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Salon Information

Salon Program
Jefferson Center Salons present topics of interest to our community, and provide a forum for lively discussion afterward. Topics are selected by a committee of members. Salons are typically held on the third Sunday of each month at 4pm.

We meet in person at The Jefferson Center, 208 Oak Street, Suite 101 in Ashland. We serve refreshments contributed by volunteers and have a brief social time before the start of the program. Guests of members and interested visitors are always welcome to join us.


In order to enhance everyone's experience at salons, the Jefferson center Program Committee has adopted the following guidelines for our salons.
1. Mutual respect: Mute your background sounds and cell phone (on Zoom); Don’t interrupt others; Facilitator may request “raise hand” procedures.
2. Step-forward, step-back: Help the group or facilitator realize that a member wishes to speak or hasn’t spoken much; Wait if you have already spoken; Avoid back-and-forth debates with one or more other people.
3. Focus on Issues not people We are committed to disagreeing without being disagreeable; Share with “I” statements not “you” statements.
4. Keep it relevant: Stay on or near the current topic; Be brief, pertinent and focused; Help the group stay on topic.
Thank you.