Join The Jefferson Center to hear Frank Schaefer present a fascinating talk on the origins of the Religious Right, its inner workings and malevolent influence on American politics, as well as his journey growing up in, and then leaving the Religious Right establishment. Question and answer time after the formal talk, and the author will be available for signature of selected books. Thursday October 17 at 7pm in the Meese Room, #305 on the third floor of Hannon Library on the Southern Oregon University campus, 1250 Siskiyou Blvd, Ashland, Oregon. Free to students with I.D. or $10 at the door.
Once a member of the Religious Right elite, best-selling author Frank Schaefer spent his early life preaching to thousands all over America, and worked with Religious Right figures Dr. James Dobson, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell. But he came to see the hypocrisy and harm of the Religious Right's agenda, and made the difficult journey out of religious extremism, even if it meant losing everything. He has spent the latter part of his life exposing the insanity and corruption of a powerful and frightening force in American politics in his widely praised books, articles, public lectures, and at