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Web Site changes

This is where the Web Developers provide information about new capabilities of the website.


All members now have an account. For most of you the account name is your first name last name.
For members who had joint accounts (for example, sam and pat jones) the account is simply jones.

You will not be able to login until you have reset your password which is one of the login options.

In preparation for sending e-mail notifications to the accounts, each account has an opt-out e-mail notification selection.
If you want to get all e-mails sent from theJeffCenter, just leave the default alone.
If you want just book club and salon notifications, unselect all, and select book club and salon.

If you select the option "no notifications" no notifications will be sent and any other option is ignored.

If you have questions, click here to contact me.

Question EVERYTHING (even this)

In the past, the web team needed to create the account.
Now, someone who wants an account can request one, the account will be pending until an admin approves the account (in particular setting the role for that account).

Once the admin approves the account the new user will get an e-mail with a one-time, limited-time link that will enable the new user to set his/her password.

I have included a captcha to stop the robots from hitting the site.


Question EVERYTHING (even this)

I am starting to do this now.
If you are incorrectly blocked, you will not be able to access this (or any other information on the site).
If a friend cannot access the site, then have them get in contact with me at dbcurtis (at) gmail (dot) com.


Question EVERYTHING (even this)

The Critical Thinking is a direct link to a news aggregator.

Question EVERYTHING (even this)

Members now have a special area for member-only links.
The current links are:
News Feeds -> takes you to a number of new feeds that are organized by category (or the individual news feed)
Links of Interest -> takes you to a book of interesting web sites. Much better than the old link as there is a description of what the link points to.
Member list -> like the old member list, but allows you, the member, to sort it the way you wish
New Content-> that shows the content that has been added or updated (you may not have access to some of this content).
Web Site Changes -> takes you to this blog.

Question EVERYTHING (even this)

We added a link to the Secular Oregon organization calendar page

Question EVERYTHING (even this)

For those of you who have permission to use the mailers, you now have the ability to attach a file to the e-mail.
I am still looking at how to verify that the e-mail has actually been sent. (that is, the log shows e-mail operations, but I do not know if the log is of "queued to be sent email" or "email actually sent".


Question EVERYTHING (even this)

You will see a subscribe option on lots of content (forums for example).
You will get an e-mail when new content (based on your selection of what content you want) is added.

Question EVERYTHING (even this)

I generated a new content type (Member only article) that only members can read.
This can be used to hold board or other committee related content that is not intended for non-members.

Question EVERYTHING (even this)

I have added a "New Members" link in the members-only menu box.
It will display accounts that are less than three months old that are members. Thus, unknown accounts who become members will be listed.
Those who have had accounts on the website for more than three months will not be listed... Thus, friends (those who are not members, but have an account for the mailers) who become members will not be listed

Question EVERYTHING (even this)