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How the immune system goes awry during space travel and the implications for human aging on earth

Space and time from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:04am
Researching the immune system in space could have payoffs for human aging on earth. Scientists have revealed how the lack of gravity affects the cells of the immune system at single cell resolution.
Categories: Science

Researchers create realistic virtual rodent

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:04am
To help probe the mystery of how brains control movement, scientists have created a virtual rat with an artificial brain that can move around just like a real rodent. The researchers found that activations in the virtual control network accurately predicted neural activity measured from the brains of real rats producing the same behaviors.
Categories: Science

Researchers create realistic virtual rodent

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:04am
To help probe the mystery of how brains control movement, scientists have created a virtual rat with an artificial brain that can move around just like a real rodent. The researchers found that activations in the virtual control network accurately predicted neural activity measured from the brains of real rats producing the same behaviors.
Categories: Science

Would astronauts' kidneys survive a roundtrip to Mars?

Space and time from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:04am
The structure and function of the kidneys is altered by space flight, with galactic radiation causing permanent damage that would jeopardise any mission to Mars, according to a new study led by researchers from UCL.
Categories: Science

New technique could help build quantum computers of the future

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:04am
Researchers have demonstrated a new method that could enable the large-scale manufacturing of optical qubits. The advance could bring us closer to a scalable quantum computer.
Categories: Science

New technique could help build quantum computers of the future

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:04am
Researchers have demonstrated a new method that could enable the large-scale manufacturing of optical qubits. The advance could bring us closer to a scalable quantum computer.
Categories: Science

Trash-sorting robot mimics complex human sense of touch

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:04am
Researchers are breaking through the difficulties of robotic recognition of various common, yet complex, items. Their layered sensor is equipped with material detection at the surface and pressure sensitivity at the bottom, with a porous middle layer sensitive to thermal changes. An efficient cascade classification algorithm rules out object types in order, from easy to hard, starting with simple categories like empty cartons before moving on to orange peels or scraps of cloth.
Categories: Science

Trash-sorting robot mimics complex human sense of touch

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:04am
Researchers are breaking through the difficulties of robotic recognition of various common, yet complex, items. Their layered sensor is equipped with material detection at the surface and pressure sensitivity at the bottom, with a porous middle layer sensitive to thermal changes. An efficient cascade classification algorithm rules out object types in order, from easy to hard, starting with simple categories like empty cartons before moving on to orange peels or scraps of cloth.
Categories: Science

Semiconductor doping and electronic devices: Heating gallium nitride and magnesium forms superlattice

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:03am
A study revealed that a simple thermal reaction of gallium nitride with metallic magnesium results in the formation of a distinctive superlattice structure. This represents the first time researchers have identified the insertion of 2D metal layers into a bulk semiconductor. By carefully observing materials through various cutting-edge characterization techniques, the researchers uncovered new insights into the process of semiconductor doping and elastic strain engineering.
Categories: Science

Semiconductor doping and electronic devices: Heating gallium nitride and magnesium forms superlattice

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:03am
A study revealed that a simple thermal reaction of gallium nitride with metallic magnesium results in the formation of a distinctive superlattice structure. This represents the first time researchers have identified the insertion of 2D metal layers into a bulk semiconductor. By carefully observing materials through various cutting-edge characterization techniques, the researchers uncovered new insights into the process of semiconductor doping and elastic strain engineering.
Categories: Science

How did a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way come to be?

Space and time from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:03am
Crater 2, located approximately 380,000 light years from Earth, is one of the largest satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. Extremely cold and with slow-moving stars, Crater 2 has low surface brightness. How this galaxy originated remains unclear. A team of physicists now offers an explanation.
Categories: Science

Looking for a new battery platform? Focus on the essentials

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:03am
In facing life's many challenges, we often opt for complex approaches to finding solutions. Yet, upon closer examination, the answers are often simpler than we expect, rooted in the core "essence" of the issue. This approach was demonstrated by a research team in their publication on addressing the inherent issues of solid-state batteries.
Categories: Science

Switching nanomagnets using infrared lasers

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:03am
Physicists have calculated how suitable molecules can be stimulated by infrared light pulses to form tiny magnetic fields. If this is also successful in experiments, the principle could be used in quantum computer circuits.
Categories: Science

Switching nanomagnets using infrared lasers

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:03am
Physicists have calculated how suitable molecules can be stimulated by infrared light pulses to form tiny magnetic fields. If this is also successful in experiments, the principle could be used in quantum computer circuits.
Categories: Science

'Self-taught' AI tool helps to diagnose and predict severity of common lung cancer

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:03am
A computer program based on data from nearly a half-million tissue images and powered by artificial intelligence can accurately diagnose cases of adenocarcinoma, the most common form of lung cancer, a new study shows.
Categories: Science

New computer vision method helps speed up screening of electronic materials

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:03am
A new computer vision technique developed by engineers significantly speeds up the characterization of newly synthesized electronic materials. Such materials might be used in novel solar cells, transistors, LEDs, and batteries.
Categories: Science

New computer vision method helps speed up screening of electronic materials

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 10:03am
A new computer vision technique developed by engineers significantly speeds up the characterization of newly synthesized electronic materials. Such materials might be used in novel solar cells, transistors, LEDs, and batteries.
Categories: Science

Still more about the frequency of women hunting

Why Evolution is True Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 9:30am

A while back, the paper by Anderson et al. appeared in PLOS One, and caused a bit of a stir in the press because of its claims that women contributed far more to hunting in various societies than anthropologists thought.  The metrics involved what proportion of foraging societies women participated in hunting (79%) and in what proportion of societies women hunted “large game” (33%). This was seen as surprising, but was also sold in the media as showing that women had been unfairly denigrated as the “weaker sex”, doomed to stay home and take care of babies, gathering plants and roots, and only rarely doing the “man’s work” of killing animals.  (Of course a sexual division of labor says nothing about inferiority or superiority of the sexes only that they do different things, which are equally important in keeping society going.)

Click the title to read this paper if you haven’t already:

But then a group headed by Vivek Venkataraman (he’s at the University of Calgary) carefully scrutinized the data used and conclusions advanced by Anderson et al.,  and published a paper in bioRχiv which showed that the Anderson et al. paper was shoddy, containing a number of methodological and numerical errors, all of which conspired to make Anderson’s conclusions false: women appeared to hunt much less than men in both senses. (Note that the rebuttal is very polite, a model of how rebuttals should be written.

Here, for example, is a tweet I posted then listing the many problems with Anderson et al.

I wrote about Venkataraman’s paper on this site, but of course then it was a preprint that had not yet been published, so it didn’t have the imprimatur of publication. Now it has appeared, which i found after reader djc mentioned in a comment that it was accepted in a respectable journal, Evolution and Human Behavior.  The paper, which is essentially the same as the preprint, can be found in published version (well, as a corrected proof in press) by clicking on the link below, or accessing the pdf here:

I’m not going to reproduce all the criticisms I and others leveled at Anderson et al.  What’s new in the published paper is a figure that summarizes all the issues that Venkataraman et al. find with Anderson et al.’s data (click to enlarge):

The conclusions, if the second paper is right, is that women hunted far less often than Anderson et al. concluded, both in the frequency of foraging societies in which women hunted and the frequency of such societies in which women hunted large game.  The related conclusion is that the Anderson et al. paper was not thoroughly reviewed (I’ll give the reviewers a break here: it would be a lot of trouble to look up some of the original data), and at the very least Anderson et al. were inexcusably sloppy. At the most they could have even been tendentious, tweaking and massaging the data so it looks like women hunted more than they did. Here are two paragraphs from the second paper showing the problems of the first:

Insufficient search for source material:

Fourth, though Anderson et al. (2023) investigated each society “by searching through the original references cited in D-PLACE (Binford, 2023Kirby et al., 2016), and by searching digitized databases and archives,” there are instances in which well-known authoritative sources were not consulted. For example, Anderson et al. (2023) coded the Batek of Malaysia as having female hunters based on Endicott (Endicott, 1984). However, a more recent book by the same author provides quantitative information on female contributions. Endicott and Endicott (2008) wrote: “Still, women procured 2 percent by weight of the animals hunted by nonblowpipe methods and 22 percent of all bamboo rats.” Women procured no animals using the blowpipe (Table 4.1, p. 76) (Endicott and Endicott, 2008). The!Kung were also coded by Anderson et al. (2023) as having female hunters. Yet in her famous ethnography Nisa: The Life and Words of!Kung WomanShostak (1981, p. 220) wrote: “!Kung women cannot be considered hunters in any serious way…” A similar case prevails for the Tsimane horticulturalists of Bolivia. The authors cite Medinaceli and Quinlan (Medinaceli and Quinlan, 2018), but they ignore a recent case study on Tsimane women hunting (Reyes-García et al., 2020).


The fifth issue concerns pseudoreplication, in which the same case is counted more than once. This leads to inflated and inaccurate estimates. There are several examples. The!Kung and Ju/’hoansi are treated as independent points, but these terms refer to the same population (Lee, 1979). The same holds for the Agta and Ayta of the Philippines (Goodman et al., 1985). Moreover, the Efe, Sua, Mbuti (BaMbuti), and Bambote, and the Mardujara and Martu (Martu), are each counted independently despite being members of closely related groups (Bahuchet, 2012Myers, 1979). We recognize that these errors by Anderson et al. (2023) are not deliberate. Indeed, in at least one case it may be valid to count these as independent data points. The Efe and Mbuti live nearby but are known to have divergent hunting strategies. The Efe are traditionally bow hunters, whereas the Mbuti are traditionally primarily net hunters (Bailey and Aunger Jr., 1989). However, due to the potential for cultural autocorrelation to inflate the frequency of women’s hunting, such decisions should be acknowledged and justified.

These are just two of many problems, and I’d be really embarrassed if I were an author on the first paper. But perhaps Anderson et al. will reply, though I think Venkataraman, given that they use quotes, have them dead to rights.

But really, the Anderson et al. paper got a lot of publicity because it was considered “feminist,” showing that women did more hunting than previously thought, with the implication that anthropologists, because of an anti-female bias, unduly neglected women’s hunting.  Unfortunately, that kind of popular analysis is misguided, since women, even if they hunt less often than men, are not inferior: they just have a different role, and one that is essential in preserving societies and cultures.

And I predict that the rebuttal of that paper will probably be ignored by the press, simply because it dismantles a conclusion that was considered “progressive”.  I hope not, but we shall see.  But anyone calling the second paper “anti-feminist” is dead wrong; it’s just correcting the science, and it says nothing about how we regard women’s rights and value.

UPDATE: Prediction verified: see comment #2 below by one of the authors of the second paper.

h/t: David

Categories: Science

What "naked" singularities are revealing about quantum space-time

New Scientist Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 9:12am
Are points of infinite curvature, where general relativity breaks down, always hidden inside black holes? An audacious attempt to find out is shedding light on the mystery of quantum gravity
Categories: Science

Astronaut medical records reveal the health toll of space travel

New Scientist Feed - Tue, 06/11/2024 - 9:00am
The largest collection yet of detailed medical data and tissue samples from astronauts should help researchers better understand the impacts of space flight on health
Categories: Science


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