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Reason and free inquiry are the only effectual agents against error.
- Thomas Jefferson

Donations are Welcome

As a tax-exempt non-profit, the Jefferson Center lives through the efforts of many volunteers. Basic expenses are paid through member dues, but public outreach and education expenses require donated income.

With donations, we can:

  • Bring in nationally-known speakers for the lecture series
  • Advertise on Jefferson Public Radio and other venues
  • Expand public and member support with paid staff (today, the Center is staffed by volunteers)
  • Influence public policy to protect our freedom from religion

If you'd like to donate to these or other causes consistent with our mission, please mail a check to The Jefferson Center, 208 Oak Street Suite 101, Ashland, OR 97520. Note: if you are not currently a member, click the Join Us! menu item for the application form.