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Detectors and electronics. Learn about every sort of detector, radar system and more from leading research institutes around the world.
Updated: 11 hours 37 min ago

Biohybrid hand gestures with human muscles

Wed, 02/12/2025 - 12:14pm
A biohybrid hand which can move objects and do a scissor gesture has been created. The researchers used thin strings of lab-grown muscle tissue bundled into sushilike rolls to give the fingers enough strength to contract. These multiple muscle tissue actuators (MuMuTAs), created by the researchers, are a major development towards building larger biohybrid limbs. While currently limited to the lab environment, MuMuTAs have the potential to advance future biohybrid prosthetics, aid drug testing on muscle tissue and broaden the potential of biohybrid robotics to mimic real-life forms.
Categories: Science

Scientists develop novel self-healing electronic skin for health monitoring

Wed, 02/12/2025 - 12:11pm
Researchers have achieved a breakthrough in wearable health technology by developing a novel self-healing electronic skin (E-Skin) that repairs itself in seconds after damage. This could potentially transform the landscape of personal health monitoring.
Categories: Science

Worm surface chemistry reveals secrets to their development and survival

Wed, 02/12/2025 - 11:13am
A new study has revealed the clearest-ever picture of the surface chemistry of worm species that provides groundbreaking insights into how animals interact with their environment and each other. These discoveries could pave the way for strategies to deepen our understanding of evolutionary adaptations, refine behavioural research, and ultimately overcome parasitic infections.
Categories: Science

Negative refraction of light using atoms instead of metamaterials

Wed, 02/12/2025 - 11:09am
Scientists have demonstrated that negative refraction can be achieved using atomic arrays -- without the need for artificially manufactured metamaterials. Scientists have long sought to control light in ways that appear to defy the laws of Nature. Negative refraction -- a phenomenon where light bends in the opposite direction to its usual behavior -- has captivated researchers for its potential to revolutionize optics, enabling transformative technologies such as superlenses and cloaking devices. Now, carefully arranged arrays of atoms have brought these possibilities a step closer, achieving negative refraction without the need for artificially manufactured metamaterials.
Categories: Science

Engineered animals show new way to fight mercury pollution

Wed, 02/12/2025 - 11:09am
Using genes borrowed from bacteria, researchers have demonstrated fish and flies can be engineered to break down methylmercury and remove it from their bodies as a less harmful gas, offering new ways to tackle one of the world's most dangerous pollutants.
Categories: Science

Holograms boost 3D printing efficiency and resolution

Wed, 02/12/2025 - 11:08am
Scientists have used holographic projections to bring unprecedented resolution to a light-based 3D printing technique. The method allows the fabrication of millimeter-scale objects within seconds using significantly less energy than previous approaches.
Categories: Science

AI speeds up nanoparticle research

Wed, 02/12/2025 - 10:49am
A team of researchers succeeded in adapting an AI system to reliably assist with making nanoparticle measurements which speeds up the research process significantly.
Categories: Science

Mirror, mirror trap the light: Measuring invisible light waves via electro-optic cavities

Wed, 02/12/2025 - 10:48am
Researchers have developed a novel experimental platform to measure the electric fields of light trapped between two mirrors with a sub-cycle precision. These electro-optic Fabry-Perot resonators will allow for precise control and observation of light-matter interactions, particularly in the terahertz (THz) spectral range. By developing a tunable hybrid-cavity design, and measuring and modeling its complex sets of allowed modes, the physicists can switch between nodes and maxima of the light waves exactly at the location of interest. The study opens new avenues for exploring quantum electrodynamics and ultrafast control of material properties.
Categories: Science

First detection of an ultra-high-energy neutrino

Wed, 02/12/2025 - 10:47am
Scientists have just detected a neutrino that is thirty times more energetic than any previously detected anywhere in the world. This exceptional discovery opens up new perspectives for understanding extreme energy phenomena in the Universe and the origin of cosmic rays.
Categories: Science

The next-generation solar cell is fully recyclable

Wed, 02/12/2025 - 10:47am
Researchers developed a method to recycle all parts of a solar cell repeatedly without environmentally hazardous solvents. The recycled solar cell has the same efficiency as the original one. The solar cell is made of perovskite and the main solvent is water.
Categories: Science

Stronger, safer, smarter: Pioneering Zinc-based dissolvable implants for bone repair

Wed, 02/12/2025 - 10:44am
New research could transform how broken bones are treated, with the development of a special zinc-based dissolvable material that could replace the metal plates and screws typically used to hold fractured bones together.
Categories: Science

Engineering biological reaction crucibles to rapidly produce proteins

Tue, 02/11/2025 - 4:02pm
Biomedical engineers have demonstrated a new synthetic approach that turbocharges bacteria into producing more of a specific protein, even proteins that would normally destroy them, such as antibiotics. The technique could be a boon to industries that use bacteria to produce a wide range of products such as pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals and biofuels.
Categories: Science

Breast cancer treatment advances with light-activated 'smart bomb'

Tue, 02/11/2025 - 4:02pm
Scientists have developed new light-sensitive chemicals that can radically improve the treatment of aggressive cancers with minimal side effects. In mouse tests, the new therapy completely eradicated metastatic breast cancer tumors.
Categories: Science

Turning car and helicopter exhaust into thermoelectric energy

Tue, 02/11/2025 - 4:02pm
Combustion engines, the engines in gas-powered cars, only use a quarter of the fuel's potential energy while the rest is lost as heat through exhaust. Now, a study demonstrates how to convert exhaust heat into electricity. The researchers present a prototype thermoelectric generator system that could reduce fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions -- an opportunity for improving sustainable energy initiatives in a rapidly changing world.
Categories: Science

'Smaller and better': Research uncovers performance sweet spot for relaxor nanomaterial

Tue, 02/11/2025 - 11:10am
A new study sheds light on how the extreme miniaturization of thin films affects the behavior of relaxor ferroelectrics -- materials with noteworthy energy-conversion properties used in sensors, actuators and nanoelectronics.
Categories: Science

Is the Metaverse a new frontier for human-centric manufacturing?

Tue, 02/11/2025 - 10:49am
The future of manufacturing is not just about machines and AI; it's about re-empowering humans, according to a new study.
Categories: Science

When qubits learn the language of fiberoptics

Tue, 02/11/2025 - 10:49am
Qubits -- the fundamental units of quantum information -- drive entire tech sectors. Among them, superconducting qubits could be instrumental in building a large-scale quantum computer, but they rely on electrical signals and are difficult to scale. In a breakthrough, a team of physicists has achieved a fully optical readout of superconducting qubits, pushing the technology beyond its current limitations.
Categories: Science

Breakthrough in click chemistry: Innovative method revolutionizes drug development

Tue, 02/11/2025 - 10:46am
Triple click chemistry has revolutionized chemical synthesis with its simplicity and efficiency, allowing for the quick and selective assembly of complex molecules. Now, in a recent study, researchers developed novel trivalent platforms capable of producing highly functional triazoles in straightforward one-pot reactions. These platforms have significant potential in drug development, materials science, and bioengineering, promising advancements in sustainable chemistry and biomedical innovations.
Categories: Science

Looking between cells

Tue, 02/11/2025 - 10:44am
Rhobo6, a light microscopy probe, gives scientists an unprecedented look at the extracellular matrix -- the collection of organized molecular structures that fills the spaces between cells in our bodies.
Categories: Science

New smart sensor takes the pain out of wound monitoring

Tue, 02/11/2025 - 10:42am
A major challenge in self-powered wearable sensors for health care monitoring is distinguishing different signals when they occur at the same time. Researchers addressed this issue by uncovering a new property of a sensor material, enabling the team to develop a new type of flexible sensor that can accurately measure both temperature and physical strain simultaneously but separately to more precisely pinpoint various signals.
Categories: Science
