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Detectors and electronics. Learn about every sort of detector, radar system and more from leading research institutes around the world.
Updated: 16 hours 21 min ago

Rethinking the quantum chip

Tue, 12/10/2024 - 11:20am
Researchers have realized a new design for a superconducting quantum processor, aiming at a potential architecture for the large-scale, durable devices the quantum revolution demands. Unlike the typical quantum chip design that lays the information-processing qubits onto a 2-D grid, the team has designed a modular quantum processor comprising a reconfigurable router as a central hub. This enables any two qubits to connect and entangle, where in the older system, qubits can only talk to the qubits physically nearest to them.
Categories: Science

Breakthrough in the precision engineering of four-stranded beta-sheets

Tue, 12/10/2024 - 8:57am
A newly developed approach can precisely produce four-stranded beta-sheets through metal-peptide coordination, report researchers. Their innovative methodology overcomes long-standing challenges in controlled -sheet formation, including fibril aggregation and uncontrolled isomeric variation in the final product. This breakthrough could advance the study and application of -sheets in biotechnology and nanotechnology.
Categories: Science

Advancing the synthesis of two-dimensional gold monolayers

Tue, 12/10/2024 - 8:56am
Nanostructured two-dimensional gold monolayers offer possibilities in catalysis, electronics, and nanotechnology.
Categories: Science

Shape-changing device helps visually impaired people perform location task as well as sighted people

Tue, 12/10/2024 - 8:54am
A groundbreaking piece of navigation technology that uses the ability to sense information through touch can help people with visual impairment perform a location task as well as sighted people, according to new research.
Categories: Science

10,000 times faster than traditional methods: New computational framework automatically discovers experimental designs in microscopy

Tue, 12/10/2024 - 8:54am
For human researchers, it takes many years of work to discover new super-resolution microscopy techniques. The number of possible optical configurations of a microscope -- for example, where to place mirrors or lenses -- is enormous. Researchers have now developed an artificial intelligence (AI) framework which autonomously discovers new experimental designs in microscopy. The framework, called XLuminA, performs optimizations 10,000 times faster than well-established methods.
Categories: Science

Delivering medicines with microscopic 'flowers'

Tue, 12/10/2024 - 8:54am
Using microparticles consisting of extremely thin petals, medicines can be delivered via the bloodstream in a precisely targeted manner, for example to a tumour or blood clot. Ultrasound and other acoustic procedures guide the particles through the body and reveal their locations. This makes the particles easy to deploy, as ultrasound procedures are common practice in medicine.
Categories: Science

Empowering older adults with home-care robots

Tue, 12/10/2024 - 8:54am
The rapidly increasing aging population will lead to a shortage of care providers in the future. While robotic technologies are a potential alternative, their widespread use is limited by poor acceptance. In a new study, researchers have examined a user-centric approach to understand the factors influencing user willingness among caregivers and recipients in Japan, Ireland, and Finland. Users' perspectives can aid the development of home-care robots with better acceptance.
Categories: Science

New concept for sustainable fuel cell polymer electrolytes overcomes barriers in high-temperature, low-humidity use, advancing net-zero carbon goals

Tue, 12/10/2024 - 8:54am
A research group has developed a new design for the electrolytes used in fuel cells. The material complies with environmental regulations and demonstrates moderate conductivity in harsh conditions, reaching four times the conductivity of cross-linked sulfonated polystyrene, a conventional material. Their findings contribute to developing next-generation fuel cells, paving the way toward achieving net-zero carbon goals.
Categories: Science

Scientists develop cost-effective lasers for extended SWIR applications

Tue, 12/10/2024 - 8:54am
A ground-breaking study showcases a significant advancement in laser technology, promising more affordable and scalable solutions for applications ranging from environmental monitoring to biomedical imaging. Researchers have developed the first colloidal quantum dot (CQD)-based laser capable of operating across the entire extended short-wave infrared (SWIR) spectrum.
Categories: Science

'Strong' filters: Innovative technology for better displays and optical sensors

Tue, 12/10/2024 - 8:51am
New research has shown how the quantum mechanical principle of strong coupling opens unrivalled possibilities for designing optical filters.
Categories: Science

Rethinking the brain pacemaker: How better materials can improve signals

Tue, 12/10/2024 - 8:49am
Researchers have created organic materials for brain and heart pacemakers, which rely on uninterrupted signal delivery to be effective. Using a plastic base known as polypropylene, the researchers added a specially formulated clay called Montmorillonite and different ratios of graphene, one of the strongest lightweight materials. They created five different materials that could be performance-tested and took detailed measurements of the structure of the composite materials using scanning electron microscopy.
Categories: Science

Scientists developed a nanolaser: Silver nanocubes enable light generation

Tue, 12/10/2024 - 8:49am
Scientists have developed a unique nanolaser. Although the dimensions of this laser are so small that its structure can only be seen through a powerful microscope, its potential is vast. With applications in early medical diagnostics, data communication, and security technologies, this invention could also become a key tool for the study of light and matter interactions.
Categories: Science

Nature inspires self-assembling helical polymer

Mon, 12/09/2024 - 5:37pm
Helical structures are ubiquitous across biology, from the double-stranded helix of DNA to how heart muscle cells spiral in a band. Inspired by this twisty ladder, researchers have developed an artificial polymer that organizes itself into a controlled helix. Helical structures are ubiquitous across biology, from the double-stranded helix of DNA to how heart muscle cells spiral in a band. Inspired by this twisty ladder, researchers have developed an artificial polymer that organizes itself into a controlled helix.
Categories: Science

Scientists create AI that 'watches' videos by mimicking the brain

Mon, 12/09/2024 - 1:32pm
Imagine an artificial intelligence (AI) model that can watch and understand moving images with the subtlety of a human brain. Now, scientists have made this a reality by creating MovieNet: an innovative AI that processes videos much like how our brains interpret real-life scenes as they unfold over time.
Categories: Science

Virtual fences are a pollinator-friendly option for ranchlands

Mon, 12/09/2024 - 9:32am
Fences are an effective stationary method of corralling livestock, but their sharp borders can create sudden changes in native grassland vegetation and the pollinators and birds that live there. Virtual, GPS-based fences may be the nature-friendly future of fencing, creating more natural grassland habitat, finds new research.
Categories: Science

Not so simple machines: Cracking the code for materials that can learn

Mon, 12/09/2024 - 9:29am
Physicists have devised an algorithm that provides a mathematical framework for how learning works in lattices called mechanical neural networks.
Categories: Science

Finding the weak points: New method to prevent train delay cascades

Mon, 12/09/2024 - 9:29am
To help improve punctuality by understanding how delays propagate and identifying critical trains, researchers have developed a new network-based method.
Categories: Science

New AI cracks complex engineering problems faster than supercomputers

Mon, 12/09/2024 - 9:29am
Modeling how cars deform in a crash, how spacecraft responds to extreme environments, or how bridges resist stress could be made thousands of times faster thanks to new artificial intelligence that enables personal computers to solve massive math problems that generally require supercomputers.
Categories: Science

Existing EV batteries may last up to 40% longer than expected

Mon, 12/09/2024 - 9:29am
Consumers' real-world stop-and-go driving of electric vehicles benefits batteries more than the steady use simulated in almost all laboratory tests of new battery designs, a new study finds.
Categories: Science

The last missing piece of silicon photonics

Mon, 12/09/2024 - 9:27am
Scientists have developed the first electrically pumped continuous-wave semiconductor laser composed exclusively of elements from the fourth group of the periodic table -- the 'silicon group'. Built from stacked ultrathin layers of silicon germanium-tin and germanium-tin, this new laser is the first of its kind directly grown on a silicon wafer, opening up new possibilities for on-chip integrated photonics.
Categories: Science
