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Skeptoid #954: 15 Sleep Myths

Skeptoid Feed - Tue, 09/17/2024 - 2:00am

15 popular myths about sleeping, debunked.

Categories: Critical Thinking, Skeptic

AI and the SCAM Literature

Science-based Medicine Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 10:58pm

AI reviews the medical literature on the mechanisms of various SCAMs

The post AI and the SCAM Literature first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.
Categories: Science

Antibiotic resistance forecast to kill 39 million people by 2050

New Scientist Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 4:30pm
The number of people worldwide directly killed by antibiotic resistance will rise to 1.9 million a year by 2050, according to the most comprehensive study so far
Categories: Science

A Black Hole has Almost Halted Star Formation in its Galaxy

Universe Today Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 3:08pm

When the James Webb Space Telescope was launched on Christmas Day in 2021, it faced a whole host of intriguing questions. By the time it finally launched, astronomers had a big list of targets begging for the type of detailed observations that only the powerful infrared space telescope could perform. One of the targets was an ancient, massive galaxy that’s basically dead and forms no new stars.

The results are in, and an international team of astronomers know what happened to the quiescent galaxy.

The growth and evolution of galaxies is a key field of study in astronomy. How did we get from the Big Bang to today, when massive galaxies like our own Milky Way populate the Universe? Astronomers have learned that supermassive black holes (SMBHs) reside at the heart of massive galaxies and have shaped their galaxies in powerful ways.

SMBHs create powerful active galactic nuclei (AGN) in galaxies’ cores. As an SMBH draws material toward it, the material collects in an accretion disk. The material is heated to extremely high temperatures and gives off energy across the electromagnetic spectrum, creating an AGN that can outshine the rest of the galaxy.

AGN are powerful objects. According to theory, they have the power to disrupt the supply of cold star-forming gas and to dramatically slow the star formation rate (SFR) in their host galaxy. They blow winds of star-forming gas out of their galaxies, which slows the SFR. Astronomers call this quenching, and it’s frequently observed in massive galaxies called quiescent galaxies.

Now, the JWST has observed an ancient massive galaxy named GS-10578 at redshift z?=?3.064. It’s nicknamed ‘Pablo’s Galaxy,’ and for such an early stage in the Universe’s evolution, it’s massive: it holds about two billion solar masses. But Pablo’s Galaxy is quenched, meaning most of its star formation happened between 12.5 and 11.5 billion years ago. Many local massive galaxies are quenched, which helped propel the development of the theory of AGN quenching.

A team of scientists has presented their research into Pablo’s Galaxy in a new paper titled “A fast-rotator post-starburst galaxy quenched by supermassive black-hole feedback at z?=?3.” The paper is published in Nature Astronomy, and the co-lead author is Francesco D’Eugenio from the Kavli Institute for Cosmology and the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge in the UK.

“We found the culprit. The black hole is killing this galaxy and keeping it dormant, by cutting off the source of ‘food’ the galaxy needs to form new stars.”

Francesco D’Eugenio, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, University of Cambridge, UK

“Local, massive, quiescent galaxies stand like colossal wrecks of glorious but remote star-formation histories (SFHs) and mighty and rapid quenching, the likes of which have no present-day equals,” the authors write. “The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has enabled us for the first time to witness these monumental galaxies during the long-gone epoch when they arose and fell.”

“Based on earlier observations, we knew this galaxy was in a quenched state: it’s not forming many stars given its size, and we expect there is a link between the black hole and the end of star formation,” said co-lead author Dr Francesco D’Eugenio from Cambridge’s Kavli Institute for Cosmology. “However, until Webb, we haven’t been able to study this galaxy in enough detail to confirm that link, and we haven’t known whether this quenched state is temporary or permanent.”

“In the early universe, most galaxies are forming lots of stars, so it’s interesting to see such a massive dead galaxy at this period in time,” said co-author Professor Roberto Maiolino, also from the Kavli Institute for Cosmology. “If it had enough time to get to this massive size, whatever process that stopped star formation likely happened relatively quickly.”

Pablo’s Galaxy is sometimes called a ‘blue nugget,’ a class of galaxies thought to exist only in the early Universe. Blue nuggets are massive and extremely compact, and astronomers think they’re precursors to modern quiescent galaxies called ‘red nuggets.’ Blue nuggets are experiencing ‘gas-rich compaction.’ That means that there’s a central burst of star formation that’s driven by disk instability or gas-rich major mergers. That burst is followed by quenching, which leaves a red nugget galaxy.

Artist’s illustration of a “red nugget” galaxy. Credits: X-ray: NASA/CXC/MTA-Eötvös University/N. Werner et al., Illustration: NASA/CXC/M. Weiss

“As we will show, GS-10578 is, instead, already a red nugget in an advanced stage of quenching,” the authors write. They explain that it’s merging with several low-mass satellite galaxies and “is undergoing powerful, ejective feedback from its SMBH.”

The researchers say they’ve direct evidence that AGN feedback can quench star formation in early galaxies. Previous observations with other telescopes show that galaxies have fast outflowing winds of gas. That gas is hot, making it easier to see, but it didn’t provide evidence that SMBHs and AGN can quench star formation. That’s because the gas is hot, and stars form from cold, dense gas.

Pablo’s Galaxy is no different. It’s expelling large quantities of hot gas at velocities high enough to escape the galaxy completely. The SMBH and its AGN are pushing the gas out.

But the JWST made the difference in these new observations. It observed a new component of the outflowing wind made of cold gas. The cold gas doesn’t emit light, but the JWST is extremely sensitive and can detect it by the way it blocks out light from distant galaxies in the background. Critically, without cold gas, a galaxy struggles to form stars and becomes quenched.

This figure illustrates some of the research findings. It shows Pablo’s Galaxy in the middle, with five low-mass satellite galaxies merging. The inset (b) shows detail from the main image. The cyan outline is offset to the northwest and represents the outflow of cold gas that is quenching star formation in the galaxy. Image Credit: D’Eugenio and Maiolino et al. 2024.

The amount of gas being expelled by the AGN-driven winds is greater than the amount needed to form new stars.

“We found the culprit,” said D’Eugenio. “The black hole is killing this galaxy and keeping it dormant, by cutting off the source of ‘food’ the galaxy needs to form new stars.”

These are exciting results, but the authors caution that this is just one galaxy. “GS-10578 represents a unique opportunity to study how the most massive galaxies in the Universe became—and stayed—quiescent,” the authors explain in their research. “Even though we cannot draw general conclusions from a single target, we show that AGN feedback is capable of powering neutral-gas outflows with high velocity and high mass loading, sufficient to interrupt star formation by removing its cold-gas fuel.”

There are also still outstanding questions. Other galaxies similar to Pablo’s Galaxy also show that outflow winds of cold gas could be key to galaxies’ quenching. “How exactly these outflows are coupled with the AGN is not yet clear,” the authors write. They explain that only a census of similar galaxies can tell us whether these strong ejections of star-forming gas are a key mechanism for causing quenching or if the ejection of gas is merely episodic.

The JWST also answered another outstanding question about quenched galaxies. Our theoretical models showed that when a galaxy’s star formation was quenched, it was a turbulent event that violently destroyed the galaxy’s shape. Pablo’s Galaxy still displays the stately disk-shape of an untroubled galaxy. Its stars are moving in a uniform, predictable way.

This figure from the study shows the Pablo Galaxy’s orderly rotation. The observed velocity difference is because one side is moving away from us and is red-shifted from our perspective, while the other is moving toward us and is blue-shifted. Image Credit: D’Eugenio and Maiolino et al. 2024.

The JWST is working exactly as intended. By bringing the ancient Universe into view, it’s answering many longstanding questions in astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology.

“We knew that black holes have a massive impact on galaxies, and perhaps it’s common that they stop star formation, but until Webb, we weren’t able to directly confirm this,” said Maiolino. “It’s yet another way that Webb is such a giant leap forward in terms of our ability to study the early universe and how it evolved.”

The post A Black Hole has Almost Halted Star Formation in its Galaxy appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Science

Cold war spy satellites and AI detect ancient underground aqueducts

New Scientist Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 2:27pm
Archaeologists are using AI and US spy satellite imagery from the cold war to find ancient underground aqueducts that helped humans survive in the desert
Categories: Science

A squirrel with a dilemma

Why Evolution is True Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 12:49pm

When I walk home in the afternoon these days, I always have a bag of walnuts or unsalted peanuts with me.  There are an unpredictable number of squirrels on my route home, and now that the Quad is open (it has been fenced off all summer for paving of the walks), squirrels are starting to appear in single-digit numbers, and they look SKINNY.

Also, after a tough day, there is nothing to cheer one up more than giving a nut to a hungry squirrel.

At any rate, I fed a couple on my way across the quad today (1 nut each), but then encountered a hungry little fellow (or girl) near the Presidential House. I gave it a peanut, and it grabbed it up immediately. But instead of eating the nut, the rodent sat there on its haunches about ten feet away from me with the nut in its mouth, staring at me. It was as if he wanted another nut.

I was a bit reluctant to proffer another peanut because, unlike chipmunks, squirrels lack cheek pouches, and where would he put it? But I tossed him another nut. He grabbed that one up, too, and then he had two peanuts sticking out of his mouth.  I thought he’d eat one of them, but how could he? If he tried, he’d drop one of the nuts.

Eventually Mr. (or Ms.) Squirrel ran up a tree and sat on a low branch, still staring at me. Both nuts were hanging out of his mouth like fangs. I don’t know what happened in the end, but as I left, he was still sitting on the branch and staring at me with two nuts in his mouth:


Categories: Science

Tougher concrete, inspired by bone

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 12:34pm
Researchers used robotics and additive manufacturing to toughen cement-based material with precisely placed hollow tubes. The result is more than 5 times tougher than counterparts.
Categories: Science

Technology could boost renewable energy storage

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 12:34pm
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar are critical to sustaining our planet, but they come with a big challenge: they don't always generate power when it's needed. To make the most of them, we need efficient and affordable ways to store the energy they produce, so we have power even when the wind isn't blowing or the sun isn't shining.
Categories: Science

Researchers test ChatGPT, other AI models against real-world students

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 12:34pm
An experiment tested six generative large language models against students in an online introductory biomedical and health informatics course. The models scored higher than as many as three quarters of the real-world students in the class.
Categories: Science

Northern Lights Possible Tonight

Science blog of a physics theorist Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 12:32pm


Still waiting for a possible outbreak of auroras (northern/southern lights) tonight; a tremendous blast from the Sun, launched from a sunspot two days ago, is believed likely to make a glancing impact on the Earth, and to do so within the next 12 hours or so. That means a possibility of bright northern lights tonight if you’re north of, say, New York City’s latitude.

BUT always keep in mind that forecasting auroras is part science, part art, part luck. Our chances are decent, but the forecast can always be wrong.

As far as timing, the best way to monitor what’s going on, I’ve found, is to use and look for sudden activity in multiple data channels. If that happens, then the ACE satellite (about a million miles away) has detected a sudden change in the solar wind, and a geomagnetic storm is likely to start at Earth within an hour or so.

Whether you will see auroras or not during the storm depends on how powerful it is, which determines how far from the poles the auroras will reach and how bright they will be. While the forecast is for a strong storm, we’ll just have to see…

At 2300 UTC (about one hour before this posting) you can see jumps occurred in many channels below. That means that the solar storm may begin right around now (0000 UTC, 8 pm New York Time)

Categories: Science

American colleges that adhere to institutional neutrality: I missed a lot of schools

Why Evolution is True Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 10:50am

When I counted nine schools in North America (Simon Fraser in Canada was included) that adhered to Chicago-like principles of institutional neutrality, I sent an email to FIRE and said they should compile a list, similar to the list of 110 schools that adhere to Chicago’s free speech principles.

Well, is my face red!  FIRE wrote me that they’ve already done that, and you can see that there are a lot more schools than just nine. Click below to see the list, which I’ll reproduce:

Here’s the list for the U.S.: there aren’t just eight schools, but 22. Each school was linked to its statement:

  1. Claremont McKenna College

  2. University of North Carolina System

  3. Vanderbilt University

  4. University of Wyoming

  5. Columbia University

  6. Utah State University

  7. College of the Holy Cross

  8. Harvard University

  9. Syracuse University

  10. Stanford University

  11. Purdue University

  12. Clark University

  13. Johns Hopkins University

  14. Emerson College

  15. University of Southern California

  16. University of Texas System

  17. University of Colorado Boulder

  18. University of Alabama System

  19. Washington State University

  20. University of Pennsylvania

  21. University of Wisconsin System

  22. University of Virginia

You can read FIRE’s own endorsement of institutional neutrality, and the reason this policy is important, by clicking the title below:

Categories: Science

An Ambitious Mission to Neptune Could Study Both the Planet and Triton

Universe Today Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 10:48am

Mission concepts to the outer solar system are relatively common, as planetary scientists are increasingly frustrated by our lack of knowledge of the farthest planets. Neptune, the farthest known planet, was last visited by Voyager 2 in the 1980s. Technologies have advanced a lot since that probe was launched in 1977. But to utilize that better technology, we first need to have a mission arrive in the system – and one such mission is being developed over a series of papers by ConEx Research and University College London.

The Arcanum mission is designed to orbit Neptune and land on Triton, giving insight into both objects of interest in the system. Neptune has some of the highest winds in the solar system and the “Great Dark Spot” storm system. Triton is even more interesting, with potential active volcanism and possibly a subsurface ocean.

Given the different requirements to study both the planet and moon, Arcanum is split into three distinct parts – an orbiter, an “orbital maneuverer,” and a lander. Let’s take a look at each one in turn.

Video describing the Arcanum mission concept.
Credit – Conex Research YouTube Channel

Somerville is the orbiter’s name, and its primary function is to provide a scientific platform from which to study Neptune. But it will also serve as a communications relay for the lander system, which it will be joined to for most of its voyage to the outer solar system. 

The payload includes several cameras, a few spectrometers, a magnetometer, and some other scientific equipment, but most importantly, it will contain a telescope. The telescope will operate in the visible and infrared spectrum, allowing the orbiter to both look at the Neptunian system and search objects farther afield, such as those in the Kuiper Belt. 

The system that enables the orbital maneuvering of the lander is known as Tenzing. It will operate in two stages – first after it separates from Somerville and second after the lander disconnects. During its first phase, its purpose is to position the lander accurately for a touchdown on Triton, using its fuel reserves and providing a power top-up to the lander itself. During its second phase, it acts as an orbiting observer and relay station, interfacing communications from the lander to Somerville, which has a much stronger antenna.

Stackup of the Arcanum mission systems, including descriptions of many subcomponents.
Credit – McKevitt et al.

Tenzing also has a series of three “penetrators” that will attempt to break through the outer ice shell on Triton, allowing for scientific study of the world’s interior. It’s unclear whether the system designers plan to penetrate the crust entirely to get to a potential undersea ocean, 

The lander itself is called Bingham and consists of its own engines, landing pads, and scientific suite. Instruments on board include multiple cameras, a seismometer, a thermometer, and a mass spectrometer. Overall, the instrumentation on the lander would provide a basic understanding of the surface conditions on Triton, though it wouldn’t necessarily be able to dig into the most interesting parts of the moon on its own.

Trident is another mission under consideration for a trip to Neptune, as Fraser explains.

All these systems wouldn’t be possible without Starship’s improved launch capability, which is expected to have at least an order of magnitude more carrying capacity to a transfer orbit than many existing commercial rocket solutions. Bingham and Tenzing alone have a “wet” mass (i.e., with propellant) of 550 kg, putting it in a much heavier category than other outer solar system missions. With an expected launch date of 2030 and an expected arrival at Neptune in 2045, there will be plenty of time for Starship to get put through its paces before the launch window. But as of now, Arcanum is only one of several proposed solar system missions and has no major space agency backing. It remains to be seen what our next mission to Neptune will look like. However, the pressure to send one will increasingly build until, eventually, one day, humanity returns to this exciting system.

Learn More:
McKevitt et al – Concept of operations for the Neptune system mission Arcanum
UT – The Planet Neptune
UT – Life on Neptune
UT – What Is The Surface of Neptune Like?

Lead Image:
Artist’s depiction of the Arcanum mission.
Credit – McKevitt et al.

The post An Ambitious Mission to Neptune Could Study Both the Planet and Triton appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Science

Evidence grows for dramatic brain remodelling during pregnancy

New Scientist Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 9:00am
A woman's brain was scanned throughout her pregnancy, adding to the growing body of evidence that dramatic remodelling takes place in preparation for motherhood
Categories: Science

How to turn most of the CO2 an astronaut exhales into fresh oxygen

New Scientist Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 9:00am
A chemical reaction that recycles carbon dioxide into fresh oxygen could provide more sustainable life support for astronauts on the moon or Mars – and as a bonus, it also produces carbon nanotubes
Categories: Science

The complicated role loneliness plays in 26 common health conditions

New Scientist Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 9:00am
Loneliness was long thought to cause health conditions ranging from diabetes to cardiovascular disease, but new research paints a more nuanced picture
Categories: Science

The AI expert who says artificial general intelligence is nonsense

New Scientist Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 9:00am
Artificial intelligence has more in common with ants than humans, says Neil Lawrence. Only by taking a more nuanced view of intelligence can we see how machines will truly transform society
Categories: Science

Contrail avoidance is less likely to damage climate by mistake than previously thought, study finds

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 8:55am
A new study allays fears that rerouting flights to avoid forming climate-warming contrails could result in inadvertently making climate warming worse.
Categories: Science

Physics team electrifies the quantum world

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 8:55am
Researchers have developed a method to model a central theory of quantum gravity in the laboratory. Their goal: to decipher previously unexplained phenomena in the quantum world.
Categories: Science

Physics team electrifies the quantum world

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 8:55am
Researchers have developed a method to model a central theory of quantum gravity in the laboratory. Their goal: to decipher previously unexplained phenomena in the quantum world.
Categories: Science

Astronomers detect black hole 'starving' its host galaxy to death

Space and time from Science Daily Feed - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 8:55am
Astronomers have used the NASA/ESA James Webb Space Telescope to confirm that supermassive black holes can starve their host galaxies of the fuel they need to form new stars.
Categories: Science


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