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Precise stirring conditions key to optimizing nanostructure synthesis

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 8:52am
Stirring allows for homogenization and efficient gas exchange -- this fact has been known for decades. Controlling the stirring rate during the nanocluster synthesis is pivotal in achieving nanostructures with well-defined sizes, structures, optical properties, and stability.
Categories: Science

Effective new catalyst brings hope for cleaner energy, wastewater treatment, and green chemistry

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 8:52am
A catalyst that significantly enhances ammonia conversion could improve wastewater treatment, green chemical and hydrogen production.
Categories: Science

Imaging technique uncovers protein abnormality in motor neurone disease

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 8:52am
Researchers have used a new technique to identify pathological abnormalities associated with motor neurone disease.
Categories: Science

Chemists develop new sustainable reaction for creating unique molecular building blocks

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 8:52am
Polymers can be thought of like trains: Just as a train is composed of multiple cars, polymers are made up of multiple monomers, and the couplings between the train cars are similar to the chemical bonds that link monomers together. While polymers have myriad applications -- from drug delivery to construction materials -- their structures and functions are restricted by the chemically similar monomer building blocks they're composed of. Now, chemists have developed a new reaction to create unique monomers in a controlled way. This reaction, which uses nickel as a catalyst, ultimately enables scientists to create polymers with unique and modifiable properties for drug delivery, energy storage, microelectronics and more.
Categories: Science

Artificial compound eye to revolutionize robotic vision at lower cost but higher sensitivity

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 8:52am
A research team has recently developed a novel artificial compound eye system that is not only more cost-effective, but demonstrates a sensitivity at least twice that of existing market products in small areas. The system promises to revolutionize robotic vision, enhance robots' abilities in navigation, perception and decision-making, while promoting commercial application and further development in human-robot collaboration.
Categories: Science

Artificial compound eye to revolutionize robotic vision at lower cost but higher sensitivity

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 8:52am
A research team has recently developed a novel artificial compound eye system that is not only more cost-effective, but demonstrates a sensitivity at least twice that of existing market products in small areas. The system promises to revolutionize robotic vision, enhance robots' abilities in navigation, perception and decision-making, while promoting commercial application and further development in human-robot collaboration.
Categories: Science

Exploring the impact of attentional uniqueness and attentional allocation on firm growth

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 8:52am
Researchers posit that a balance between attentional uniqueness and allocation can positively impact a firm's growth.
Categories: Science

Breakthrough in molecular control: New bioinspired double helix with switchable chirality

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 8:52am
The control of artificial double-helical structures, which are essential for the development of high-order molecular systems, remains difficult. In a new study, researchers have developed novel double-helical monometallofoldamers that exhibit controllable helicity inversion and chiral information transfer, in response to external stimuli. These monometallofoldamers can lead to novel artificial supramolecular systems for molecular information transmission, amplification, replication, and other exciting applications in various fields of technology.
Categories: Science

Uncovering recent hidden grave sites in Mexico with satellite data

New Scientist Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 7:37am
Researchers in Mexico are using satellite data to find covert graves – these could hold the remains of some of the thousands of people who have gone missing in the country over the past two decades
Categories: Science

Smartphone flaw allows hackers and governments to map your home

New Scientist Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 6:00am
A newly identified smartphone vulnerability can reveal the floor plans of where you are and what you are doing - and it is possible that companies or intelligence agencies are already making use of it
Categories: Science

AI and User Manuals

neurologicablog Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 5:02am

About half of Americans, when asked, report that they don’t read the user manual for new technical devices they acquire. Although I suspect that many people are like me – I read them sometimes, and then only partly. If there is a “quick user guide” I will often look at that. These are helpful quick summaries with just the critical bits of information you need. But often I give it a go by myself and then only consult the guide for troubleshooting. I do this partly because I want to see how intuitive the device or app is.

But of course there are situations where this approach is not adequate, especially when assembling something complex or using an entirely unfamiliar and complicated piece of technology. In these situations I find, most of the time (with a few happy exceptions) that the instructions are terrible. Sometimes they were clearly written by someone for whom English is a second language. Or the instructions are entirely pictoral (I guess to be language neutral). Other times it seems they were written by engineers who lack the ability to communicate effectively their arcane craft to the general public. I think this is why many people try to bypass the instructions – they are often terrible and frustrating.

In industry, however, this option may not exist. Further, the instructions may need to be highly technical, which is great if you are already an expert but may be challenging for most users.

This is where artificial intelligence enters the picture. Large language model AIs, like Chat GPT, can “read” material and then answer questions about that material, or even give a summary. I have used Chat GPT to analyze a scientific study, then asked it to find specific information within the study or explain certain findings, and it does pretty well. The idea, therefore, is to feed an entire technical user manual into an LLM and then ask it specific questions or have it give a summary or perhaps step-by-step guide.

There are also at least two companies who have made AIs specifically designed for this task (rather than using an all-purpose LLM). One is Aveva who has made an LLM that can read a technical manual and then act as a resource for a user. It can work you through a process, suggest troubleshooting options, or answer specific questions. The idea is that this will be much faster than looking through a manual that might be hundreds of pages long. It will also be more convenient than having to access a more experienced engineer for help.

Another product, CreatorPro by Dozuki, creates the user manual itself. An engineer can make a video of themselves walking through a process, such as assembling a piece of equipment, and then software will make a user manual from the video.

I have not used either of these products so I cannot review how they actually function. Since they are dedicated to this specific task I would assume that they are better at it than Chat GPT or other all-purpose LLMs, which are already pretty good. This is exactly where I hoped the AI community would be going – using the basic technology to develop specific applications. For example, it would be great to have an AI app designed for medical use, actually many medical uses. There are many already is preliminary use or in the works, but I can imagine a future where AI would read most diagnostic studies and present their findings to the physician – EKGs, MRI and CT scans, EEGs, Ultrasounds, etc. AI is good at being thorough, while humans have a tendency to miss stuff.

Also, reading some studies can be tedious. As a fellow one of my tasks was to listen to 24 hour EEG recordings (at fast speed) to listen for any seizure activity. I had to pay attention for hours to go through the recordings for the week. Now we already have software that can automatically detect probable seizures, but the newer AIs can likely do more thorough analysis. This would then open up the possibilities for diagnostic tests that generate lots of data – too much to be practical for humans to go through, but AIs can.

Getting back to user manuals, I would love to see a near future in which I never have to crack open a user manual again. A new purchase will simply come with a URL or QR code leading to an AI app that will be an interactive user manual. An AI expert assistant could walk you through any task, answer questions, and show you helpful images that it can also explain as necessary. Further, it would likely be possible for such an AI to be trained by every interaction with a user, so it gets better at anticipating mistakes and misunderstandings.

While this would be great, I do think it would add to the general trend of humans outsources our thinking to software. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is interesting to think about. Prior to ubiquitous computers, I had to actually remember phone numbers, and know how to navigate a map. Now I just do whatever the GPS tells me to do.  Make not mistake, I would not want to go back to a pre-GPS world. But I do think we need to pay attention to and be thoughtful about unintended consequences from overreliance on AI assistants. This theme has been explored in science fiction, depicting an end-stage of completely infantile and dependent humanity utterly helpless without their AI/robotic caretakers. Sometimes it is a good experience to go through the frustration of having to figure something out on your own.

The post AI and User Manuals first appeared on NeuroLogica Blog.

Categories: Skeptic

A common low-calorie sweetener raises the risk of blood clotting

New Scientist Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 3:00am
A small study found that the sugar substitute erythritol makes blood more susceptible to clotting, which can raise the risk of heart attack and stroke
Categories: Science

Thursday: Hili dialogue

Why Evolution is True Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 1:56am

Meanwhile, in Dobrzyn, the cats seem not to like grilled food:

Hili: We have a picnic. Szaron: It’s a good thing that it’s not grilled


Hili: Mamy piknik.
Szaron: Dobrze, że nie grill.

Categories: Science

The Hypocrisy Is The Point. Doctors Who Said Not To Mix Politics & Medicine.

Science-based Medicine Feed - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 12:18am

Hypocritical articles on politics and medicine weren't really about politics and medicine, they were a message- the standards we set for you, don't apply to us and everyone knows it.

The post The Hypocrisy Is The Point. Doctors Who Said Not To Mix Politics & Medicine. first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.
Categories: Science

A surprisingly wide range of bacteria live inside microwaves

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 08/07/2024 - 10:00pm
Microwaves in homes, offices and laboratories have been found to host diverse microbiomes, highlighting the importance of regular cleaning
Categories: Science

New Study Suggests that Our Galaxy is Crowded or Empty. Both are Equally Terrifying!

Universe Today Feed - Wed, 08/07/2024 - 7:59pm

Is there intelligent life in the Universe? And if so, just how common is it? Or perhaps the question should be, what are the odds that those engaged in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) will encounter it someday? For decades, scientists have hotly debated this topic, and no shortage of ink has been spilled on the subject. From the many papers and studies that have been written on the subject, two main camps have emerged: those who believe life is common in our galaxy (aka. SETI Optimists) and those who maintain that extraterrestrial intelligence is either rare or non-existent (SETI Pessimists).

In a recent paper, David Kipping (Prof. “Cool Worlds” himself) and Geraint Lewis examined this debate more closely and offered a fresh take based on a form of probability analysis known as Jayne’s Experiment. By applying this method to astrobiology and the Drake Equation, they concluded that the existence of intelligent life in our galaxy may be an “all or nothing” proposition. To quote the late and great scientist and science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke: “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”

David Kipping is an Associate Professor of Astronomy at Columbia University and a Carl Sagan Fellow at the Harvard College Observatory. He is also the Principle Investigator of the Cool Worlds Lab at Columbia, which is dedicated to studying and characterizing exoplanet systems. Geraint Lewis is a Professor of Astrophysics at the Sydney Institute for Astronomy, part of the University of Sydney’s School of Physics. Their paper, “Do SETI Optimists Have a Fine-Tuning Problem?” recently appeared online and is being reviewed for publication in the International Journal of Astrobiology.

The Drake Equation

In 1961, famed astronomer Frank Drake hosted the first SETI meeting ever at the Greenbank Observatory in West Virginia. In preparation for the event, he created an equation summarizing the challenges SETI researchers faced. This came to be known as the Drake Equation and is expressed mathematically as:

N = R* × fp × ne × fl × fi × fc × L


  • N is the number of currently active, communicative civilizations in our galaxy.
  • R* is the rate at which stars form in our galaxy.
  • fp is the fraction of stars with planets.
  • ne is the number of planets that can potentially host life, per star that has planets.
  • fl is the fraction of the above that actually do develop life of any kind.
  • fi is the fraction of the above that develop intelligent life.
  • fc is the fraction of the above that develop the capacity for interstellar communication.
  • L is the length of time that such communicative civilizations are active.

The Drake Equation was not intended to estimate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations (ETCs) in our galaxy but to stimulate dialogue about SETI. Since Drake first formulated it, the equation has been subject to criticism, additions, and revisions and has often been misrepresented in the process. As Prof. Kipping explained to Universe Today via email, part of the problem is how values are often arbitrarily applied to the parameters:

“Since we don’t know most of the parameters, this is just pure speculation, and it should be labeled as such. Another point often missed is that it represents the mean number of civilizations and, thus, an expectation value of some underlying distribution. These days, it’s become a bit of a sport to critique the Drake equation. Certainly, anyone using it as a calculator should be fairly criticized, but the basic idea is not wrong. There must be some number of civilizations out there, and we could, in principle, collect relevant parameters to calculate it. The issues arise in the exact formulation, which parameters to include, what they really mean, and how to deal with nuances like time variability.”

Jayne’s Experiment

Edwin Jaynes (1922-1998) was the Wayman Crow Distinguished Professor of Physics at Washington University in St. Louis. In 1968, he imagined an experiment where a person in a lab is presented with a jar containing an unknown and unlabelled compound (chemical X). Along a laboratory bench, there are a large number of beakers filled with water, and the experiment is to test how often chemical X will dissolve within them. Jaynes argued that one should expect the compound to either dissolve in nearly every instance or almost never.

The function of the Haldane prior (F –1(1 – F ) –1) that captures this behavior. Credit: D. Kipping & G. Lewis (2024).

When plotted on a graph, the probability distribution would be bowl-shaped, with values peeking at 0 and 1. As Kipping explained in more detail:

“Jaynes imagined a series of what we call Bernoulli experiments – that is, experiments that return yes/no answers. These could be anything really, but as an example, he imagined dissolving an unknown chemical into a series of beakers containing water and then asking – what fraction of them will dissolve? Another scientist, the legendary John Haldane, had already suggested that an answer of ~50% was unlikely a-priori. One should expect that either nearly all of them will dissolve or hardly any.

“Jaynes rigorously proved that and pioneered many of the tools of objective Bayesian inference. We can equally replace the Bernoulli experiment under consideration to other questions, like what fraction of stars will become a black hole? Before obtaining any observations, an answer of ~50% would be surprising, implying that the distribution of stellar masses is finely balanced such that half are above the critical mass threshold and half below. In reality the answer is one-in-a-thousand, which falls in line with Jayne’s position.”

Because of his immense contributions to the field of statistics, Jaynes is credited with being one of the founders of “Objective Bayesianism.” While his experiment was not intended as such, Kipping and Lewis saw its potential application in astrobiology.

All or Nothing?

In his seminal 1983 paper, “The Great Silence – the Controversy Concerning Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life,” David Brin addressed the ongoing debate regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life. From this, he discerned the presence of two camps when it came to the debate: “Contact Optimists” and “Contact Pessimists” – or as Kipping and Lewis refer to them in their paper, “SETI Optimists” and “SETI Pessimists” – those who believe that there are civilizations in our galaxy humanity can make contact with and those who believe it is fruitless since humanity is alone in the Universe.

When Jaynes’ Experiment is applied to the question of intelligent life in our galaxy, we should expect that it would either be very common or very rare. In the middle, where the probability distribution is weakest (i.e., extraterrestrial life is semi-common), is where the “fine-tuning problem” emerges. In the context of cosmology and astrobiology, fine-tuning refers to the proposition that the conditions for life can occur only when certain universal constants lie within a very narrow range of values.

If any of these fundamental constants were slightly different, the Universe would not be conducive to the development of matter, large-scale structures, or life as we know it. As Kipping explained, this presents a problem for SETI Optimists:

“Unlike the black hole example I gave you earlier, there’s no lower bounds on this problem. With black holes, we know the smallest and biggest allowed star mass from astrophysics and it’s only a few orders of magnitude. The black hole threshold must be in that fairly narrow range somewhere. When it comes to aliens, the probability of intelligence could be 1% or 0.000….00001% (add as many zero’s as you like).

“With a such a vast range of possibilities, SETI optimists have to believe the rather contrived view that the % value is not so high that we wouldn’t see anyone yet, but certainly far higher than the deep abyss of low probabilities that are plausible. Thus they have a fine-tuning problem essentially, needing the percentage to live in a fairly narrow corridor.”

If our galaxy were filled with extraterrestrial civilizations, surely there would be undeniable signs that we would have noticed—i.e., radio signals, megastructures, Clarke Bands, and other “technosignatures.” If this is starting to sound familiar, it’s because this argument is the very core of the Fermi Paradox (which we have written an entire series about!) As such, one could construe Kipping and Lewis’ argument as an example of SETI Pessimism. Luckily, the story does not end there.

A New Formalism

Faced with this result, Kipping and Lewis attempted to devise a new formalism for the Drake Equation that considers just two processes: the birth rate and the death rate of civilizations. When this is done, all of the parameters in the equation (except for L, the lifespan of civilizations) collapse into a single parameter: the birth and death rate of civilizations (rc). Or as it would appear mathematically: NC = rc x LC. Said Kipping:

“In the standard Drake equation, we often get caught up arguing about which parameters to include (should there be a fraction for the probability of life developing into multicellular life, for example). But it’s completely undeniable that every civilisations must have a beginning and an end, in fact we can even set the death rate to zero which corresponds to infinite lifetimes if we so desire in this framework. In an ecological system, like a petri dish, for example, there is a well-defined maximum possible population that we call the carrying capacity. So, we updated the birth-death version of the Drake equation to account for this nuance.”

Kipping and Lewis’s revised formalism for the Drake Equation, based on the theoretical birth and death rates of civilizations. Credit: Kipping, D. & Lewis, G. (2024)

In this case, the distribution of probabilities became S-shaped (see image above), but the end result was still the same: either the galaxy is crowded or empty. One way around this is the idea that humanity could be alive during a period in which ETCs have emerged and are beginning to expand throughout the galaxy and thus have not been noticed by our instruments yet. However, as Kipping and Lewis showed, this also suffers from the fine-tuning problem, as biology indicates that population growth is an accelerating phenomenon.

“You see, galactic expansion phases should be relatively quick on a cosmic timescale; in fact, really like the blink of an eye,” said Kipping. “So it’s unlikely you’d live during such a phase; you’re more likely to live when the galaxy is essentially empty before this happens or after it’s happened (which, in fact, is arguably impossible since your planet is colonized). Once again, Fermi’s Paradox rears its head, where the strongest likelihood is that humanity is either alone, early to the party, or one of a few civilizations currently existing in the Milky Way.

Hope for SETI?

But before you go thinking it’s all bad news, Kipping and Lewis emphasize that SETI is an important and vital experiment that deserves dedicated resources. “While the odds of success appear small, such a success would arguably represent the most impactful scientific discovery in human history,” they conclude. They also suggest several reasons to remain hopeful, which include Hanson’s “Grabby Aliens” hypothesis, which states that humanity is at the midpoint in the S-shaped curve and that we will encounter an ETI in a few hundred million years.

In the meantime, Kipping also suggests that SETI could benefit from casting a wider net. If, as their study suggests, advanced civilizations are very rare (or non-existent) in our galaxy, then we should look to extra-galactic sources. “I think my favorite way out is that our galaxy is just unusually quiet, most are busy and filled, but we are the first in the Milky Way,” he added. “This seems improbable, but perhaps being born in a busy galaxy is impossible since the habitable real estate has already been gobbled up. This suggests we should put more emphasis on extra-galactic SETI as our best shot.”

Further Reading: arXiv

The post New Study Suggests that Our Galaxy is Crowded or Empty. Both are Equally Terrifying! appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Science

Using photos or videos, these AI systems can conjure simulations that train robots to function in physical spaces

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 08/07/2024 - 7:57pm
Two new studies introduce AI systems that use either video or photos to create simulations that can train robots to function in the real world. This could significantly lower the costs of training robots to function in complex settings. Two new studies introduce AI systems that use either video or photos to create simulations that can train robots to function in the real world. This could significantly lower the costs of training robots to function in complex settings.
Categories: Science

Glimpse into the nanoworld: Microscope reveals tiniest cell processes

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 08/07/2024 - 7:57pm
What does the inside of a cell really look like? In the past, standard microscopes were limited in how well they could answer this question. Now, researchers have succeeded in developing a microscope with resolutions better than five nanometers (five billionths of a meter). This is roughly equivalent to the width of a hair split into 10,000 strands.
Categories: Science

Glimpse into the nanoworld: Microscope reveals tiniest cell processes

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 08/07/2024 - 7:57pm
What does the inside of a cell really look like? In the past, standard microscopes were limited in how well they could answer this question. Now, researchers have succeeded in developing a microscope with resolutions better than five nanometers (five billionths of a meter). This is roughly equivalent to the width of a hair split into 10,000 strands.
Categories: Science

3D-printed blood vessels bring artificial organs closer to reality

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 08/07/2024 - 7:56pm
Lab-grown organs are a long-time 'holy grail' of organ engineering that has yet to be achieved, but new research has brought that goal a big step closer to reality using a new 3D-printing method called co-SWIFT. co-SWIFT prints branching networks of double-layered vessels that are infused with smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells into living human cardiac tissue, and can even replicate patient-specific vascular structures,indicating that it could one day be used for personalized medicine.
Categories: Science


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