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Study is step towards energy-efficient quantum computing in magnets

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 11:31am
Researchers have managed to generate propagating spin waves at the nanoscale and discovered a novel pathway to modulate and amplify them. Their discovery could pave the way for the development of dissipation free quantum information technologies. As the spin waves do not involve electric currents these chips will be free from associated losses of energy. The rapidly growing popularity of artificial intelligence comes with an increasing desire for fast and energy efficient computing devices and calls for novel ways to store and process information. The electric currents in conventional devices suffer from losses of energy and subsequent heating of the environment.
Categories: Science

Public have no difficulty getting to grips with an extra thumb, study finds

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 05/29/2024 - 11:29am
Researchers have shown that members of the public have little trouble in learning very quickly how to use a third thumb -- a controllable, prosthetic extra thumb -- to pick up and manipulate objects. The team tested the robotic device on a diverse range of participants, which they say is essential for ensuring new technologies are inclusive and can work for everyone.
Categories: Science


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