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Scientists revolutionize microscopy by reimagining the logic of imaging

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 11:22am
Scientists have devised an innovative imaging method using state-of-the-art microscopes that significantly reduces the time and radiation required. Their work represents a significant breakthrough that will benefit several disciplines, from materials science to medicine, as the method promises to deliver improved imaging for sensitive materials such as biological tissues that are especially vulnerable to damage.
Categories: Science

A slight curve helps rocks make the biggest splash

New Scientist Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:39am
Researchers were surprised to find that a very slightly curved object produces a more dramatic splash than a perfectly flat one
Categories: Science

Method prevents an AI model from being overconfident about wrong answers

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:19am
Thermometer, a new calibration technique tailored for large language models, can prevent LLMs from being overconfident or underconfident about their predictions. The technique aims to help users know when a model should be trusted.
Categories: Science

Research catalogs greenhouse gas emissions tied to energy use for interbasin water transfers

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:19am
Much of the water in the West is transported across vast geographical areas by large infrastructure projects known as interbasin water transfers. Two of these projects in particular make up 85% of all energy-related greenhouse gas emissions associated with U.S. interbasin transfers -- one in Arizona and the other in California -- according to the new research.
Categories: Science

'Smarter' semiconductor technology for training 'smarter' artificial intelligence

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:19am
A research team has recently demonstrated that analog hardware using ECRAM devices can maximize the computational performance of artificial intelligence, showcasing its potential for commercialization.
Categories: Science

'Smarter' semiconductor technology for training 'smarter' artificial intelligence

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:19am
A research team has recently demonstrated that analog hardware using ECRAM devices can maximize the computational performance of artificial intelligence, showcasing its potential for commercialization.
Categories: Science

Stacked up against the rest

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:19am
Scientists have hypothesized that moir excitons -- electron-hole pairs confined in moir interference fringes which overlap with slightly offset patterns -- may function as qubits in next-generation nano-semiconductors. However, due to diffraction limits, it has not been possible to focus light enough in measurements, causing optical interference from many moir excitons. To solve this, researchers have developed a new method of reducing these moir excitons to measure the quantum coherence time and realize quantum functionality.
Categories: Science

Sustainable catalysts: Crystal phase-controlled cobalt nanoparticles for hydrogenation

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:19am
Controlling the crystal phase of cobalt nanoparticles leads to exceptional catalytic performance in hydrogenation processes, scientists report. Produced via an innovative hydrosilane-assisted synthesis method, these phase-controlled reusable nanoparticles enable the selective hydrogenation of various compounds under mild conditions without the use of harmful gases like ammonia. These efforts could lead to more sustainable and efficient catalytic processes across many industrial fields.
Categories: Science

Demographics of north African human populations unravelled using genomic data and artificial intelligence

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:19am
A new study places the origin of the Imazighen in the Epipaleolithic, more than twenty thousand years ago. The research concludes that the genetic origin of the current Arab population of north Africa is far more recent than previously believed, placing it in the seventh century AD. The team has designed an innovative demographic model that uses artificial intelligence to analyze the complete genomes of the two populations.
Categories: Science

Sustainable and reversible 3D printing method uses minimal ingredients and steps

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:19am
A new 3D printing method developed by engineers is so simple that it uses a polymer ink and salt water solution to create solid structures. The work has the potential to make materials manufacturing more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Categories: Science

Sustainable and reversible 3D printing method uses minimal ingredients and steps

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:19am
A new 3D printing method developed by engineers is so simple that it uses a polymer ink and salt water solution to create solid structures. The work has the potential to make materials manufacturing more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Categories: Science

New AI tool simplifies heart monitoring: Fewer leads, same accuracy

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:19am
To diagnose heart conditions including heart attacks and heart rhythm disturbances, clinicians typically rely on 12-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs) -- complex arrangements of electrodes and wires placed around the chest and limbs to detect the heart's electrical activity. But these ECGs require specialized equipment and expertise, and not all clinics have the capability to perform them. Scientists showed that, with help from an AI tool, cardiologists can diagnose heart attacks using a simpler, easier and more accessible electrocardiogram technology.
Categories: Science

Engineering researchers crack the code to boost solar cell efficiency and durability

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:19am
Photovoltaic (PV) technologies, which convert light into electricity, are increasingly applied worldwide to generate renewable energy. Researchers have now developed a molecular treatment that significantly enhances the efficiency and durability of perovskite solar cells. Their breakthrough will potentially accelerate the large-scale production of this clean energy.
Categories: Science

Breakthrough in plant disease: New enzyme could lead to anti-bacterial pesticides

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:18am
Scientists uncover a pivotal enzyme, XccOpgD, and its critical role in synthesizing C G16, a key compound used by Xanthomonas pathogens to enhance their virulence against plants. This breakthrough opens new avenues for developing targeted pesticides that combat plant diseases without harming beneficial organisms. Insights into XccOpgD's enzymatic mechanism and optimal conditions offer promising prospects for sustainable agriculture, bolstering crop resilience and global food security while minimizing environmental impact.
Categories: Science

Electrical impedance tomography--extracellular voltage activation technique simplifies drug screening

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:18am
Recently, researchers developed a non-invasive method combining electrical impedance tomography and extracellular voltage activation to evaluate drug effects on ion channels. The resulting printed circuit board sensor allows real-time monitoring of how newly developed drugs can affect ion flow in channels, providing a cost-effective and accurate alternative to traditional methods like patch-clamp techniques and paving the way toward more efficient and shorter preclinical testing in the drug discovery process.
Categories: Science

Proteins as the key to precision medicine: Finding unknown effects of existing drugs

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:18am
Fewer side effects, improved chances of healing: the goal of precision medicine is to provide patients with the most individualized treatment possible. This requires a precise understanding of what is happening at the cellular level. Researchers have now succeeded in mapping the interactions of 144 active substances with around 8,000 proteins. The results could help to identify previously unknown potential benefits of existing drugs.
Categories: Science

Key to rapid planet formation

Space and time from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:18am
Researchers have developed a new model to explain the formation of giant planets such as Jupiter, which furnishes deeper insights into the processes of planet formation and could expand our understanding of planetary systems.
Categories: Science

Modern behavior explains prehistoric economies

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:18am
What if the 'Market Economy' always existed? Archaeologists tried to answer this question by researching how much Bronze Age people used to spend to sustain their daily lives. Their results show that, starting at least 3,500 years ago, the spending habits of prehistoric Europeans were not substantially different from what they are today.
Categories: Science

Towards smart cities: Predicting soil liquefaction risk using artificial intelligence

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:16am
Soil liquefaction that results in infrastructure damage has long been a point of contention for urban planners and engineers. Accurately predicting the soil liquefaction risk of a region could help overcome this challenge. Accordingly, researchers applied artificial intelligence to generate soil liquefaction risk maps, superseding already published risk maps.
Categories: Science

Towards smart cities: Predicting soil liquefaction risk using artificial intelligence

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 08/01/2024 - 9:16am
Soil liquefaction that results in infrastructure damage has long been a point of contention for urban planners and engineers. Accurately predicting the soil liquefaction risk of a region could help overcome this challenge. Accordingly, researchers applied artificial intelligence to generate soil liquefaction risk maps, superseding already published risk maps.
Categories: Science


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