discrimination.

My view is that when the dust settles after graduation, the protesters will have accomplished very little with their demands, and certainly will not have done anything to influence the war.  The problem is that the Gaza issue will remain alive for some time, even after Israel destroys Hamas, and so the whole thing is likely to start up again in the fall, turning colleges once more into Social Justice Factories instead of places of learning.

Here’s a few words from the article about where I was a few weeks ago, and where Maarten Boudry tells me things are even worse than depicted below.

The most significant and real Israel boycotts have emerged in the Netherlands. Ghent University [JAC: Not in the Netherlands!] severed ties with three Israeli research institutions on the grounds they are “problematic according to the Ghent University human rights test” while Leiden University has put exchange programs with Israeli universities on hold and “will assess all our current ties with Israeli institutions and joint research projects.” The university also stated it will also not admit Israeli students from Tel Aviv University or Hebrew University “until after an evaluation.”

And the summary of just this section (the whole article is much longer):

Overall the universities appear to have provided a mixture of performative and real concessions. Some appear to be simply delaying tactics, postponing confrontations until the fall semester. Funding Gazan students and creating ‘Palestine studies’ centers, however, guarantees future campus radicalization by introducing anti-Israel extremists. The privileged admission of Palestinian students also appears to be in violation of Title IV of the Higher Education Act while the creation of residential and Muslim-only spaces reinforces campus identity politics.

Observers also note that most institutions invest in index funds rather than individual stocks, making removal of specific companies difficult or impossible. Nor is it assured that even individual institutions with less complex finances could divest. William College’s decision not to divest and not to embrace ‘environmental, social, and governance’ (ESG) guidelines was specifically explained as a function of the inherent practical and moral difficulty involved. State anti-BDS laws also complicate divestment.

It’s been a very long academic year. . . .

Categories: Science

Caturday felid trifecta: Rare “unicorn cat”; unsuccessful Danish postcats; man tries to drown kitten but he drowns and kitten swims back to shore; and lagniappe

Why Evolution is True Feed - Sat, 06/01/2024 - 7:45am

Now from Cole and Marmalade we have a very rare “Unicorn Cat”. Click to read (see also and reddit)

The latest rare unicorn cat, a cat that almost doesn’t look real, is capturing lots of hearts online. Is this cat for real? Or is it an AI image? Who can tell anymore? It’s rapidly getting harder to say what’s artificial intelligence versus authentic these days. We see people believing in fakes so much, so it’s (unfortunately) a legitimate question in 2024.

However, this unicorn’s human promises he’s very much real, supplying more images.

Meet Bruce, a kitty so unusual that his mama has had to tell folks on Reddit, “He is real.” 



All photos from u/No_Secretary8854

According to the post, Bruce is a Minuet, a cross between a Persian and a Munchkin with shorter legs. But if so, he’s unlike any cat we’ve seen.

As you can see, Bruce appears to be Tuxie on his face but with the palest silvery blue eyes. That alone is unusual as most tuxedo adults will have a pale greenish or yellow eye color. Unfortunately, it suggests Bruce might be the result of the breeder’s efforts to produce cats with the “Dominant Blue Eye” trait. 

All photos from u/No_Secretary8854

. . . . Considering that it looks like Bruce is a combination of two cats, this unicorn kitty may be a genetic chimera. These cats, like the famous Venusthe two-faced cat, may have different eye colors and appear as two felines split right down the middle to make one animal!

Put very simply, a chimera has at least two different sets of DNA after the fusion of fertilized eggs or zygotes. They can sometimes be both male and female at once, leading people to speculate about Bruce’s gender, which could factually be ambiguous and nonbinary. Since the kitty seems to show the tortie or calico color (almost always female), it’s an added level of oddity that the name suggests he’s fully male too. It’s even rarer!

Whatever the case, Bruce is adorable and lovable and behaves like any cat being handled at the vet. Thus, we must acknowledge that the colors, however pretty or rare, don’t really matter at all.

But they do matter because these colors get the cat a lot of attention! Still, why don’t they say something about the secondary sexual characteristic of the cat? Does it have male or female genitals, for one thing?

All photos from u/No_Secretary8854


From we hear about cats that once delivered mail in Belgium. Bad idea! Click to read:


An excerpt:

Once upon a time in the Belgian town of Liège, the postal system was taken over, briefly, by cats.

, , , But as intelligent and skilled as cats are, we know that even our feline friends have their limitations. Which is why when a city in 1870s Belgium decided to use cats to deliver mail, a system that relies on a timeline that doesn’t exactly suit the ideal 17-hour sleep schedule of a cay … well, it should come as no surprise that it was relatively short-lived.

Nevertheless, in the 1870s, the city of Liège, Belgium hired a grand 37 cats to deliver mail. Messages were to be tied around the cats’ necks in waterproof bags to prevent any damage to the letters. The idea was to allow the citizens of Liège and surrounding villages to easily communicate with each other.

“Unless the criminal class of dogs undertakes to waylay and rob the mail-cats, the messages will be delivered with rapidity and safety,” The New York Times reported. One particularly dedicated feline delivered his letter safe and sound in less than five hours! However, the other felines took up to a day to deliver mail to their own homes, preferring a leisurely stroll and maybe a saucer of milk along the way.

Sadly, there are no photos of this horrible idea, but the BBC does have a section on Post Office Cats in its “working cats” post (more later). Excerpts:

In 1868 three cats were formally employed as mousers at the Money Order Office in London. They were “paid” a wage of one shilling a week – which went towards their upkeep – and were given a six-month probationary period.

They obviously did their job efficiently as in 1873 they were awarded an increase of 6d a week. The official use of cats soon spread to other post offices.

According to the Postal Museum, the most popular cat of all was Tibs. Born in November 1950, at his biggest he weighed 23lbs (10.4kg) and lived in the Post Office headquarters’ refreshment club in the basement of the building in central London. During his 14 years’ service he kept the building rodent-free.

Wikipedia has an article on “Tibs the Great” with a photo and more information:

Tibs worked at Post Office Headquarters in London for 14 years, and was officially employed and paid 2s 6d per week. He worked in the basement. He was cared for by Alf Talbut, cleaner at the church of St. Martin’s Le Grand, who had also owned his mother, Minnie.[4] During his 14 years, Tibs kept the Post Office headquarters completely free of mice.[1]

In 1952, there was “public outrage” that the cats had not had a pay rise since 1873, and the next year there was a question in the House of Commons, asking the Assistant Postmaster-General, David Gammans, “when the allowance payable for the maintenance of cats in his department was last raised?”[1]

Tibs died in December 1964; he had been suffering from oral cancer. He received obituaries in several newspapers. By the time of his death he had grown to 23 lb (10 kg) in weight, probably due to living in one of the staff dining rooms, rather than from eating rats.

. . . The last cat employed at Post Office headquarters was Blackie, who died in 1984, which coincided with cloth sacks being replaced with rodent-resistant plastic sacks.[2]

Here’s Tibs’s obituary printed in the Post Office Magazine:


Also from Cole and Marmalade: Karma for an animal abuser (click to read):

Being cruel to animals or other people always comes back to bite the person doing the abuse. But so often, it seems Karma has extreme patience, and justice is not swift enough for our liking.

Well, for a couple of people who were abusive to animals, the trouble that came for them is all they may ever be remembered for. Over 75 years later, their stories are remembered as anecdotes shared all over the world. 

It’s amazing to think that this story from 1949 in France is still circulating around the world today. It’s all about the swift justice that came after a man named Henri Villette tried to drown a kitten. Who could have sympathy for what became of him?

Here are some news stories, with one in French:

Today, people remember Villette only as a sort of fable that tells a moral. Most versions are attributed to the Associated Press and appeared in newspapers in the United States, like the Gettysburg Times and the Ironwood Daily Globe from Michigan and the Des Moines Tribune from Iowa in 1949. The Daily Mirror in Sydney, Australia also shared the story as well as the Singapore Free Press.


The story also appeared in TIME magazine, dating to October 3, 1949, with more interesting details.

“Cool and confident in his superior strength and wisdom one day last week, Henri Villette, a 67-year-old barrelmaker of Alencon, clapped an unwanted kitten into a musette bag and set out for the Sarthe River to drown it. On the river’s bank he slipped and fell. The kitten crawled to safety. Henri’s drowned body was found later by local firemen,” the story states.

There’s also a story of an abused d*g who was thrown into a well by an odious man, but the d*g lived seven months in the well, eating corpses thrown down by other people, before it was rescued. Here it is, but brush up on your French!


Lagnaiappe: a physics cat (see here):

Here’s the story from Atlas Obscura, complete with a reprint of the paper, signed by both human and cat authors:

Jack H. Hetherington was a professor of physics at Michigan State University in 1975, when he finished what would become an influential and often-cited physics paper. The academic writing, entitled Two-, Three-, and Four-Atom Exchange Effects in bcc 3He, was an in-depth exploration of atomic behavior at different temperatures. It would have flown over the heads of most lay people, not to mention cats.

He was all set to send it to Physical Review Letters, which today describes itself as “the world’s premier physics letter journal.” However, before he dispatched it, Hetherington gave the paper to a colleague to get one last set of eyes on the piece. This is when he ran into a strange problem. Hetherington had used the royal “we” throughout the paper. As his colleague pointed out, Physical Review Letters generally only published papers using plural pronouns and adjectives like “we” and “our” if the paper had multiple authors.

. . .Hetherington wrote that after giving the issue “an evening’s thought,” he decided the paper was so good that it required rapid publishing. Unwilling to go back and replace the plural voice in the document, he did the next best thing and just added a second author: his Siamese cat, Chester. Of course just listing “Chester” as a co-author probably wouldn’t fly, so he invented the name F.D.C. Willard. The “F.D.C.” stood for “Felix Domesticus, Chester.” Willard had been the name of Chester’s father.

Portraying F.D.C. Willard as one of his colleagues at Michigan State, Hetherington submitted his paper, and it was published in issue 35 of Physical Review Letters.


(from Atlas Obscura): The signed version of the paper. (Photo: More Random Walks in Science/Google Books)

That is a physicist after my own heart!

h/t: Debra, Stacy

Categories: Science

Readers’ wildlife photos

Why Evolution is True Feed - Sat, 06/01/2024 - 6:15am

Today we have part 2 of ecologist Susan Harrison‘s visit to the Dry Tortugas, with today’s photos comprising seabirds. Susan’s captions are indented, and you can enlarge the photos by clicking on them. Part 1 is here, and I’ll add the two paragraphs of her introduction below.

Dry Tortugas seabird colonies

Introduction to last part:

The Dry Tortugas are the westernmost of the Florida Keys, lying just over 100 miles from the mainland. These tiny sandy islands, or cays, are uninhabited by people but essential to bird life.  They support  breeding colonies of some unusual seabirds, and they are the North American landfall for many spring-migrating songbirds.

Dry Tortugas National Park was created to protect these birds, and human visitors can go to only one island:  Garden Cay, which supports Fort Jefferson, a huge crumbling installation begun in 1846 and abandoned in 1906.  The fort saw use as a Civil War prison, a quarantine, and a coaling station, but its war-worn look is an illusion.  Somehow the engineers of the day did not realize that iron fittings exposed to salt water would expand and tear apart its brick walls.

And today’s post:

In an earlier post I showed the migratory birds that use the low sandy islands (cays) of the Dry Tortugas chain as a stopover en route to North America.  Today’s post shows another set of birds that rely on the Dry Tortugas: several species of tropical pelagic seabirds that spend most of their lives at sea, and nest on the cays where there are no predatory mammals.

Fort Jefferson, the epicenter of Dry Tortugas National Park, with the rest of Garden Cay on the right:

In April, Magnificent Frigatebirds (Fregata magnificens) circled constantly above the fort.  Females have white chests, males are dark with red throat pouches, and juveniles have white heads.

Magnificent Frigatebirds:

The Magnificent Frigatebird breeding colony lies on some tiny islands next to Garden Cay.  Their nesting trees were damaged by recent hurricanes.

Frigatebird colony:

Frigatebird carrying nest material:

Thousands of Sooty Terns (Onychoprion fuscatus) and Brown Noddies (Anous stolidus) nest on the sandy flats next to the fort, together with a few of their rarer cousins, the Bridled Tern (Onchyoprion anaethetus) and Black Noddy (Anous minutus).   A few miles away, a very small cay supports a colony of Brown Boobies (Sula leucogaster) and Masked Boobies (Sula dactylatra).

Sooty Terns:

Sooty Tern and chick:

Brown Noddy:

Brown Noddies on coal dock pilings:

Brown Noddy pair at nest:

Brown Booby and Masked Booby colony:

Masked Booby:

More widespread seabirds were also present at Garden Cay, such as  Double-crested Cormorants (Nannopterum auritum), Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis), and Laughing Gulls (Leucophaeus atricilla).

Double-crested Cormorant:

Brown Pelican:

Laughing Gulls:

Categories: Science

The Skeptics Guide #986 - Jun 1 2024

Skeptics Guide to the Universe Feed - Sat, 06/01/2024 - 5:00am
Quickie with Steve: New Gene Editing Tool; News Items: 3D Printed Superalloy, Lacking an Inner Voice, Spider Silk Sensors, How Were the Pyramids Built, Exoplanet Hunt for Life; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Star Talk and Acupuncture, Science or Fiction
Categories: Skeptic

Saturday: Hili dialogue

Why Evolution is True Feed - Sat, 06/01/2024 - 4:45am

Welcome to CaturSaturday, shabbos for Jewish cats: June 1, 2024, and we’ve reached June at last. It’s Graduation Day at the University of Chicago, and National Bubbly Day, celebrating sparkling wine. Just avoid the cheap, sweet stuff. Here’s a 7-minute video about how French champagne is made:


It’s also Dare Day, National Black Bear Day, Dinosaur Day, National Hazelnut Cake Day, Heimlich Maneuver Day, National Pineapple Day, National Prairie Day,World Milk Day, and Global Day of Parents.

As for Food Months, we have these for June:

  • California Avocado Month.
  • National Candy Month.
  • National Cucumber Month.
  • National Dairy Month.
  • National Fresh Fruit and. Vegetable Month.
  • National Iced Tea Month.

Today’s Google Doodle (click on image) celebrates the Men’s 2024 ICC T20 World Cup, a competition among cricket teams.

Readers are welcome to mark notable events, births, or deaths on this day by consulting the June 1 Wikipedia page.

Da Nooz:

*According to the NYT, Trump went bananas after his conviction yesterday, but what else did you expect given the verdict?

As America began to absorb on Friday the conviction of Donald J. Trump, a first for a U.S. president, he criticized the criminal case and attacked the judge who oversaw his trial.

Mr. Trump, in a rambling and misleading 33-minute speech, derided the trial as “rigged” and made numerous false statements about what had taken place in court. His remarks came after he was found guilty on Thursday of all 34 felony counts of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened to derail his 2016 presidential campaign.

Mr. Trump, who said he would appeal the verdict, continued to attack people who testified against him in the seven-week trial, specifically his former fixer, Michael D. Cohen, the star witness for the prosecution. He also admitted that he had gotten “very upset” with his lawyers.

He called the judge, Juan M. Merchan, the “devil.”

. . . At Trump Tower on Friday, Mr. Trump reprised his usual campaign attacks on immigrants and made numerous false representations about U.S. border policies under President Biden. He falsely claimed that American children couldn’t play Little League Baseball games anymore because undocumented immigrants were setting up too many tents.

Well, I’ll venture to predict (though I won’t be able to prove it) that Trump’s conviction will hurt his election chances in November. He is a convicted felon, and among the undecided voters that could make a difference. Plus he’s a bull-goose looney.

*Democratic Senator Tim Manchin from West Virginia, always a renegade, has changed his party affiliation to “independent”.  Last winter he announced he wouldn’t be running again, but this suggests he will. And, if he’s elected, it means the Democrats will be even less able than before to count on his vote.

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia announced Friday that he has changed his party registration to independent, fueling speculation he could run for office again in November after announcing his retirement last year.

“My commitment to do everything I can to bring our country together has led me to register as an independent with no party affiliation,” Manchin wrote on X.

Manchin did not immediately say anything about his political plans. But the move allows him to possibly reconsider his plan to not seek reelection — or to run for governor, a job he previously held.

Aug. 1 is the deadline for independent candidates to file for office in West Virginia. Manchin was facing a Saturday deadline to register as an independent and still have a chance to file as an independent candidate this election.

The centrist senator announced in November 2023 that he would not run for another term, handing Republicans a likely pickup seat in solidly red West Virginia. The GOP nominee for the seat is the state’s governor, Jim Justice.

. . .For months, Manchin flirted with running for president as an independent or third-party candidate, worrying Democrats who anticipated a close rematch between President Biden and former president Donald Trump. But Manchin announced in February that he would “not be involved in a presidential run” this year.

Speculation has picked up in recent weeks that Manchin may be mulling a return to the governor’s office, though he reportedly said this week he would not enter the race. He said he is supporting the Democratic nominee, Steve Williams.

If Manchin decides to run for Senate again, he could have a fighting chance in a race that otherwise favors the GOP. CNN reported in March that Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) has talked with Manchin about running for reelection as an independent. At the time, Manchin said he did not expect to do so.

In fact, the guy is so much of a renegade that we don’t know what he’s going to do. All we can guess is that he’s going to run for something. 

*The war in Gaza, now that the IDF is operating around Rafah, has become a real mess, as the three-man war cabinet has become split about what to do. The dissent involves whether to prioritize defeating Hamas or getting the hostages released (I suspect that a lot of them are actually dead.)

As the fighting continues, the debate in Israel over the necessary next steps is becoming more intense. The issue has not set the ruling coalition against all or part of the public. Rather, the divisions bisect the government and have split the three-man war cabinet consisting of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant and Chief of the General Staff Benny Ganz. The matter of who wins this debate, along with the issue of western pressure on Israel, are likely to determine the outcome of the war.

Former Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot, an observer in the war cabinet who is closely aligned with Gantz, was, according to Israel’s Channel 12 News channel, reported to have told the Knesset’s foreign affairs and defence committee last week that Israel should pause its Rafah operation in order to conclude an agreement for the release of the 128 Israeli hostages remaining in Hamas captivity.

While Eizenkot clarified in his statement that Israel would be able to recommence the fighting at a later date, this seems to be at odds with reality. The position of the Gaza Hamas leadership throughout has been that a hostage deal was possible only if Israel were to agree to a long-term cessation of the war. So if Israel really wishes to go down the route of prioritising the release of hostages, the cost is almost certainly an admission of defeat in the eight month-long military campaign in Gaza. Defeat in this context means the cessation of hostilities without the destruction of the Hamas ruling authority in Gaza.

. . .Among those in Israel who seek an early end of the war and a central emphasis on getting hostages released, this reality is accepted, rather than blurred. Thus Zehava Golan, a former leader of the left wing Meretz party, stated the matter plainly in a column in the Haaretz newspaper on Wednesday: ‘We need to bring back the hostages via a deal now, establish a state commission of inquiry to look into the events of 7 October and the conduct of this war, and stop the war itself,’ she wrote.

On the other side, Netanyahu and his allies reject the Hamas demand for an end to the war, seeing this (accurately) as representing surrender to the Islamist movement. Netanyahu, however, in a fudge of his own, was reported to have indignantly rejected the notion that he and those around him were refusing to give the team negotiating on the issue of the hostages a mandate that could lead to a successful agreement. But given that Hamas is clearly and openly demanding the end of the war as a price for agreement, it follows logically that any negotiating mandate that clearly rejects any such outcome does in fact then undermine the chance for a successful agreement on the hostages.

The reason for both Netanyahu and Eizenkot’s obfuscations is that the Israeli mainstream debate is not yet able to openly confront the horrific nature of the strategic position into which the Hamas leadership has placed it. Namely that it must either concede defeat to the Gaza Islamists, or follow a path that may well seal the fate of the 128 remaining Israeli hostages in Gaza.

This is a horrible dilemma; you lose the hostages or risk losing your country. What should the war cabinet do? They’ll probably continue going after Rafah and leave the hostages as a secondary consideration, for Netanyahu runs the war cabinet and a majority of Israelis want the IDF to persist in Rafah.  The cold-hearted calculus might say that if you let Hamas persist in power and rescue all the hostages (Remember that we don’t know how many are still alive, and Hamas won’t say), in the long run more Israelis will die from terrorism than lives will be saved by recouping the hostages. But it’s still a horrible thing to do—making a calculus of lives. But this is an existential war for Israel, and those of us who pay attention now have to force ourselves to just sit back and try to disengage. After all, there’s little we can do.

*As always, I’ll steal three items from Nellie Bowles’s weekly summary of the news, called this week “The Trial of the Century of the Week“. Actually, I’ll steal four this week so I can slip in the loon Candace Owens:

→ What Chinese propaganda? A new poll of young people by the firm Blueprint finds that a huge percentage of them think America is basically hell. Specifically, they see it as “a dying empire led by bad people.” Also: they need a ride to lacrosse practice. Some 51 percent agreed that the U.S. political system “doesn’t work for people like me,” and 64 percent supported the idea that “America is in decline.” Only 26 percent think it matters who wins the next election. Now, I’m not going to say this can be traced back entirely to the fact that the youth have hooked their eyes to a Chinese propaganda machine, but it does raise the question. Like, I’m not happy about our presidential choices either, but I do think things are different if one or the other is chosen. Does that make me a patriot?

→ Candace Owens going full crazy: Our favorite right-wing influencer is not antisemitic but is just obsessed with the Jews, specifically tracking how various evil acts and empires in history can all be traced to Jewish influence. This is the vibe these days: “I will grant you that Stalin’s ancestry is still hotly debated. My Georgian friend tells me that his real name ‘Djugashivilli’ literally translates into ‘child of Judah’ and that everyone in Georgia knows he was Jewish but that is hearsay and hardly admissible as a fact. What we do know for a fact is that Stalin spoke Yiddish and his three wives were all Jews.” Hmm. Candace’s rantings—to her more than 5 million followers on Twitter/X alone—continue.  [See this refutation of Owen’s tweet “the vibe”.]

Here are a few tweets I found by Candace Owens (click to go to tweet).  She has 5.1 MILLION followers.

→ The polling problem is Biden, not Dems: Democratic Senate candidates in swing states are doing great, according to a new poll from the quite reliable Cook Political Report. While Biden is projected to lose to Trump in the noted states, the Dems’ Senate candidates are doing extremely well. Many are differentiating themselves from the Biden administration on unpopular-for-Dems issues like the border, in that they’re arguing they don’t want a fully open border. They’re playing up their pro-choice bona fides and displaying their youth and virility through confident, youthful exhibitions like cheering in jerseys at a soccer game. Makes you wonder: If Biden had stepped aside for another candidate, would Trump be in the lead right now? The poll results image is best on desktop, unfortunately for my cell phone readers:

→ Campus update: Harvard’s Students for Justice in Palestine group called for an escalation of “intifada,” which historically means attacks on Jews: “Escalate protests to an open intifada in every capital and city.” Columbia’s chapter of the same influential club explained: “Supporting a 2 state solution is an inherently zionist position as zionism means that you believe in Israel’s right to exist.” And Harvard’s commencement speaker, journalist Maria A. Ressa, defended herself against allegations of antisemitism with more antisemitism in her speech: “I was. . . called antisemitic by power and money because they want power and money.” Well, that clears that one up.

And then all of a sudden, Harvard decided to slow down on weighing in. They’re out of the condemnation game, they say, mostly, at least right now, maybe not forever.

*In the latest Weekly Dish, “The consistency of their genius,” Andrew Sullivan leaves the Trump conviction to one side and analyzes two pop-culture phenomena that he admires, the musical group The Pet Shop boys and the television show “South Park.”

In fact, I want to celebrate what still rocks my world: the staggeringly consistent, supremely intelligent, and self-assured genius of two unique duos still powering forward in two different worlds: South Park and Pet Shop Boys.

That those brand names are more recognizable than their creators — Matt Stone and Trey Parker, Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe — tells you something of what they have in common: a commitment to their own unique creativity, rather than their fame, and the discipline and grit to explore it for decades. Anti-celebrities, in their time but never of it, perfectionist but unafraid of failure, these two duos are proof, it seems to me, that a democratic culture, even one as decadent as ours, can still spawn excellence and intelligence, spanning high and low, and generating what I can only call joy.

South Park is going into its 27th season. And it has rarely been better. (I simply can’t believe so many people I meet say they haven’t watched in years. You’ve been missing out!) The new special on obesity — a deft masterclass of social commentary — has a brutal takedown of suburban white women jonesing for doses of Ozempic like meth-heads; a definitive — and musical! — digression into the insanity of the American healthcare system; pure, character-driven humor in a figure like Randy Marsh — a far subtler parody of the average American male than Homer Simpson; and, of course, Eric Cartman — the “big-boned” fat-ass kid whose capacity for pure evil was first truly captured in the epic “Scott Tenorman Must Die.”

You can read books on Ozempic, scan op-eds, absorb TikToks, and even listen to the Dishcast! — but nothing out there captures every single possible social and medical and psychological wrinkle of this new drug than this hour of crude cartoons. Yes, there are fart jokes. There are always fart jokes. But fart jokes amid a sophisticated and deeply informed parody of insurance companies? Or, in other episodes, toilet humor guiding us through the cowardice of Disney, the dopey vanity of Kanye, the wokification of Hollywood, the exploitation of black college athletes, the evil of cable companies, the hollowness of hate-crime laws, the creepiness of Christian rock, or the money-making behind legal weed? Only South Park pulls this off. Only South Park gets away with all of it.

It’s a 1990s high-low formula at root, sophisticated cultural and political knowingness married to crude cartoons, silly accents, m’kay, and a talking Christmas turd, Mr Hankey. Generationally, it really marked a moment when merging these two worlds seemed the most creative option — not an abandonment of seriousness, but the attachment of a humane levity to it. South Park can be brutal, but it is never cruel. Unless you’re Barbra Streisand or Bono. And virtually every character (even Eric) is redeemable. Except Meghan Markle.

I don’t get cable t.v., not because I can’t afford it pecuniarily but because I can’t afford it timewise or mentally: there are too many books to read. But when I read a paean like the one above, it does make me sad that I don’t watch the show.  The episodes I’ve seen I have liked, but isnt that true of a lot of television shows.   I can afford to get hooked on new shows when there are places to see and books to read.  (This, of course, is just my subjective preferences and I don’t fault anyone who stays glued to the t.v. Wait a minute: yes I do. I don’t fault people who are selective in what t.v. they watch.

Meanwhile in Dobrzyn, Hili is down by the Vistula River, having walkies with Malgorzata and Andrzej:

Hili: May we return home? A: Why? Hili: There is something alarming in the air. In Polish: Hili:: Czy możemy wrócić do domu? Ja: Dlaczego? Hili: Jest coś niepokojącego w powietrzu.


From Science Humor:

From America’s Cultural Decline Into Idiocy:

From Strange, Stupid, or Silly Signs:

From Masih (translation from the Turkish):

Masih Alinejad, who escaped from Iran to Europe and ran freely on the streets of London, made the following comment under the photo he shared on social media: “A God who is ashamed of my hair cannot be my God”

İran’dan Avrupa’ya kaçıp Londra sokaklarda özgürce koşan Masih Alinejad, sosyal medyada paylaştığı fotoğrafın altına şu yorumu yaptı:

“Benim saçımdan utanan Tanrı, benim Tanrım olamaz”

— Uzaktan Gelen (@Uzaktan_Gelen_) May 30, 2024

From Luana. The free speech that was affirmed was that of the National Rifle Association, and though I dislike them intensely, I also think that their free speech rights must be preserved regardless of how odious they are. From CBS News:

The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled in favor of the National Rifle Association in a dispute over whether its free speech rights were violated when the top financial regulator for New York state pushed banks and insurance companies to sever ties with the gun rights group.

The court said in a unanimous opinion written by Justice Sonia Sotomayor that the NRA “plausibly alleged” that the New York regulator violated the First Amendment by coercing regulated entities to end their business relationships with the NRA in order to “punish or suppress” the group’s pro-gun rights advocacy.

“The critical takeaway is that the First Amendment prohibits government officials from wielding their power selectively to punish or suppress speech, directly or (as alleged here) through private intermediaries,” Sotomayor wrote.

This morning, the Supreme Court unanimously reaffirmed a foundational First Amendment principle: “A government official cannot coerce a private party to punish or suppress disfavored speech on her behalf.”

The Court held the @NRA plausibly alleged New York state officials…

— FIRE (@TheFIREorg) May 30, 2024

Emmanuel the Emu is being bad again, but so is Princess the Deer. But there’s also a baby bat having a nosh.

stop what you’re doing and look at this baby bat eating a strawberry

— Mirthful Moments (@moment_mirthful) May 30, 2024

From Larry the Cat via Simon:

First they came for Donald Trump and I… was relieved, as I’d been waiting ages for them to come for Donald Trump.

— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) May 31, 2024

These tigers must be married:

“That’s my side of the bed”

— Science girl (@gunsnrosesgirl3) May 6, 2024

From the Auschwitz Memorial, a girl gassed on arrival at the camp. She was 12.

1 June 1931 | Dutch Jewish girl Leontine Juliette Susan was born in Amsterdam.

In November 1943 she was deported to #Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber.

— Auschwitz Memorial (@AuschwitzMuseum) June 1, 2024

Two tweets from Dr. Cobb. First, live and learn:

A tiny fern from New Caledonia was found to have the largest genome of any living organism.

If unraveled, the DNA contained in a single cell would stand taller than the Statue of Liberty.

Read more @YaleE360:

— Yale Environment 360 (@YaleE360) May 31, 2024

And a big Martian cloud:

Categories: Science

George Takach — Cold War 2.0: Artificial Intelligence in the New Battle between China, Russia, and America feed - Sat, 06/01/2024 - 12:00am Download MP3

So much of what we hear about China and Russia today likens the relationship between these two autocracies and the West to a “rivalry” or a “great-power competition.” Some might consider it alarmist to say we are in the midst of a second Cold War, but that may be the only responsible way to describe today’s state of affairs.

What’s more, we have come a long way from Mao Zedong’s infamous observation that “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Now we live in an age more aptly described by Vladimir Putin’s cryptic prophecy that “artificial intelligence is the future not only of Russia, but of all mankind, and whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become ruler of the world.”

George S. Takach’s incisive and meticulously researched new volume, Cold War 2.0, is the book we need to thoroughly understand these frightening and perilous times. In the geopolitical sphere, there are no more pressing issues than the appalling mechanizations of a surveillance state in China, Russia’s brazen attempt to assert its autocratic model in Ukraine, and China’s increasingly likely plans to do the same in Taiwan.

But the key here, Takach argues, is that our new Cold War is not only ideological but technological: the side that prevails in Cold War 2.0 will be the one that bests the other in mastering the greatest innovations of our time. Artificial intelligence sits in our pockets every day—but what about AI that coordinates military operations and missile defense systems? Or the highly sophisticated semiconductor chips and quantum computers that power those missiles and a host of other weapons? And, where recently we have seen remarkable feats of bio-engineering to produce vaccines at record speed, shouldn’t we be concerned how catastrophic it would be if bio-engineering were co-opted for nefarious purposes?

Takach thoroughly examines how each of these innovations will shape the tension between democracy and autocracy, and how each will play a central role in this second Cold War. Finally, he crafts a precise blueprint for how Western democracies should handle these innovations to respond to the looming threat of autocracy—and ultimately prevail over it.

George S. Takach holds a bachelor’s degree in history, political economy, and philosophy from the University of Toronto; a graduate degree from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University; and a law degree from the University of Toronto. For forty years, he practiced technology law at McCarthy Tétrault, Canada’s premier law firm. He has written three books on technology law/tech commercial subjects. Cold War 2.0: Artificial Intelligence in the New Battle between China, Russia, and America is his first book for a general audience. He lives in Toronto.

Shermer and Takach discuss:

  • Mao Zedong, 1927: “Political Power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”
  • Vladimir Putin: “artificial intelligence is the future not only of Russia, but of all mankind, and whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become ruler of the world.”
  • What is AI and what will it be able to do in the coming decades?
  • China’s surveillance state
  • Russia and Ukraine
  • Cold War 1.0: Autocracy, Democracy and Technology
  • Cold War 2.0: AI and Autocracy and Democracy
  • semiconductor chip supremacy
  • quantum computing
  • biotechnology
  • China and Taiwan
  • How China’s invasion of Taiwan is likely to unfold, and what the U.S. can do about it.

If you enjoy the podcast, please show your support by making a $5 or $10 monthly donation.

Categories: Critical Thinking, Skeptic

Planetary Protection: Why study it? What can it teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Universe Today Feed - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 8:30pm

Universe Today has recently investigated a plethora of scientific disciplines, including impact craters, planetary surfaces, exoplanets, astrobiology, solar physics, comets, planetary atmospheres, planetary geophysics, cosmochemistry, meteorites, radio astronomy, extremophiles, organic chemistry, black holes, and cryovolcanism, while conveying their importance of how each of them continues to teach researchers and the public about our place in the vast universe.

Here, we investigate the field of planetary protection, which involves preventing Earth-born organisms from contaminating other worlds or interfering with scientific analyses on those worlds, along with preventing contamination to Earth from returned samples. To investigate this, we present a 2023 paper in Acta Astronautica with additional insights from the study’s lead author, Dr. Athena Coustenis, who serves as the Chair of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Panel on Planetary Protection (PPP), regarding what planetary protection can teach us about finding life beyond Earth, exciting aspects about planetary protection, and advice for upcoming students who wish to study planetary protection.

The paper discusses the importance of planetary protection regarding space exploration, stating, “Planetary protection enables scientific return from solar system bodies investigations and at the same time protects life on Earth. As we continue to explore our solar system by landing machines and humans on other planets, we need to ascertain that we do not bring potentially dangerous material home to Earth or carry anything from Earth that may contaminate another planetary body and prevent scientific investigations.”

The paper discusses in greater detail the COSPAR PPP and its primary goals, including offering advice or guidance to government or private space-faring organizations and ensuring extraterrestrial samples returned from outer space do not contaminate the Earth, and specifically its biosphere. Additionally, the paper discusses recent policy actions taken by the PPP for the continued exploration of the Moon, Mars, and icy moons such as Europa, Enceladus, and Titan.

For the Moon, PPP recommended steps that need to be taken to prevent potential contamination of the permanently shadowed regions of the Moon, which are hypothesized to contain large quantities of water ice and are of significant interest for the upcoming Artemis missions. For Mars, the PPP focused on safeguarding more advanced scientific endeavors, including drilling, older areas of Mars that have yet to be explored, and sample return missions, to prevent contamination of potential scientific results and Earth’s biosphere, as well.

For icy moons, which the paper notes as being “possible habitable environments”, the PPP has already expressed concerns about exploring these worlds with the Planetary Protection of the Outer Solar System (PPOOS), which was led by the European Science Foundation and funded by the European Commission and is in the process of seeking additional insights in the future. Therefore, with these intriguing worlds being considered for exploration, what can planetary protection teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Dr. Coustenis tells Universe Today, “Finding ways to preserve scientific research in our solar system helps the quest for finding life elsewhere and protecting our own biosphere during space exploration is essential for life on Earth. Working to that end with a large group of scientists, agency representatives and other expert stakeholders is one of the most rewarding activities in my career. The valuable outcome which represents thorough, long-term studies and reviews of knowledge is achieved through consensus and distributed to the large community. We are very excited to be able to offer such a service to the community via the COSPAR Panel on Planetary Protection.”

Along with serving as Chair of the COSPAR PPP, Dr. Coustenis has extensive research experience regarding planetary surfaces and atmospheres, specifically outer solar system objects like Europa, Ganymede, Titan, and Enceladus, as these worlds are targets for future astrobiology research. Additionally, Dr. Coustenis’ research extends far beyond the solar system as she has helped distinguish and characterize exoplanetary atmospheres, as well. Regarding planetary protection, some notable publications include being a co-author on a March 2024 paper discussing planetary protection for a future crewed Mars mission and a 2023 paper discussing COSPAR requirements for exploring Venus. Given her knowledge and experience regarding planetary protection, what are some of the most exciting aspects about planetary protection that Dr. Coustenis has encountered during her career?

Dr. Coustenis tells Universe Today, “We have recently worked on the Moon exploration requirements to preserve the poles and the regions where liquid water could be found at some periods of time and are currently working on the missions that will explore icy worlds, like the moons of our giant planets that harbor liquid water oceans underneath their surfaces, as well as organic chemistry and energy sources. These could be habitable environments that we need to explore with care.”

As noted in the Acta Astronautica paper, the field of planetary protection requires international collaboration not only from a multitude of scientists, but also engineers, as they are the individuals responsible for building the spacecraft that are sent to far-off worlds for scientific exploration. Other disciplines that contribute to planetary protection include geology, physics, geophysics, biotechnology, astrobiology, biomedical, planetary science. It is through this constant collaboration of scientists, engineers, and medical professionals that planetary protection has successfully prevented contamination of planetary bodies outside the Earth, but also preventing contamination of the Earth from returned samples. Therefore, what advice can Dr. Coustenis offer to upcoming students who wish to pursue a career in planetary protection?

Dr. Coustenis tells Universe Today, “Planetary protection offers the possibility to contribute coming from many different fields, scientific, engineering, economic or legal. We need all these varied points of view in order to accomplish adequate characterizations of space missions and related requirements and also to establish the real value of planetary protection, the enabling capacity of this tool and to spread the word about what we do and how others can contribute, in particular the younger generations. So, we encourage students and early-career space aficionados to join COSPAR and learn more about our work and that of other commissions and panels within its structure so as to be able also to position themselves and engage with the space community.”

How will planetary protection teach us about our place in the cosmos in the coming years and decades? Only time will tell, and this is why we science!

As always, keep doing science & keep looking up!

The post Planetary Protection: Why study it? What can it teach us about finding life beyond Earth? appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Science

New Telescope Images of Io are so Good, it Looks like a Spacecraft Took Them

Universe Today Feed - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 8:08pm

The Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), located on Mount Graham in Arizona and run by the University of Arizona, is part of the next generation of extremely large telescopes (ELTs). With two primary mirrors measuring 8.4 m (~27.5 ft), it has a collecting area slightly greater than that of a 30-meter (98.4 ft) telescope. With their resolution, adaptive optics, and sophisticated instruments, these telescopes are expected to probe deeper into the Universe and provide stunning images of everything from distant galaxies to objects in our Solar System.

An international team led by the University of Arizona recently acquired images of Jupiter’s moon Io that were the highest-resolution pictures ever taken by a ground-based telescope. The images revealed surface features measuring just 80 km (50 mi) across, a spatial resolution previously reserved for spacecraft. This includes NASA’s Juno mission, which has captured some of the most stunning images of Io’s volcanoes. These images were made possible by the LBT’s new SHARK-VIS instrument and the telescope’s adaptive optics system.

The team was led by Al Conrad, an Associate Staff Scientist with the University of Arizona’s Department of Astronomy, the Stewart Observatory, and the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory (LBTO). He was joined by researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, the California Institute of Technology, and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Their paper, “Observation of Io’s Resurfacing via Plume Deposition Using Ground-Based Adaptive Optics at Visible Wavelengths With LBT SHARK-VIS (GRL),” and the LBT images are set to be published in the Geophysical Research Letters.

The Large Binocular Telescope, showing the two imaging mirrors. Credit: NASA

SHARK-VIS is a high-contrast optical coronagraphic imaging instrument designed and built at INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma. The instrument is fed by the refurbished LBT extreme Adaptive Optics system, called the Single conjugated adaptive Optics Upgrade for LBT (SOUL). It was installed in 2023 on the LBT along with the near-infrared instrument, SHARK-NIR, to take advantage of the telescope’s outstanding adaptive optics system. The key to the instrument is its fast, ultra-low-noise “fast imaging” camera that captures slow-motion footage that freezes the optical distortions caused by atmospheric interference.

Gianluca Li Causi, the data processing manager for SHARK-VIS at the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics, explained how it works in a recent University of Arizona News release:

“We process our data on the computer to remove any trace of the sensor’s electronic footprint. We then select the best frames and combine them using a highly efficient software package called Kraken, developed by our colleagues Douglas Hope and Stuart Jefferies from Georgia State University. Kraken allows us to remove atmospheric effects, revealing Io in incredible sharpness.”

The SHARK-VIS image was so rich in detail that it allowed the researchers to identify a major resurfacing event around Pele, one of Io’s largest volcanoes located in the southern hemisphere near the equator (and named after the Hawaiin deity associated with fire and volcanoes). The image shows a plume deposit around Pele covered by eruption deposits from Pillan Patera, a neighboring volcano. NASA’s Galileo spacecraft observed a similar eruption sequence while exploring the Jupiter system between 1995 and 2003. However, this was the first time an Earth-based observatory took such detailed images.

An artist’s concept of the interior of Io. Credit: Kelvinsong/Wikimedia

“We interpret the changes as dark lava deposits and white sulfur dioxide deposits originating from an eruption at Pillan Patera, which partially cover Pele’s red, sulfur-rich plume deposit,” said co-author Ashley Davies, a principal scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “Before SHARK-VIS, such resurfacing events were impossible to observe from Earth.” Io is the innermost of Jupiter’s largest moons (aka. Galilean moons), which include Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Since NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft flew through the Jupiter system in 1979, scientists have been fascinated by Io and its volcanic features.

Along with Europa and Ganymede, Io is locked in a 1:2:4 orbital resonance, where Europa makes two orbits for every orbit made by Ganymede, and Io makes four. Between its interaction with these moons and Jupiter’s powerful gravity, Io’s interior is constantly flexing, producing hot lava that erupts through the surface. While telescopes have taken infrared images that revealed hot spots caused by eruptions, they are not sharp enough to reveal surface details or identify the locations of the eruptions. By monitoring the eruptions on Io’s surface, scientists hope to gain insights into the tidal heating mechanism responsible for Io’s intense volcanism.

“Io, therefore, presents a unique opportunity to learn about the mighty eruptions that helped shape the surfaces of the Earth and the moon in their distant pasts,” said Conrad. Studies like this one, he added, will help researchers understand why some planets have active volcanoes while others do not. For instance, while Venus is thought to still be volcanically active, Mars is home to the largest volcanoes in the Solar System but is inactive. These studies may also shed light on volcanic exoplanets someday, helping astronomers to identify geological activity on distant planets (a possible indication of habitability).

SHARK-VIS instrument scientist Simone Antoniucci anticipates that it will enable new observations of objects throughout the Solar System with similar sharpness, revealing all manner of features that would otherwise require spacecraft.”The keen vision of SHARK-VIS is particularly suited to observing the surfaces of many solar system bodies, not only the moons of giant planets but also asteroids,” he said. “We have already observed some of those, with the data currently being analyzed, and are planning to observe more.”

Further Reading: University of Arizona

The post New Telescope Images of Io are so Good, it Looks like a Spacecraft Took Them appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Science

Overcoming barriers to heat pump adoption in cold climates and avoiding the 'energy poverty trap'

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 11:50am
Converting home heating systems from natural gas furnaces to electric heat pumps is seen as a way to address climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Categories: Science

This self-powered sensor could make MRIs more efficient

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 11:50am
MRI scans are commonly used to diagnose a variety of conditions, anything from liver disease to brain tumors. But, as anyone who has been through one knows, patients must remain completely still to avoid blurring the images and requiring a new scan. A prototype device could change that. The self-powered sensor detects movement and shuts down an MRI scan in real time, improving the process for patients and technicians.
Categories: Science


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