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“This Thing Has Killed Less Than Or About As Many As Flu Would Kill In A Normal Year In Kids, I Say Hardly Any” & “80-Year-Olds, Their Time To Death In General Is Not That Long.”

Science-based Medicine Feed - Sun, 06/09/2024 - 4:27am

If were are supposed to be indifferent to the deaths of young people because "hardly any" died, and we are supposed to be indifferent to the deaths of older people because "their time to death in general is not that long," which of the 1.1 million COVID deaths should we care about?

The post “This Thing Has Killed Less Than Or About As Many As Flu Would Kill In A Normal Year In Kids, I Say Hardly Any” & “80-Year-Olds, Their Time To Death In General Is Not That Long.” first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.
Categories: Science

The Skeptics Guide #987 - Jun 8 2024

Skeptics Guide to the Universe Feed - Sat, 06/08/2024 - 9:00am
Quickie with Bob - Drake Equation; News Items: Chang-e-6 Lifts Off from Moon, Adaptogens, Younger Menarche, More Aliens, Metasurface Night Vision; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Megabits and Ancient Pyramids; Science or Fiction
Categories: Skeptic

Euclid is Finding Free Floating Planets in Orion Too

Universe Today Feed - Sat, 06/08/2024 - 8:57am

There are likely millions of “rogue” or free-floating planets (FFPs) spread through the galaxy. These planets, which aren’t big enough to become stars but also aren’t beholden to a star’s gravity, are some of the hardest objects for astronomers to spot, as they don’t give off their own light, and can only be seen when they cross in front of something that does give off its own light. Enter Euclid, a space telescope that launched last year. Its primary mission is to observe the universe’s history, but a new paper describes an exciting side project – finding FFPs in Orion.

In particular, it is finding FFPs around a system known as Sigma Orionis. Famously located on the eastern side of Orion’s Belt, this “star” is a system of at least five different stars, all gravitationally bound in one way or another, forming what is known as a “cluster.” It’s also surrounded by a “dust wave” of particles pointing at the nearby Horsehead Nebula, all of which lends itself to being a place where it would be easy to find FFPs. 

Free-floating planets of this type can also be considered “failed stars” as they did not have enough mass to start the fusion process that comes with star formation. This isn’t the first time they’ve been found in star-forming regions. Other FFPs have been found in NGC 1333, Collider 69, and even the Orion Nebula. This isn’t even the first time they’ve been found in Sigma Orionis – but it is the first time they’ve been detected with the accuracy Euclid allows. As the paper’s authors put it, they “appear to be ubiquitous and numerous.”

Fraser interviews Dr. Maggie Lieu about Euclid and its capabilities

So, what’s unique about what Euclid did? Admittedly, the paper was a sort of test run for the telescope. The observations were taken back in October, only a few months after it launched in the middle of 2023. Those observations also focused on regions well known to contain tons of FFPs already. So what did it find?

They found a bunch of much smaller FFPs than had previously been found. Astronomers use an algorithm called the Initial Mass Function (IMF) to describe the number of stars of specific sizes that would be formed. FFPs define the lower limit of that IMF – i.e., if an object isn’t big enough to become a star, it becomes an FFP. Sufficiently smaller FFPs help astronomers define the limits of the IMF in certain regions, but so far, they have escaped the notice of less sensitive detectors.

That’s where Euclid comes in. The authors point out how the lower end of the IMF is not well defined and describe how the data collected by Euclid could be used to flesh out models at the lower end of the spectrum. However, they also point out that this is still very early in Euclid’s data collection cycle, and plenty more systems could prove exciting hunting grounds for smaller FFPs than have ever been seen before.

Fraser discusses rogue planets in the Orion Nebula

For now, though, this is an excellent first test case of Euclid’s capabilities. Given the sheer number of objects that could be floating out there in the void, it will have plenty of other opportunities to find more, and it has already started looking in several other well-known places, according to the paper. It’s got more than five years left on its planned mission duration, so there will undoubtedly be more papers describing many more FFPs in the future.

Learn More:
Martín et al – Euclid: Early Release Observations – A glance at free-floating new-born planets in the ? Orionis cluster
UT – Enjoy Five New Images from the Euclid Mission
UT – Euclid Begins its 6-Year Survey of the Dark Universe
UT – Phew, De-Icing Euclid’s Instruments Worked. It’s Seeing Better Now

Lead Image:
Multi-color mosaic of the Euclid pointing studied in this work. The area covered is 0.58 square degrees
Credit – Martín et al

The post Euclid is Finding Free Floating Planets in Orion Too appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Science

Marc Hauser — Vulnerable Minds: The Harm of Childhood Trauma and the Hope of Resilience feed - Sat, 06/08/2024 - 12:00am Download MP3

Each year at least a billion children around the world are victims of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) that range from physical abuse and racial discrimination to neglect and food deprivation. The brain plasticity of our most vulnerable makes the adverse effects of trauma only that much more damaging to mental and physical development. Those dealt a hand of ACEs are more likely to drop out of school, have a shorter life, abuse substances, and suffer from myriad mental health and behavioral issues.

The crucial question is: How do we intervene to offer these children a more hopeful future? Neurobiologist and educator Dr. Marc Hauser provides a novel, research-based framework to understand a child’s unique response to ACEs that goes beyond our current understanding and is centered around the five Ts—the timing during development when the trauma began, its type, tenure, toxicity, and how much turbulence it has caused in a child’s life. Using this lens, adults can start to help children build resilience and recover—and even benefit—from their adversity through targeted community and school interventions, emotional regulation tools, as well as a new frontier of therapies focused on direct brain stimulation, including neurofeedback and psychedelics.

While human suffering experienced by children is the most devastating, it also presents the most promise for recovery; the plasticity of young people’s brains makes them vulnerable, but it also makes them apt to take back the joy, wonder, innocence, and curiosity of childhood when given the right support. Vulnerable Minds is a call to action for parents, policymakers, educators, and doctors to reclaim what’s been lost and commit ourselves to our collective responsibility to all children.

Marc Hauser is an educator, neuroscientist, and the founder of Risk Eraser, a program that helps at-risk kids lead healthier lives. He is a former professor of evolutionary biology and psychology at Harvard University and the author of over three hundred papers. His books include Wild Minds: What Animals Really Think, Moral Minds: The Nature of Right and Wrong, Evilicious: Cruelty = Desire + Denial, and his new book Vulnerable Minds: The Harm of Childhood Trauma and the Hope of Resilience.

Shermer and Hauser discuss:

  • Hauser’s personal adversities, from childhood bullying to academic misconduct at Harvard
  • LJ: LeBron James story from childhood trauma to NBA triumph
  • WHO: a billion children annually suffer from ACEs
  • Types of adversity: physical and sexual abuse, racial and sexual discrimination, emotional and physical deprivation, domestic violence, disease, neglect, cruelty, torture, war
  • ACEs: Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • DSM-5: limited prosocial emotions/callous-unemotional: a highly heritable trait
  • Psychopathy, Machiavellianism, Narcissism: the Dark Triad
  • Attachment Theory: John Bolby
  • Disorganized Attachment: when attachment is broken: hyperactive amygdala: reach puberty at an earlier age, have heightened sexual activity, less investment in offspring (even 3 generations later)
  • Borderline Personality Disorder: (1) a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and (2) marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
  • Sexual abuse and eating disorders
  • Consequences: substance abuse, suicide, obesity, depression, liver disease, school dropout, lower life expectancy
  • Do different types of ACEs result in different consequences?
  • Why some people meet traumatic experiences with resilience while others don’t?
  • Timing, duration, severity, and predictability of ACEs.

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Categories: Critical Thinking, Skeptic


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