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Want privacy? You're just a stick figure to this camera

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 10:11am
A new camera could prevent companies from collecting embarrassing and identifiable photos and videos from devices like smart home cameras and robotic vacuums. It's called PrivacyLens.
Categories: Science

Want privacy? You're just a stick figure to this camera

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 10:11am
A new camera could prevent companies from collecting embarrassing and identifiable photos and videos from devices like smart home cameras and robotic vacuums. It's called PrivacyLens.
Categories: Science

Exoplanet-hunting telescope to begin search for another Earth in 2026

Space and time from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 9:49am
Europe's next big space mission -- a telescope that will hunt for Earth-like rocky planets outside of our solar system -- is on course to launch at the end of 2026. PLATO, or PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars, is being built to find nearby potentially habitable worlds around Sun-like stars that we can examine in detail.
Categories: Science

Study shows new efficiency standards for heavy trucks could boost energy use

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 9:49am
A new study suggests that the U.S. government's push to increase heavy-duty trucks' energy efficiency could encourage more shipping by truck instead of rail, reducing the policies' anticipated effectiveness by 20%.
Categories: Science

Another intermediate-mass black hole discovered at the center of our galaxy

Space and time from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 9:48am
So far, only about ten intermediate-mass black holes have been discovered in the entire universe. The newly identified black hole causes surrounding stars in a cluster to move in an unexpectedly orderly way.
Categories: Science

Novel electrode for improving flowless zinc-bromine battery

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 9:48am
The flowless zinc-bromine battery (FLZBB) is a promising alternative to flammable lithium-ion batteries due to its use of non-flammable electrolytes. However, it suffers from self-discharge due to the crossover of active materials, generated at the positive graphite felt (GF) electrode, to the negative electrode, significantly affecting performance. Now, researchers have developed a novel nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon-coated GF electrode that effectively suppresses self-discharge. This breakthrough can lead to practical applications of FLZBB in energy storage systems.
Categories: Science

Analyzing internal world models of humans, animals and AI

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 9:48am
Researchers have developed a new formal description of internal world models, thereby enabling interdisciplinary research. Internal world models help to make predictions about new situations based on previous experience and to help find one's bearings. The new formalized view helps to compare world models of humans, animals and AI and to eliminate deficits.
Categories: Science

Using AI to scrutinize, validate theories on animal evolution

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 9:48am
By harnessing the power of machine learning, researchers have constructed a framework for analyzing what factors most significantly contribute to a species' genetic diversity.
Categories: Science

NASA's cancelled moon rover calls 2026 crewed landing into question

New Scientist Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 9:43am
The VIPER moon rover was due to launch in 2025 but NASA has suddenly cancelled it, citing budgetary issues, despite the spacecraft being fully built
Categories: Science

Why the UK was so ill prepared for the covid-19 pandemic

New Scientist Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 9:22am
The UK had no plans for preventing or limiting the spread of a covid-19-like infection because it assumed the next pandemic would be caused by an unstoppable flu virus, an inquiry into the outbreak has revealed
Categories: Science

Today’s wildlife post misposted

Why Evolution is True Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 8:15am

This morning something got screwed up with the wildlife post, and so it was posted by accident when it was only partially written.  That means that the email went out with about 15% of the post included. If you read posts on the emails, then, I urge you to go back to Bruce Lyon’s original post, which has three videos and many photos of adorable Arctic fox cubs, at the new site.

I have no idea what happened, but it was a pain to restore the post. It is, however, well worth perusing, as those cubs are somethin

Categories: Science

Repost with evidence: Health New Zealand “encourages” its employees to say Māori prayers daily

Why Evolution is True Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 7:30am

NOTE:  I put this post up the other day, but then got a very irate email from a Kiwi saying that no, I was WRONG: Health New Zealand, he asserted, never sent around any notice to employees encouraging them to say spiritual prayers (karakia) during the day: a Māori custom.  I objected to this as a mixing of religion and government (governmental health efforts), as well as a partial sacralization of indigenous practices. Because of the correspondent’s objection, and because I had no original evidence for such a notice being sent out—just a reader’s assertion—I pulled the post. I also informed a NZ outlet, which had asked to republish my post, to hold off until they could get evidence that such a notice about karakia was indeed circulated.

The organization in NZ has now procured such evidence, so I’m reposting what I took down, but have added the notice (with a link) verifying the government’s urging employees to pray.  And to the person who told me in very strong terms that no such notice existed, well, this is a family site and I won’t tell him what to do—but you can guess.

My post, now with the notice and a link to it:

This item, from the Breaking Views website in New Zealand, is one of the rare cases of a Kiwi speaking up against forcible adherence to Māori customs on the job—in this case, saying Māori prayers. First, “Health New Zealand,” the organization in question, is a government agency that, according to its own description:

. . . . will manage all health services, including hospital and specialist services, and primary and community care. Hospital and specialist services will be planned nationally and delivered more consistently across the country. Primary and community services will be commissioned through four regional divisions, each of which will network with a range of district offices (Population Health and Wellbeing Networks) who will develop and implement locality plans to improve the health and wellbeing of communities.

And the author of this short plaint, A. E. Thompson, is described as “a working, tax-paying New Zealander who speaks up about threats to our hard-fought rights, liberties, egalitarian values, rational thinking and fair treatment by the state.”  He or she is also courageous! (It’s not clear whether Thompson is employed by Health New Zealand; if so, that won’t be for long!)

The beef is that the government sent out a notice to Health New Zealand’s staff encouraging them to say Māori prayers daily.  From the site:

I was made aware that Health New Zealand recently sent an email to its staff as follows:

“We encourage everyone to incorporate karakia daily. To help support you with this we have created some pre-recorded videos to learn karakia. Our resource is designed to give you some options that will enable you to learn and develop your confidence and skills. Note over time we will be adding more recordings for you to choose from.”

The word ‘karakia’ surely must be a Maorified way of saying ‘prayer’, but it seems very difficult and may be impossible to determine whether the term was used before Europeans arrived or if there were other terms that iwi used for their incantations, chants and verbal offerings of respect to their various spiritual entities. Regardless, karakia almost always involve references to supernatural forces whether they be Christian (in practice, they usually end with ‘amine’), pagan or spiritualist. They often involve communication intended for (usually unspecified) long-dead ancestors.

Massey University assistant lecturer Te Rā Moriarty was quoted as saying: “Karakia allow us to continue an ancestral practice of acknowledging orally the divine forces that we, as Māori, understand as the sources of our natural environment. We call these forces atua. So, it is a way to connect through the words of our tūpuna to the world that we live.”

Here’s the notice that the NZ news site that was going to publish my post eventually found. And yes, it is real, and came with a note:

NAME REDACTED tells me she has been advised that an email was sent to employees and invited them to view the message in their browser.

Click the notice to see the announcement—on a Health New Zealand website. The “you can read more” link doesn’t work for me; it apparently requires credentials to access. But the notice says exactly what my informant claimed.  Yes, the New Zealand government is urging some of its employees to pray daily.

In the Māori dictionary, “karakia” is defined this way:

(noun) incantation, ritual chant, chant, intoned incantation, charm, spell – a set form of words to state or make effective a ritual activity. Karakia are recited rapidly using traditional language, symbols and structures. Traditionally correct delivery of the karakia was essential: mispronunciation, hesitation or omissions courted disaster. . . . .

So what we have is a government agency “encouraging” its staff to chant to supernatural powers in hope of connecting to one’s ancestors (tūpuna). This encouragement, of course, violates the separation of church and state, and is an unwarranted sop to the indigenous people. (New Zealand, of course, doesn’t have a First Amendment.)  It’s one more sign of how the sacralization of the oppressed is spreading in New Zealand.  Of course these prayers have no effect, and encouraging the descendants of “colonists” to say them is to force one’s beliefs on others who may not share them.

Thompson has a few words about this:

We can choose not to attend places where the religious practices feel offensive or intolerant to us, and the hosts in those places can exercise similar choice about visiting our spaces.

However, when we are employed and rely upon that employment for our survival, we don’t have the choice to avoid our place of employment. Being employed in a state service under a secular government, workers should have choice over whether they participate even passively in practices involving claimed spiritual entities or supernatural beliefs. Expecting employees to participate denies their right to choose to follow their own religion or philosophical belief and not other people’s, a characteristic of totalitarian rule.

This is especially true in New Zealand, where refusal to sacralize the presumed “oppressed” is sometimes punished severely, with threats of losing one’s job. Thompson’s piece continues:

Sure, the email to health staff only used the word “encourage” but really, when your employer issues an email saying that, you know it will be expected and that ignoring or opposing it will be held against you and may cost you your job.

Pressuring state employees and even private company employees to participate in karakia sets a dangerous precedent in eroding separation between state and religion. As we speak, Muslim immigrants in Europe are deliberately imposing their religious practices on non-Muslim populations by having their distorting loudspeakers call dozens or hundreds of faithful to prostrate themselves in prayer on public footpaths and roadways (even though nearby mosques are plentiful). The practice reflects their belief that Islam is so important that everyone either needs to convert to it or be discriminated against or killed.

As usual, I was sent this with the assumption that the sender would remain anonymous. Thompson, however, clearly has some guts, for even if he/she doesn’t work for Health New Zealand, it’s a huge risk to publish something like this anywhere.

Categories: Science

Readers’ wildlife photos and videos (adorable Arctic fox cubs)

Why Evolution is True Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 6:15am

After a long break doing field work, Bruce Lyon of UC Santa Cruz, now in Alaska working on birds, sent some photos of bonus mammals: cute Arctic foxed with added VIDEOS. His captions and IDs are indented, and you can enlarge his photos by clicking on them. His intro:

Since foxes are honorary cats on WEIT, I thought people would enjoy some photos and videos of an arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) family on St Paul Island, Alaska, where I have spent the summer studying birds. There is a fox den in the boulders next to the beach near my lodging and the pair has a whopping nine pups! The other day all nine adorable fuzzballs were playing out in the open on the beach and I was able to watch and photograph their antics. There were lots of playfights, chases and pounces, tossing bits of dried fish into the air, chewing and attacking a piece of driftwood on the beach, and leaping up and pirouetting in the air.

Arctic foxes are native to St Paul Island and virtually all individuals are blue morph rather than white morph foxes. Occasionally, white morph individuals do get here by crossing the winter sea ice. The morphs are apparently produced by a single Mendelian gene (the MC1R gene). However, three of the pups have white feet, so perhaps the coat color is mostly but not entirely determined by the MC1R gene.

JAC: Here’s the location of St. Paul Island in the Priblofs (from Wikipedia):

A video best shows how adorable these fuzzballs are. Seven of the nine pups are in view:

Another video—the pups having fun with their driftwood toy:

One last video—a sibling’s tail makes for a great toy:

The fox playground. The pup on the right is in pounce mode and pounced on its sib just after I took the photograph:

A pup inspects a fish head. Someone from the local fish processing plant may have dumped a bunch of fish on the beach for the foxes but it is also possible that the parents dragged the fish here from wherever the fish scraps are dumped:

A chase:

These guys took a break from playfighting but then the one on the right batted its sib and in the process lost its balance and toppled over (the following photo):

Next few photos: Mom’s home!  The adult female showed up and the pups mobbed her. They were so excited to see her—lots of bouncing and tail-wagging. She nursed them for a bit (I think they had to take turns; too many to fit at one time) but she soon decided she had had enough and nipped at the kids to chase them off:

A pup checks me out:

Categories: Science

Magnesium oil: Not so magical

Science-based Medicine Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 6:00am

Despite the hype, there is no evidence to show magnesium oil is effective for any purpose.

The post Magnesium oil: Not so magical first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.
Categories: Science

Is sharing your smartphone PIN part of a healthy relationship?

New Scientist Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 5:57am
Smartphones contain some of our most intimate data, but are you willing to share it with your most intimate partner? A survey has revealed that 51 per cent of people are happy to give their PIN to their partner, but other forms of data sharing are less agreeable
Categories: Science

Swarming Satellites Could Autonomous Characterize an Asteroid

Universe Today Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 4:34am

An asteroid’s size, shape, and rotational speed are clues to its internal properties and potential resources for mining operations. However, of the more than 20,000 near-Earth asteroids currently known, only a tiny fraction have been sufficiently characterized to estimate those three properties accurately. That is essentially a resource constraint – there aren’t enough dedicated telescopes on Earth to keep track of all the asteroids for long enough to characterize them, and deep space resources, such as the Deep Space Network required for communications outside Earth’s orbit, are already overutilized by other missions. Enter the Autonomous Nanosatellite Swarming (ANS) mission concept, developed by Dr. Simone D’Amico and his colleagues at Stanford’s Space Rendezvous Laboratory. 

The concept behind ANS is relatively simple. A primary “mothership” spacecraft travels to an asteroid, where it deploys several smaller, autonomous nanosatellites upon arrival. These nanosatellites take up positions surrounding the asteroid and, using relatively inexpensive sensor and communications technology, map the asteroid’s features. After observing for some time, they send data back to the mothership, where an algorithm pieces together information similar to a stereo vision system on Earth and calculates the asteroid’s shape, size, and rotational speed.

There are several deeper layers to unpack in the mission, though. Communication is the first one. In ANS, only the mothership communicates back to Earth using a high-gain antenna. The smaller swarming robots all communicate with each other – partly to estimate distances between the different swarming satellites but also to coordinate observations.

Characterization is the first step toward exploitation, as Fraser discusses.

Each nanosatellite utilizes only a few relatively inexpensive pieces of hardware, including a star tracker for overall positioning, short range camera (as compared to more expensive lidar systems typically used in asteroid characterization missions), atomic clocks to synchronize timing, and radio frequency communication modules. These components allow for relatively independent operation of each nanosatellite and lower the burden of communication back with Earth – freeing up those deep space communications resources for other critical work.

But the critical component of ANS isn’t so much the hardware—it’s the software, particularly the control and estimation algorithm. Dr. D’Amico and his team describe a technical tool known as an unscented Kalman filter, which allows them to estimate asteroid shape, size, and rotation based on landmarks noticed by each swarming nanosatellite and run through this algorithm.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of that algorithm, the team tested it using a relatively well-characterized asteroid: 443 Eros. That asteroid had the distinction of being both the first near-Earth object ever found, back in 1898, and the first ever visited by a mission – the NEAR mission 100 years later. The NEAR Shoemaker craft that visited 433 Eros also successfully landed on it, another first for humanity. Even with the comparatively simple sensing technology of a quarter century ago, Eros is still one of the most characterized asteroids in the solar system.

Here’s a talk about autonomous swarming given by Dr. D’Amico, the head of Stanford’s Space Rendezvous Lab.

The demonstration results clearly showed that the ANS algorithm does its job well. It can coordinate the positioning of the nanosatellites surrounding the asteroid and coalesce their disparate data sets into a coherent picture of the asteroid they are monitoring. And it can do so remotely, with very minimal input from Earth.

For now, that is how far the algorithm has gotten. Several missions, some of which we’ll cover in the near future, further explore the idea of nanosatellite swarms. But ANS itself hasn’t yet been adopted into a formal mission architecture. One day, though, thousands of satellites might be swarming the tens of thousands of small bodies surrounding our home, leading to the first stages of a genuinely off-Earth economy.

Learn More:
NASA – Autonomous Nanosatellite Swarming (ANS) Using Radio Frequency and Optical Navigation
Stacey, Dennison, & D’Amico – Autonomous Asteroid Characterization through Nanosatellite Swarming
UT – What Are Asteroids Made Of?
UT – Water Found on the Surface of an Asteroid

Lead Image:
Artist’ depiction of an ANS mission to Eros.
Credit – Stacey, Dennison, & D’Amico

The post Swarming Satellites Could Autonomous Characterize an Asteroid appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Science

Many people think AI is already sentient - and that's a big problem

New Scientist Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 4:00am
A survey of people in the US has revealed the widespread belief that artificial intelligence models are already self-aware, which is very far from the truth
Categories: Science

Are animals conscious? We’re finally realising that many species are

New Scientist Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 2:00am
Science is at last confirming what many people have long suspected - that mammals, birds and perhaps some invertebrates have elements of consciousness
Categories: Science

Watch bees defend their nest by slapping ants with their wings

New Scientist Feed - Thu, 07/18/2024 - 1:00am
When ants try to invade their nest, Japanese honeybees flutter their wings and tilt their bodies to beat away their enemies
Categories: Science

Officially, Only the Sun Can Have Planets. Is it Time to Fix the Definition of “Planet”?

Universe Today Feed - Wed, 07/17/2024 - 10:02pm

What is the true definition of a planet, and could there be a more refined definition in the future? This is what a recent study published in The Planetary Science Journal hopes to address as a team of researchers from the United States and Canada investigated the potential for a new definition of a “planet”. This study holds the potential to challenge the longstanding definition outlined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), which established IAU Resolution B5 in 2006, resulting in demoting Pluto from a “planet” to a “dwarf planet”.

Here, Universe Today discusses this incredible research with study lead author, Dr. Jean-Luc Margot, who is a professor in the Department of Earth, Planetary & Space Sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles, regarding the motivation behind the study, significant results, what steps need to be taken for the IAU to implement his new definition, and whether Dr. Margot thinks Pluto should be reclassified as a planet. So, what was the motivation behind this study?

“IAU Resolution B5 is problematic – it is vague and excludes exoplanets – and the problems will not go away on their own,” Dr. Margot tells Universe Today. “Our community and the public deserve better definitions for such important astrophysical terms as ‘planet’ and ‘satellite’. We have had 18 years to identify the problems and consider possible ways forward. There are good reasons to believe that we are better equipped in 2024 than in 2006 to produce a good outcome.”

According to IAU Resolution B5, the current definition of a planet is as follows:

(a) is in orbit around the Sun,

(b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it   assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and 

(c) has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.

Unfortunately, this resulted in Pluto being demoted from a planet to a dwarf planet since it did not meet criteria (c). Additionally, IAU Resolution B5 limits itself to planets within our solar system, specifically pertaining to planets orbiting a single star. In contrast, approximately 50 exoplanets have been confirmed to orbit one star within a binary (two-star) system. Therefore, a new IAU definition that encompasses exoplanets could help establish a better framework for planets throughout the cosmos.

While IAU Resolution B5 is considered a qualitative (non-mathematical) definition for planets, this recent study attempted to develop a more quantitative (mathematical) definition, or planetary taxonomy (classification), that could encompass planets and satellites (moons) both within and beyond our solar system. To accomplish this, the researchers used a series of equations to calculate a planetary body’s “ability to clear a zone” which coincides with criteria (c) of IAU Resolution B5, with the goal of ascertaining the approximate size a planetary body needs to be to “clear a zone”. Additional equations were also used to ascertain the difference between a planet and a satellite, as well. Therefore, what were some of the most significant results from this study?

“We suggest that planetary bodies can be classified on the basis of properties that are easily measurable: orbital elements and masses,” Dr. Margot tells Universe Today. “We find that unsupervised clustering of solar system bodies according to orbital elements and masses yields distinct groups. The clustering reveals that satellites are distinct from planets, and it reveals that the 8 planets are distinct from all other bodies. The presence of these groups and the gaps between these groups provides natural dividing lines for planetary taxonomy.”

Dr. Margot continues, “We emphasize the focus on the ability to clear a zone in a specified timescale as opposed to the state of having cleared a zone. The former is robust and easily quantifiable and observable, the latter is difficult to implement and difficult to quantify. We propose a single clearing timescale applicable to all stars, stellar remnants, and brown dwarfs. We propose a definition that is aligned with IAU recommendations, but we also examine potential difficulties related to these recommendations. We propose a simpler, mass-based proposal that avoids some of these difficulties.”

This proposal consists of the following definition:

A planet is a celestial body that

(a) orbits one or more stars, brown dwarfs, or stellar remnants, and

(b) is more massive than 1023 kg, and

(c) is less massive than 13 Jupiter masses (2.5 × 1028 kg).

A satellite is a celestial body that orbits a planet.

Headquartered in Paris, France, the IAU was formed on July 28, 1919, in Brussels, Belgium with the goal of promoting and improving all facets of astronomy, including scientific research, public outreach, and global education. As of May 2024, the IAU is comprised of 92 countries and a membership of 12,738 individuals. The IAU has held 32 General Assemblies during its history with the goal of establishing scientific protocol, or in the case of planets, providing a new definition during the 26th General Assembly in 2006. Examples of more recent resolutions include protections of radio astronomy from radio interference and advancements in ultraviolet astronomy, both at the 31st General Assembly in 2021. Therefore, what steps need to be taken for the IAU to implement these three criteria for defining planets?

“The IAU has an established process for considering and voting on proposed resolutions,” Dr. Margot tells Universe Today. “In my opinion, the IAU ought to follow its established process and consider all reasonable submissions. We were unsuccessful in 2024, but we are likely to resubmit in advance of the 2027 General Assembly, and we are hoping for a more positive outcome at that time.”

As noted, the motivation of this study was derived from IAU Resolution B5 in 2006 that established a new definition of a planet, which resulted in Pluto being demoted from planet to dwarf planet based on the new criteria. This was immediately met with skepticism from the scientific community, including from Dr. Alan Stern, who is the Principal Investigator of the New Horizons mission that visited Pluto in 2015, with Pluto being demoted less than a year after New Horizons launched in early 2006. This pushback was also seen in politics as several state governments, including California, New Mexico, and Illinois, publicly denounced the demotion. Therefore, in Dr. Margot’s opinion, should Pluto be reclassified as a planet?

“Pluto is an amazing planetary body that is worthy of exploration,” Dr. Margot tells Universe Today. “However, it does not make sense to classify Pluto with the eight planets. One may have legitimate concerns about the scope and precision of the 2006 IAU planet definition, but at least the outcome of the IAU resolution was sensible: Pluto did not belong with the eight planets and needed to be assigned to a different class. Our work is not focused on Pluto but instead on quantifying and generalizing the definition of planet.”

As of this writing, NASA has confirmed the existence of 5,690 exoplanets and this number continues to grow at a steady rate daily, which means the number of exoplanets orbiting multiple stars will grow, as well. Therefore, a new definition of a planet could provide a better framework for identifying and characterizing exoplanets and their respective satellites (exomoons) as we continue to explore the cosmos. This recent study could help establish that framework by developing a quantitative approach to defining planets and satellites both in our solar system and beyond, which could help shape our understanding of the universe and our place in it. Additionally, using mathematics to establish a new definition could also remove any subjectivity from defining planets, as well.

“Nothing is engineered in our proposal to keep the number of planets small,” Dr. Margot tells Universe Today. “The clustering analysis is completely agnostic about human feelings. It could have resulted in a group of 8 planets, 12 planets, or 50 planets, and we would have done exactly the same thing. It identified 8 planets. Readers who are chagrined that smaller bodies are not recognized as planets should take comfort in the fact that these bodies are no less worthy of exploration. A taxonomic classification in one group or another is not an indicator of scientific importance.”

How will this new definition help scientists better understand planets and exoplanets in the coming years and decades? Only time will tell, and this is why we science!

As always, keep doing science & keep looking up!

The post Officially, Only the Sun Can Have Planets. Is it Time to Fix the Definition of “Planet”? appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Science


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