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Detectors and electronics. Learn about every sort of detector, radar system and more from leading research institutes around the world.
Updated: 1 hour 33 min ago

New solar composition ratios that could reconcile longstanding questions

Tue, 11/12/2024 - 9:27am
A team combined compositional data of primitive bodies like Kuiper Belt objects, asteroids and comets with new solar data sets to develop a revised solar composition that potentially reconciles spectroscopy and helioseismology measurements for the first time. Helioseismology probes the Sun's interior by analyzing the waves that travel through it, while spectroscopy reveals the surface composition based on the spectral signature produced by each chemical element.
Categories: Science

Study show the effectiveness of a portable EKG patch

Tue, 11/12/2024 - 9:27am
Research shows that a newly-developed wireless EKG patch is as accurate, if not more accurate, than results from traditional EKG machines. The device is known as the EKG Patch Solution.
Categories: Science

Fighting microplastics for a cleaner future

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 1:22pm
Creating sustainable chemicals and developing better waste management will contribute to better sustainability. This research is part of figuring out how to make green hydrogen available for waste management using catalysts. The research uses solvents in low amounts that also act as hydrogen sources to break down a specific class of plastics called condensation polymers, which include polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, packaging, textiles, and 3D printing.
Categories: Science

The refrigerator as a harbinger of a better life

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 9:34am
To get a good sense of a country's level of development, you need to look at the items people have in their homes, according to economists. Research on low- and middle-income countries often focuses on income, health or education, but that doesn't tell you the full story of a country's situation.
Categories: Science

Compact error correction: Towards a more efficient quantum 'hard drive'

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 9:34am
Two quantum information theorists have solved a decades-old problem that will free up quantum computing power.
Categories: Science

A new paradigm in high-speed photoacoustic small animal whole-body imaging

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 9:34am
A team develops high-speed rotational scanning PACT system for monitoring whole-body biodynamic.
Categories: Science

Storm in a laser beam: Physicists create 'light hurricanes' that could transport huge amounts of data

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 9:33am
The discovery, centred around controlling tiny hurricanes of light and electromagnetic fields, could revolutionise how much information we can deliver over cables.
Categories: Science

Research team successfully produces microbial plastic to replace PET bottles

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 9:32am
Researchers have succeeded in developing a microbial strain that efficiently produces pseudoaromatic polyester monomer to replace polyethylene terephthalate (PET) using systems metabolic engineering.
Categories: Science

Einstein's equations collide with the mysteries of the Universe

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 9:31am
Why is the expansion of our Universe accelerating? Twenty-five years after its discovery, this phenomenon remains one of the greatest scientific mysteries. Solving it involves testing the fundamental laws of physics, including Albert Einstein's general relativity. Researchers compared Einstein's predictions with data from the Dark Energy Survey. Scientists discovered a slight discrepancy that varies with different periods in cosmic history. These results challenge the validity of Einstein's theories for explaining phenomena beyond our solar system on a universal scale.
Categories: Science

Fermium studied at GSI/FAIR: Researchers investigate nuclear properties of element 100 with laser light

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 9:31am
Where does the periodic table of chemical elements end and which processes lead to the existence of heavy elements? Researchers report on experiments to come closer to an answer. They gained insight into the structure of atomic nuclei of fermium (element 100) with different numbers of neutrons. Using forefront laser spectroscopy techniques, they traced the evolution of the nuclear charge radius and found a steady increase as neutrons were added to the nuclei. This indicates that localized nuclear shell effects have a reduced influence on the nuclear charge radius in these heavy nuclei
Categories: Science

Robot that watched surgery videos performs with skill of human doctor, researchers report

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 9:30am
A robot, trained for the first time by watching videos of seasoned surgeons, executed the same surgical procedures as skillfully as the human doctors, say researchers.
Categories: Science

Carpet fibers stop concrete cracking

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 9:29am
Engineers have found a way to make stronger and crack-resistant concrete with scrap carpet fibers, rolling out the red carpet for sustainability in the construction sector.
Categories: Science

Carbon recycling instead of plastic trash

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 9:29am
Plastics are inescapable in our daily lives. The vast amounts of plastic garbage heaped in landfills and in the environment, however, are as problematic as the plastics are useful. A research team has now introduced a new method for recycling polystyrene waste. Their efficient electrochemical process uses an inexpensive iron catalyst, produces hydrogen as a byproduct, and can be powered by solar panels.
Categories: Science

Two hundred times better catalysts thanks to carbon

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 9:29am
How well a catalyst works often depends on the surface it is placed on. For years, it has been known that carbon substrates work well with precious metal catalysts, but it could never be properly explained. Now scientists managed to get to the bottom of this phenomenon -- with remarkable results: Metal atoms which are placed directly next to carbon are two hundred times more effective as catalysts.
Categories: Science

Discovery taps 'hot carriers' for on-demand, emissions-free hydrogen and catalyst regeneration

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 9:28am
Researchers have developed a new photocatalyst that could render steam methane reforming entirely emissions-free and extend catalyst lifetimes.
Categories: Science

Researchers drive solid-state innovation for renewable energy storage

Fri, 11/08/2024 - 8:38am
Scientists are developing a formula for success -- by studying how a new type of battery fails. The team's goal is the design for long-term storage of wind and solar energy, which are produced intermittently, enabling their broader use as reliable energy sources for the electric grid.
Categories: Science

Researchers are making jet engines fit for the hydrogen age

Fri, 11/08/2024 - 8:37am
Hydrogen-powered planes are set to take wing around the world in the future. To make this possible, engineers have to develop the jet engines that will power them. Experiments by researchers are now providing the necessary basis for making these engines powerful and durable.
Categories: Science

Nanotechnology: Flexible biosensors with modular design

Fri, 11/08/2024 - 8:35am
Researchers have developed a strategy that enables biosensors to be easily adapted for a wide range of applications.
Categories: Science

New material to make next generation of electronics faster and more efficient

Fri, 11/08/2024 - 8:34am
Researchers have created a new material that will be pivotal in making the next generation of high-power electronics faster, transparent and more efficient.
Categories: Science

Chalk-coated textiles cool in urban environments

Fri, 11/08/2024 - 8:33am
As air temperatures stay elevated through fall months, people may still want clothes that cool them down while outside, especially if they live in cities that stay warmer than rural landscapes. Researchers who previously demonstrated a cooling fabric coating now report on additional tests of a treated polyester fabric. Fabric treated with the team's chalk-based coating kept the air underneath up to 6 degrees Fahrenheit cooler in warmer urban environments.
Categories: Science
