We have been spoiled over recent years with first the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and then the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST.) Both have opened our eyes on the Universe and made amazing discoveries. One subject that has received attention from both is the derivation of the Hubble Constant – a constant relating the velocity of remote galaxies and their distances. A recent paper announces that JWST has just validated the results of previous studies by the Hubble Space Telescope to accurately measure its value.
The Hubble Constant (H0) is a fundamental parameter in cosmology that defines the rate of expansion of the universe. It defines the relationship between Earth and distant galaxies by the velocity they are receding from us. It was first discussed by Edwin Hubble in 1929 as he observed the spectra of distant galaxies. It is measured in unites of kilometres per second per megaparsec and shows how fast galaxies are moving away from us per unit of distance. The exact value of the constant has been the cause of many a scientific debate and more recently the HST and JWST have been trying to fine tune its value. Getting an accurate value is key to determining the age, size and fate of the universe.
Edwin HubbleA paper recently published by a team of researchers led by Adam G. Riess from John Hopkins University validate the results from a previous HST study. They use JWST to explore its earlier results of the cepheid/supernova distance ladder. This has been used to establish distances across the cosmos using cepheid variable stars and Type 1a supernovae. Both objects can be likened to ‘standard candles’ whose actual brightness is very well understood. By measuring their apparent brightness from Earth, their distances can be calculated by comparing it to their actual brightness, their intrinsic luminosity.
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has spotted a multiply-imaged supernova in a distant galaxy designated MRG-M0138. Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Justin Pierel (STScI) and Andrew Newman (Carnegie Institution for Science).Over recent decades, a number of attempts have been made to accurately determine H0 using a multitude of different instruments and observations. The cosmic microwave background has been used along with the aforementioned studies using cepheid variables and supernovae events. The results provide a range of results which has become known as ‘Hubble tension.’ The recent study using JWST hopes that it may be able to fine tune and validate previous work.
To be able to determine H0 with a level of accuracy using the cepheid/supernova ladder, a sufficiently high sample of cepheids and supernovae must be observed. This has been challenging, in particular of the sample size of supernovae within the range of cepheid variable stars. The team also explored other techniques for determining H0 for example studying data from HST of the study of the luminosity of the brightest red giant branch stars in a galaxy – which can also work as a standard candle. Or the luminosity of certain carbon rich stars which are another technique.
This illustration shows three steps astronomers used to measure the universe’s expansion rate (Hubble constant) to an unprecedented accuracy, reducing the total uncertainty to 2.3 percent. The measurements streamline and strengthen the construction of the cosmic distance ladder, which is used to measure accurate distances to galaxies near to and far from Earth. The latest Hubble study extends the number of Cepheid variable stars analyzed to distances of up to 10 times farther across our galaxy than previous Hubble results. Credits: NASA, ESA, A. Feild (STScI), and A. Riess (STScI/JHU)The team conclude that, when all JWST measurements are combined, including a correction for the low sample of supernovae data, that H0 comes out at 72.6 ± 2.0 km s?1 Mpc?1 This compares to the combined HST data which determines H0 as 72.8 km s?1 Mpc?1 It will take more years and more studies for the sample size of supernova from JWST to equal that from HST but the cross-check has so far revealed we are finally honing in on an accurate value for Hubble’s Constant.
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The good news is that the Washington Post, defying the inevitable cries that the paper is “transphobic”, is calling for a “respectful debate on trans women in sports”. This is, of course, because of the increasing number of biological men who identify as women (I prefer that jawbreaker to “trans women” because the latter plays into the misleading mantra that “trans women are women”), and because men who have gone through male puberty before transitioning have an inherent physical advantage over biological women. Even the UN now agrees on that, and gives data below on how many women have lost sports medals to transitioned biological men. I will, however, use “trans women” as shorthand in this article.
Just to see a major op-ed (by the editorial board!) defy the gender activists, who have censored all debate on this important ethical issue, makes me pleased. Read the article by clicking on the headline below or find it archived here.
You’ll note that the tone of the article is carefully monitored to ensure that a) the paper calls for “respectful” debate, when in fact what we need is just debate, and I haven’t seen any people discussing the issue being disrespectful to trans women; and b) although the op-ed doesn’t take sides, it cites accumulating data documenting the athletic advantage of trans women over biological women. There are enough data now, as we see below, to call for reform of sports regulations, so the debate is provisionally settled at present, though of course it’s about facts and those facts—and the resultant prescriptions—may change. For example, I don’t think there are any data showing that trans women outperform natal women in equestrian sports, though I can’t be sure: if men outperform women in horse sports, that means that even there different rules must be made. One thing is for sure: if there is a sport in which natal men do not outperform natal women, then by all mean let trans women compete with natal women. In such sports everybody can compete against everyone else.
But I digress: here are some excerpts from the op-ed. I have put other references below. Note the paper cited in the second paragraph; you may want to have a look. Also see the papers I cite below.
Trans people deserve to be treated with dignity, and the law should protect them from discrimination in areas such as employment and housing. But the realities of human biology raise legitimate questions about any notion that trans women should always and everywhere be treated exactly like cisgender women.
In athletic competition, male puberty confers significant advantages. While those biological differences vary by skill and sport, a 2023 paper by medical researchers in the United States and Italy noted that “it is well established that the best males always outperform the best females when the sport relies on muscle power, muscle endurance, or aerobic power.” The hormone therapy that many trans women take reduces some of those advantages over time, but research into how much those advantages can be mitigated, and over what time frame, is still ongoing. Other advantages, such as height, are fixed by the end of puberty. This poses obvious fairness and safety questions.
Note that the question is not just one of fairness—of transitioned biological men having unfair advantages competing against cis women—but of safety. A strong, muscular transitioned man could well injure a woman rugby player. This is why the English Rugby Football Union banned trans women from competing in women’s rugby. More from the WaPo article:
The public needs more and better research to make those decisions. But unless the data show that transitioning can fully erase the effects of male puberty, the country will also need a frank and open debate about the trade-offs between inclusion on the one hand and safety and fairness on the other.
And yet too often, efforts have been made to avoid or prevent discussion of those trade-offs by labeling debate inherently transphobic. This is not how a healthy democracy makes decisions.
Note too that gender activists ignore the palpable safety risk and of course the unfairness to biological women, saying that “trans women are women”, which means that trans women should have every right and privilege enjoyed by biological women. Well, I’d agree with that if by “right” one means “moral and legal right”, but I’ve always thought that there are some exceptions to the “rights” of trans women. Sport participation against biological women is one, of course. But trans women shouldn’t be allowed willy-nilly to be rape counselors advising unwilling women, monitors of shelters for battered or abused women, or inmates in jails holding biological women. Beyond that, I can’t think of many exceptions.
More from the article; notice that the public clearly recognizes the unfairness of having trans women in women’s sports:
A 2023 Gallup poll showed that almost 70 percent of Americans think sports participation should follow birth sex, not gender identity. Pressuring Democratic politicians to side with the minority, without giving sufficient space to the other side’s argument, is a recipe for irresolution and resentment.
The Democratic bit comes from the recent demonizing of Representative Seth Moulton (D, MA) for saying this: ““Democrats spend way too much time trying not to offend anyone rather than being brutally honest about the challenges many Americans face. … I have two little girls. I don’t want them getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete, but as a Democrat, I’m supposed to be afraid to say that.”
For that Moulton was called a transphobe by Democrats, who should be more thoughtful, and Moulton’s campaign manager resigned. This is simple wokeness: performative virtue-signaling that defies the known facts. Of course the paper isn’t going to say that, but ends its piece this way:
We cannot predict whose argument will prevail. We can only say that no one — and certainly no political party — is entitled to win this debate by default.
Well, I would have put it more strongly, but I’ll take it.
A recent UN report (!) on violence against women and girls (pdf here) documents the possibility of violence and actually gives numbers for the medals lost by biological women to trans women.
Here are some data; the bolding is mine:
Policies implemented by international federations and national governing bodies, along with national legislation in some countries, allow males who identify as women to compete in female sports categories.28 In other cases, this practice is not explicitly prohibited and is thus tolerated in practice. The replacement of the female sports category with a mixed-sex category has resulted in an increasing number of female athletes losing opportunities, including medals, when competing against males. According to information received, by 30 March 2024, over 600 female athletes in more than 400 competitions have lost more than 890 medals in 29 different sports.
Note that one of the arguments for allowing trans women to compete against biological women is that there are so few of the former that it doesn’t matter. But even one medal taken away from a biological women is unfair, and I don’t see why there should be a threshold below which mixed competition is okay. Further, 890 medals in 29 sports is not a small figure!
Below the report notes that suppression of testosterone in trans women will not equalize the athletic potential of trans women and biological women. Testosterone levels used to be the criterion for Olympic participation of trans women or women with disorders of sex development, but the Olympics recently punted, saying that each sport must set its own criteria (again, my bolding):
Male athletes have specific attributes considered advantageous in certain sports, such as strength and testosterone levels that are higher than those of the average range for females, even before puberty, thereby resulting in the loss of fair opportunity. Some sports federations mandate testosterone suppression for athletes in order to qualify for female categories in elite sports. However, pharmaceutical testosterone suppression for genetically male athletes – irrespective of how they identify – will not eliminate the set of comparative performance advantages they have already acquired.This approach may not only harm the health of the athlete concerned, but it also fails to achieve its stated objective. Therefore, the testosterone levels deemed acceptable by any sporting body are, at best, not evidence-based, arbitraryand asymmetrically favour males.
Here are three recommendations from from the UN report (again, bolding is mine). These are conclusions, so are based on data. While more data are needed, what we have now is sufficient to actually make policy instead of simply calling for “more debate.” Of course more data will always be useful, but we have sufficient data to make provisional policy.
(b) Ensure that female categories in organized sport are exclusively accessible to persons whose biological sex is female. In cases where the sex of an athlete is unknown or uncertain, a dignified, swift, non-invasive and accurate sex screening method (such as a cheek swab) or, where necessary for exceptional reasons, genetic testing should be applied to confirm the athlete’s sex. In non-professional sports spaces, the original birth certificates for verification may be appropriate. In some exceptional circumstances, such tests may need to be followed up by more complex tests;
(c) Refrain from subjecting anyone to invasive sex screening or forcing a person to lower testosterone levels to compete in any category;
(d) Ensure the inclusive participation of all persons wishing to play sports, through the creation of open categories for those persons who do not wish
(d) Ensure the inclusive participation of all persons wishing to play sports, through the creation of open categories for those persons who do not wish to compete in the category of their biological sex, or convert the male category into an open category. . .
The last recommendation is one I agree with and have made before. I have written many times on this issue (see here and especially the papers I cite here).
Finally, here is a new editorial in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. There are many authors, including developmental biologist and geneticist Emma Hilton, a colleague of Matthew’s at the University of Manchester. It’s a short piece (less than two pages); click to read.
Here’s a summary of their recommendations:
During press conferences at the 2024 Olympic Games, theInternational Olympic Committee (IOC) invited solutions to address eligibility for women’s sport. We take this opportunity to propose our solution, which includes: (a) recognizing that female sport that excludes all male advantage is necessary for female inclusion; (b) recognizing that exclusion from female sport should be based on the presence of any male development, rather than current testosterone levels, (c) not privileging legal“passport” sex or gender identity for inclusion into female sport; and (d) accepting that sport must have means of testing eligibility to fulfill the category purpose.
They recommend as an initial test a simple cheek swab that can determine the sex-chromosome constitution of women. If that shows deviations from the regular XX genotype, they then recommend “comprehensive follow-up in the rare cases that require extra consideration, with emphasis on the duty of care to every athlete. . . “.
I’m glad that the Washington Post brought this into the open, and with the approbation of its entire editorial board. Nobody involved in the discussions above is a “transphobe” who wants to deny men who identify as women legal or moral rights. But it’s time we admit openly that those rights are not unlimited—that the mantra “trans women are women” is not only biologically inaccurate, but also that the inaccuracy places a few limits on the rights of trans women.
The Breakthrough Starshot program aims to cross the immense distances to the nearest star in just decades. Using a high-powered laser to propel a reflective sail technology to relativistic speeds is their mission. The selection of sail material is key to its success as it must be lightweight while being able to withstand acceleration and radiation from the laser. A recent study explores various materials and proposes that core-shell structures—spherical particles composed of two different materials—could be a promising solution.
Breakthrough Starshot is an ambitious project to explore interstellar space by sending tiny, lightweight spacecraft to the nearest star system, Alpha Centauri. The project plans to use ground-based, high-powered lasers to accelerate reflective ‘light sails,’ enabling the spacecraft to achieve relativistic speeds and travel the 4.37 light-years in just a few years. Each spacecraft will be equipped with tiny sensors and communication systems, will collect data on exoplanets and other interstellar phenomena along the way. If successful, it could mark our first step toward exploring distant star systems and searching for extraterrestrial life.
This image of the sky around the bright star Alpha Centauri AB also shows the much fainter red dwarf star, Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Solar System. The picture was created from pictures forming part of the Digitized Sky Survey 2. The blue halo around Alpha Centauri AB is an artifact of the photographic process, the star is really pale yellow in colour like the Sun. Image Credit: Digitized Sky Survey 2 Acknowledgement: Davide De Martin/Mahdi ZamaniTraveling at relativistic speeds, which are velocities close to the speed of light, presents amazing possibilities but brings with it immense difficulties. At these speeds, time dilation (a phenomenon predicted by Einstein’s theory of relativity) causes time to pass more slowly for the traveler relative to observers on Earth, potentially allowing journeys to distant stars within a single human lifetime from the traveler’s perspective. This won’t be a problem for Starshot however as they plan to send tiny spacecraft only. However, achieving such speeds, even for Starshot requires overcoming immense energy demands, as the kinetic energy needed increases exponentially with velocity. The environment at relativistic speeds also becomes particularly hazardous. Collisions with particles at such high speeds could easily destroy spacecraft, and radiation exposure would intensify due to relativistic effects.
This image shows the ACS3 being unfurled at NASA’s Langley Research Center. The solar wind is reliable but not very powerful. It requires a large sail area to power a spacecraft effectively. The ACS2 is about 9 meters (30 ft) per side, requiring a strong, lightweight boom system. Image Credit: NASATo complete the journey in a few decades the spacecraft needs to be accelerated to an estimated 20% of the speed of light bringing with it all the problems outlined above. The selection of the right material for the sails is key. In a paper recently published by Mitchell R. Whittam, Lukas Rebholz, Benedikt Zerulla and Carsten Rockstuhl from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany the team report on the results of their search for the best material. In particular they focus attention on the so called core-shell spheres.
The structures are based upon a matrix design which finds its origins in Mie Theory. This mathematical framework was developed by German physicist Gustav Mie in 1908 to describe how spherical particles scatter electromagnetic waves such as light. In their study, they explore the reflective properties and acceleration times of spheres made from aluminium, silicon, silicon dioxide and various combinations.
The results were promising with a shell composed of a silicon and silicon dioxide combination yielding the best results. The work offers a significant insight into the structure of materials for light sails. Whilst not a definitive outcome, they showed that core-shell spheres, which were a previously unexplored area of light sail physics is a promising avenue to explore for future experimental work.
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The Earth has always been bombarded with rocks from space. It’s true to say though that there were more rocks flying around the Solar System during earlier periods of its history. A team of researchers have been studying a meteorite impact from 3.26 billion years ago. They have calculated this rock was 200 times bigger than the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. The event would have triggered tsunamis mixing up the oceans and flushing debris from the land. The newly available organic material allowed organisms to thrive.
Meteorite impacts are a common event and its not unusual to see these rocks from space whizzing through the atmosphere. Giant meteorite impacts have become an important part of Earth’s geological history. The impacts release colossal amounts of energy that can destroy life, create wildfires, tsunamis and eject dust into the atmosphere. The Chicxulub impact around 66 million years ago is perhaps one of the most well known impacts and wiped out the dinosaurs. The study of these interplanetary wanderers is imperative as we strive to protect ourselves from potential impactors that pose a threat to human life.
A bright meteor caught by one of the Global Fireball Network’s cameras from the Rancho Mirage Observatory (Eric McLaughlin) on April 7, 2019. Credit: NASA Meteorite Tracking and Recovery Network.Impacts like these have had a massive affect on the development of Earth and its suitability for life. Geological studies of rocks from the Archean Eon have revealed 16 major impacts with impactors measuring at least 10km in diameter. At the time of impact the effects can be devastating but over time, their can be benefits to life although it’s not well understood. In a paper published in Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences the team led by Nadja Drabon from Harvard University explore rocks from an event 3.26 billion years ago.
Known as the S2 event, the impactor is believed to be a carbonaceous chondrite between 37 to 58 km in diameter. It is thought to have exploded over South Africa with debris landing in the ocean causing giant tsunamis. The impact mixed up iron(II) rich deep waters with the iron(II) poor shallower waters. It will have also caused the waters to heat leading to partial evaporation of surface water with a temporary increase in erosion around coastal areas.
A three-dimensional cross-section of the hydrothermal system in the Chicxulub impact crater and its seafloor vents. The system has the potential for harboring microbial life. Illustration by Victor O. Leshyk for the Lunar and Planetary Institute.Perhaps one of the most valuable effects of the impact was the injection of phosphorus into the atmosphere with a positive impact on the Earth’s habitability for life. Study of the layers of rock above the layer caused by the S2 event reveals an increased amount of nutrients and iron which helped microbial life to thrive.
The study has helped to build a clearer understanding of how giant impacts can aid the development of life. It does of course depend on the size and type, material and the conditions of the atmosphere before the event. The S2 event seems to have quite a mixed effect on early life, in particular marine life. Overall some forms of life were positively impacted while others seemed to have experienced challenges. Marine life that relies upon sunlight to survive (the phototrophs) were effected by the darkness while those living at lower depths were less influenced. The detrimental effects of the atmosphere would likely only have been short lived lasting perhaps just a few years before recovering quickly causing only a temporary impact to marine life. But the injection of phosphorous in the atmosphere would have had far more long term beneficial effects to life.
Source : Effect of a giant meteorite impact on Paleoarchean surface environments and life
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It’s Sunday, and that means we have a batch of biologist John Avise‘s bird photos. Today’s group features headshots of birds in zoos. John’s text and IDs are indented, and you can click on the photos to enlarge them.
Zoo Headshots
I love visiting well-designed zoos, especially those with large open aviaries and other open-like enclosures. The San Diego Zoo is exemplary in these regards. This week’s post shows head portraits of several avian species from around the world that I’ve managed to photograph in zoo aviaries. In such large enclosures, taking good photos remains challenging because the birds have plenty of space to freely move and fly around in their simulated natural habitats.
Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (Rupicola peruvianus) male (native to South America):
Black Crowned Crane (Balearica pavonina) (native to Africa):
American Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) (native to the West Indies and northern South America):
Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis) (native to southern South America):
Lesser Flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor) (native to sub-Saharan Africa and India):
Chestnut-breasted Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus curvirostris) (native to Southeast Asia):
Red-and-Green Macaw (Ara chloropterus) (native to South America):
Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) (native to South America):
Saddle-billed Stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) (native to Africa):
Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) (native to Africa):
Southern Bald Ibis (Geronticus calvus) (native to southern Africa):
White-faced Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna viduata) (Native to Africa):
RALEIGH, N.C. — Particle physicist Hitoshi Murayama admits that he used to worry about being known as the “most hated man” in his field of science. But the good news is that now he can joke about it.
Last year, the Berkeley professor chaired the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel, or P5, which drew up a list of multimillion-dollar physics experiments that should move ahead over the next 10 years. The list focused on phenomena ranging from subatomic smash-ups to cosmic inflation. At the same time, the panel also had to decide which projects would have to be left behind for budgetary reasons, which could have turned Murayama into the Dr. No of physics.
Although Murayama has some regrets about the projects that were put off, he’s satisfied with how the process turned out. Now he’s just hoping that the federal government will follow through on the P5’s top priorities.
Berkeley particle physicist Hitoshi Murayama speaks at the ScienceWriters 2024 conference in Raleigh, N.C. (Photo by Alan Boyle)“There are five actually exciting projects we think we can do within the budget program,” Murayama said this week during a presentation at the ScienceWriters 2024 conference in Raleigh. Not all of the projects recommended for U.S. funding are totally new — and not all of them are based in the U.S. Here’s a quick rundown:
In addition to the top five projects, the panel endorsed a longer-term effort to develop an advanced particle accelerator that would produce collisions between subatomic particles known as muons. Such a machine would increase the chances of finding new frontiers in physics in the 2030s, Murayama said.
“We call this a ‘muon shot,’ like a moonshot,” he said. “We don’t know quite well if we can really get there, but as you work toward it, that would end up producing so many interesting things on the way, more science and more technologies.”
Will the P5’s priorities prevail? That’s up to the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation, which must decide what to do with the physicists’ recommendations. Success isn’t guaranteed: For example, NSF put the CMB-S4 experiment on hold in May to focus instead on upgrading aging infrastructure at its Antarctic facilities.
Looking ahead, it’s not yet clear how particle physics will fare when Donald Trump returns to the White House. For what it’s worth, the price tags for four of the projects add up to more than $2.5 billion over the course of several years. The cost of the offshore Higgs factory is certain to amount to billions more.
Murayama called attention to an issue that could affect IceCube, CMB-S4 and other Antarctic research in the nearer term. “There is a fleet of cargo airplanes that is owned by the U.S. Air Force that actually served us well over many decades,” he said. “But they were built back in the ’70s, and they’re about to retire, and right now there are no plans to replace them. Then we will lose access.”
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., managed to get a $229 million appropriation for new planes into the Senate’s version of the defense budget bill for the current fiscal year, but the House still has to take action. That sets up a bit of a congressional cliffhanger for the weeks and months ahead.
“I don’t get a good sense of the priority,” Murayama confessed. “But this is supposed to be part of the defense budget, which is way bigger than the science budget — so in that part, it’s peanuts. Hopefully, it just can get in and get funded.”
For a critical perspective on the P5 wish list, check out physicist Sabine Hossenfelder’s YouTube video:
Alan Boyle is a volunteer board member for the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing, which was one of the organizers of the ScienceWriters 2024 conference.
The post America’s Particle Physics Plan Spans the Globe — and the Cosmos appeared first on Universe Today.
It means pertussis and measles outbreaks will be happening under your watch and you'll be held responsible while your boss is an anti-vaxx crank. Enjoy!
The post What Does it Mean to Own the Next 4 Years? first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.We are all familiar with the atmosphere of the Earth and part of this, the ionosphere, is a layer of weakly ionized plasma. It extends from 50 to 1,500 km above the planet. It’s a diffuse layer but sufficient to interfere with satellite communications and navigation systems too. A team of researchers have come up with an intriguing idea to utilise millions of mobile phones to help map the ionosphere by relying on their GPS antennas.
The ionosphere is a layer of the Earth’s atmosphere where radiation ionizes atoms and molecules. The incoming solar radiation is the primary cause which energises gases causing them to lose electrons and become electrically charged. The process creates a region of charged particles or ions known as plasma. The ionosphere is a key part of radio communications since its ionized particles reflect and refract radio waves back to Earth facilitating long distance communication. It’s density and surprisingly perhaps its composition changes as solar activity waxes and wanes.
A view of Earth’s atmosphere from space. Credit: NASAIn a paper recently published in Nature, a team of researchers at Google have used data from over 40 million mobile phones to map conditions in the ionosphere. The concept of using crowdsourced signals is an intriguing one and the study will help to improve satellite navigation and our understanding of the upper regions of our atmosphere. We still don’t have a full understanding of the properties of the ionosphere across regions like Africa and South America so this study will fill significant gaps.
The ionosphere can slow down radio signals that travel to Earth from satellites, in particular from GPS and other navigation satellites. When it comes to these navigation signals, they rely heavily upon signal timing and relies upon nano-second precision. This gives systems the ability to pinpoint location with incredible accuracy, having an accurate model of the ionosphere is key to its success however.
NavCube, the product of a merger between the Goddard-developed SpaceCube 2.0 and Navigator GPS technologies, could play a vital role helping to demonstrate X-ray communications in space — a potential NASA first. Credit: NASA/W. HrybykUsing data from ground based stations, engineers can create real time maps of the ionospheric density. To do this, data is received across two different frequencies from the same satellite and their arrival timed. Dependent on the density of the ionosphere, the low frequency waves are slowed down more than the high frequency signals. Not taking these into account could put GPS and navigation systems out by 5 metres or more.
Receiving multiple frequencies is within the capability of most mobile phones and it’s using this that has been the focus of the study. There is however, a degree of noise in the data received by mobile phones but the team at Google found that combining the signal of large numbers of phones reduced the noise.
The study is currently only working with Android phones. Anyone who allows for their sensor data to be shared was able to contribute to the study. The data has already revealed plasma in the ionosphere over South America that had not been seen before.
Source : Mapping the ionosphere with millions of phones
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