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Hacking and computer security. Read today's research news on hacking and protecting against codebreakers. New software, secure data sharing, and more.
Updated: 2 hours 6 min ago

Artificial nanofluidic synapses can store computational memory

Tue, 03/19/2024 - 9:30am
In a step toward nanofluidic-based neuromorphic -- or brain-inspired -- computing, engineers have succeeded in executing a logic operation by connecting two chips that use ions, rather than electrons, to process data.
Categories: Science

Researchers develop deep learning model to predict breast cancer

Tue, 03/19/2024 - 9:29am
Researchers have developed a new, interpretable artificial intelligence (AI) model to predict 5-year breast cancer risk from mammograms, according to a new study.
Categories: Science

Backyard insect inspires invisibility devices, next gen tech

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 1:45pm
Leafhoppers, a common backyard insect, secrete and coat themselves in tiny mysterious particles that could provide both the inspiration and the instructions for next-generation technology, according to a new study. In a first, the team precisely replicated the complex geometry of these particles, called brochosomes, and elucidated a better understanding of how they absorb both visible and ultraviolet light.
Categories: Science

Two artificial intelligences talk to each other

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 11:24am
Performing a new task based solely on verbal or written instructions, and then describing it to others so that they can reproduce it, is a cornerstone of human communication that still resists artificial intelligence (AI). A team has succeeded in modelling an artificial neural network capable of this cognitive prowess. After learning and performing a series of basic tasks, this AI was able to provide a linguistic description of them to a 'sister' AI, which in turn performed them.
Categories: Science

Where quantum computers can score

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 11:24am
The traveling salesman problem is considered a prime example of a combinatorial optimization problem. Now a team has shown that a certain class of such problems can actually be solved better and much faster with quantum computers than with conventional methods.
Categories: Science

Projection mapping leaves the darkness behind

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 11:24am
Researchers developed a system that enables projection mapping within an illuminated environment. Several standard projectors and one large-aperture projector reproduce the environmental illumination in all areas except for the target object, whereas texture projectors display the texture on the unilluminated object's surface. Experiments show that participants perceived the objects using surface-color mode instead of aperture-color mode, verifying that the proposed system has the potential to produce highly realistic interactive environments.
Categories: Science

Holographic message encoded in simple plastic

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 11:23am
Important data can be stored and concealed quite easily in ordinary plastic using 3D printers and terahertz radiation, scientists show. Holography can be done quite easily: A 3D printer can be used to produce a panel from normal plastic in which a QR code can be stored, for example. The message is read using terahertz rays -- electromagnetic radiation that is invisible to the human eye.
Categories: Science

New technique helps AI tell when humans are lying

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 11:23am
Researchers have developed a new training tool to help artificial intelligence (AI) programs better account for the fact that humans don't always tell the truth when providing personal information. The new tool was developed for use in contexts when humans have an economic incentive to lie, such as applying for a mortgage or trying to lower their insurance premiums.
Categories: Science

Advance for soft robotics manufacturing, design

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 11:22am
Engineers propose a new quantitative framework to account for and predict the impact of temperature on the curing speed of platinum-catalyzed silicone elastomers. The findings could maximize throughput and minimize waste in the manufacturing of components for soft robotics and wearables.
Categories: Science

An innovative mixed light field technique for immersive projection mapping

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 11:22am
A novel mixed light field technique that utilizes a mix of ray-controlled ambient lighting with projection mapping (PM) to obtain PM in bright surroundings has been developed by scientists. This innovative technology utilizes a novel kaleidoscope array to achieve ray-controlled lighting and a binary search algorithm for removing ambient lighting from PM targets. It provides an immersive augmented reality experience with applications in various fields.
Categories: Science

Virtual reality better than video for evoking fear, spurring climate action

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 11:22am
Depicting worst-case climate scenarios like expanding deserts and dying coral reefs may better motivate people to support environmental policies when delivered via virtual reality, according to a research team that studied how VR and message framing affect the impact of environmental advocacy communications. The study findings may help advocacy groups decide how best to frame and deliver their messages.
Categories: Science

Machine learning classifier accelerates the development of cellular immunotherapies

Fri, 03/15/2024 - 1:09pm
Making a personalized T cell therapy for cancer patients currently takes at least six months. Scientists have shown that the laborious first step of identifying tumor-reactive T cell receptors for patients can be replaced with a machine learning classifier that halves this time.
Categories: Science

New study shows analog computing can solve complex equations and use far less energy

Thu, 03/14/2024 - 11:53am
A team of engineers has proven that their analog computing device, called a memristor, can complete complex, scientific computing tasks while bypassing the limitations of digital computing.
Categories: Science

Vac to the future

Thu, 03/14/2024 - 11:53am
Scientists recently published the results of a competition that put researchers to the test. For the competition, part of the NIH-funded Computational Models of Immunity network, teams of researchers from different institutions offered up their best predictions regarding B. pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination.
Categories: Science

Information overload is a personal and societal danger

Thu, 03/14/2024 - 9:22am
We are all aware of the dangers of pollution to our air, water, and earth. In a recently published letter, scientists are advocating for the recognition and mitigation of another type of environmental pollution that poses equivalent personal and societal dangers: information overload.
Categories: Science

Advanced army robots more likely to be blamed for deaths

Thu, 03/14/2024 - 9:21am
Advanced killer robots are more likely to blamed for civilian deaths than military machines, new research has revealed. The study shows that high-tech bots will be held more responsible for fatalities in identical incidents.
Categories: Science

Alzheimer's drug fermented with help from AI and bacteria moves closer to reality

Thu, 03/14/2024 - 9:21am
Researchers combined artificial intelligence and chemical biosensors to ferment the precursor of an Alzheimer's drug in bacteria.
Categories: Science

AI for astrophysics: Algorithms help chart the origins of heavy elements

Wed, 03/13/2024 - 3:51pm
The origin of heavy elements in our universe is theorized to be the result of neutron star collisions, which produce conditions hot and dense enough for free neutrons to merge with atomic nuclei and form new elements in a split-second window of time. Testing this theory and answering other astrophysical questions requires predictions for a vast range of masses of atomic nuclei. Scientists are using machine learning algorithms to successfully model the atomic masses of the entire nuclide chart -- the combination of all possible protons and neutrons that defines elements and their isotopes.
Categories: Science

Robot ANYmal can do parkour and walk across rubble

Wed, 03/13/2024 - 3:50pm
The quadrupedal robot ANYmal went back to school and has learned a lot. Researchers used machine learning to teach it new skills: the robot can now climb over obstacles and successfully negotiate pitfalls.
Categories: Science

Scientists use novel technique to create new energy-efficient microelectronic device

Wed, 03/13/2024 - 3:50pm
Researchers have created a new material that uses 'redox gating' to control the movement of electrons in and out of a semiconducting material.
Categories: Science
