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Simulation of non-Hermitian skin effect in 2D with ultracold fermions

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 11:36am
A research team has achieved a groundbreaking quantum simulation of the non-Hermitian skin effect in two dimensions using ultracold fermions, marking a significant advance in quantum physics research.
Categories: Science

Words activate hidden brain processes shaping emotions, decisions, and behavior

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 11:34am
In a study, scientists have shown neurotransmitters in the human brain are active during the processing of the emotional content of language, providing new understanding into how people interpret the significance of words.
Categories: Science

Overcoming spasticity to help paraplegics walk again

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 11:33am
Thanks to new high-frequency electrical stimulation that blocks spasticity, two paralyzed patients suffering from muscle stiffness after spinal cord injury benefit from rehabilitation protocols for walking again.
Categories: Science

California wildfires fuelled by months of unusual extreme weather

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 11:31am
Fast-moving wildfires are burning long after the regular fire season is over due to an unlikely sequence of extreme weather events that may have been exacerbated by climate change
Categories: Science

Planets Without Plate Tectonics Could Still Be Habitable

Universe Today Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 10:29am

It has been thought that the existence of plate tectonics has been a significant factor in the shaping of our planet and the evolution of life. Mars and Venus don’t experience such movements of crustal plates but then the differences between the worlds is evident. The exploration of exoplanets too finds many varied environments. Many of these new alien worlds seem to have significant internal heating and so lack plate movements too. Instead a new study reveals that these ‘Ignan Earths’ are more likely to have heat pipes that channel magma to she surface. The likely result is a surface temperature similar to Earth in its hottest period when liquid water started forming. 

Plate tectonics explains the movement and interaction of the Earth’s upper layers. More accurately, the lithosphere which is composed of the crust and upper layer of the mantle. It is divided into a number of pieces known as tectonic plates which float around on the semi-fluid layer below called the asthenosphere. Where the plates meet, various geological features form such as mountains, volcanoes and trenches. 

Location of the Mariana Trench. Credit: Wikipedia Commons/Kmusser

The process has been a crucial factor in the evolution of life on our planet. The shifting of landmasses has created new habitats and caused populations to become isolated allowing for individual ecosystems to form. Collisions of plates led to mountain range development which influenced the weather patterns and climate. Volcanic activity driven by plate movement led to soils becoming fertile, plant life to flourish and the release of gasses like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that helped the planet regulate its climate. It really has been a crucial process in the evolution of our planet. 

A typical “black smoker” volcanic vent here on E

In some respects the process also stops a planet’s internal environment from overheating. There is a train of thought that if Earth didn’t have such plate movement then it may be too hot internally for a stable environment to evolve. This was the subject of the paper by Matthew Reinhold and Laura Schaefer that was published in Advancing Earth and Space Sciences. 

They explored the liklihood that such a world might have so much internal heating that instead, it would resemble bodies like Jupiter’s moon Io. Here we see intense levels of volcanism where laval violently erupts hundreds of kilometres into the atmosphere which is full of toxic gasses. It’s not just a lack of plate tectonics that can lead to high levels of internal heating. Tidal effects can cause worlds to have one face constantly pointing to the Sun giving a wide range of surface temperatures.

These are JunoCam images of Jupiter’s moon Io from its 3 February 2024 encounter. The first two images show Io illuminated by Jupiter-shine, and the rest are lit up by sunlight. The new volcano was captured in the second image in the sequence. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS.

Collectively these worlds are known casually as Ignan Earth’s and they are the target of the paper, to explore whether they are habitable. Exploring the geology of the bodies in our Solar System gives great insight. The team demonstrate that it is likely that worlds with high internal temperatures will develp a solid mantle. The crust will remain largely stable as a result with the only likely activity, heat-pipe tectonics – where some of the internal heat is transferred to the surface for example from volcanic activity. 

The team were able to model the the likely surface temperature range based upon a number of different types of world and found that, contrary to previous expectations, a wide range of internal heating rates may well lead to worlds where the environment is conducive to habitability.

Source : Ignan Earths: Habitability of Terrestrial Planets With Extreme Internal Heating

The post Planets Without Plate Tectonics Could Still Be Habitable appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Science

SpaceX: Starship to launch fake satellites on seventh test flight

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 10:00am
SpaceX’s most ambitious Starship flight yet will see reused hardware, the deployment of 10 fake satellites and another attempt to catch the booster with “chopsticks”
Categories: Science

Can you use banana peels to fertilise your plants?

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 10:00am
Social media is rife with claims that banana skins can have a transformative effect on our houseplants. James Wong unpeels the science behind the trend
Categories: Science

Oracles, Omens and Answers is a revealing gaze at prediction's past

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 10:00am
A fascinating exhibition at Oxford’s Bodleian Library explores archaic ways of telling the future. It is tiny, but explores big questions about how we learned to think rationally
Categories: Science

Incredible images tell the tale of the world’s most prized marble

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 10:00am
In Land of Marble, photographer Alessandro Gandolfi explores the past and future of Italy's striking marble quarries
Categories: Science

Nerve-racking tale of reviving wild cocoa to make amazing chocolate

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 10:00am
Could cultivating wild cocoa help us produce great chocolate ethically? A stirring account reveals the problems of trying to transform an industry
Categories: Science

Ancient humans understood the future and the past pretty much as we do

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 10:00am
Sticks found in a cave that date back 12,000 years and other archaeological evidence show how humans have long viewed the future in a similar way to us, says Annalee Newitz
Categories: Science

A first nomination for the 2025 Reverse Nominative Determinism award

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 10:00am
Feedback has found a contender for the 2025 Reverse Nominative Determinism gong: the scientific journal Intelligence
Categories: Science

Children are being overlooked in conversations about AI

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 10:00am
We need to stop ignoring young people's firsthand experience with artificial intelligence. They are already at the sharp end of its development, says Mhairi Aitken
Categories: Science

Memoir offers new insights into the life of naturalist Gerald Durrell

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 10:00am
In the centenary of naturalist Gerald Durrell’s birth, a new memoir adds rich new layers to what we know about the man
Categories: Science

A healthy dose of AI can improve medical care and save lives

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 10:00am
Done right, with real-world evidence to back up the claims and persuade doctors to adopt it, artificial intelligence has the power to enhance clinical outcomes
Categories: Science

Why are most American comedians Jewish?

Why Evolution is True Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 9:30am

Well, I’m not sure that most American comedians working now are Jews, but surely they are still way overrepresented compared to the proportion of Jews in America, which is only 2.4%.

In fact, the first two comedians I thought of still working were Jerry Seinfeld and Sarah Silverman, both of course of the Hebrew persuasion.  But think of the great comedians of the past 50 years, and then of their religion.  As one site reports, “In 1978, 80 percent of American standup comedians were Jewish.”  But it’s not just the standups!

Here are are just a few well-known Jewish comedians (I’m leaving out ones that few people know, like Fanny Brice).

Groucho Marx
Mel Brooks
Rodney Dangerfield
Mort Sahl
Don Rickles
Henny Youngman
Jerry Seinfeld
George Burns
Lenny Bruce
Joan Rivers
Jackie Mason
Gilda Radner
Milton Berle
Curly, Moe, and Shemp Howard of The Three Stooges
Carl Reiner
Bill Maher
Jerry Lewis

I won’t go on; there are too many!  In fact, Wikipedia has three full pages of Jewish comedians, listed alphabetically (start here and continue by clicking at the bottom of each page).

There must be reasons for this inequity in comedy, and I’m also sure that many people have discussed this. But I don’t know of the speculations, so I asked three Jewish friends (one of them is ME) to give their theories.

1.) Malgorzata, my surrogate Polish mother:

Malgorzata lightheartedly suggested that the tendency of Jews to offer humor is the result of natural selection: since Jews have experienced dark times and pogroms throughout much of their history, those Jews who could laugh at themselves and the world were less likely to be depressed and to kill themselves, or more likely to tolerate intolerable situations. If there is genetic variation for humor, those with more “humor” genes would survive and reproduce. Other groups haven’t had such a history, ergo Jews tend to be comedians. (I am paraphrasing what she told me.) natural selection for people who could laugh and have a sense of humor because they would commit suicide.

2.) Me (PCC[E]):

I have a variant based on the impression of many Jews that the whole world of non-Jews hates them, something that is not far from the truth.  Jews, then, suffer from a lack of love from others.  To compensate for this, they become comedians, for what better way is there to get love and approbation than to have an audience laugh at your jokes? And they are not laughing at you, but laughing with you. That is s a form of love. This is a cultural explanation for the surfeit of Jewish comedians.

3.) Steve Pinker.  I asked him for his explanation, and this is his response (quoted with permission). Part of his theory jibes with Malgorzata’s, but he is looking for an explanation that itself is funny:

This has been a puzzle that others have (humorlessly) considered, including Ruth Wisse (former Harvard colleague and fellow Montrealer, grew up with my mother), and Howard Jacobson (British novelist, unlike most Brits proud of being Jewish). Something about humor being a subversive tactic, or a coping mechanism of the powerless and oppressed. The analyses were neither convincing nor funny.

But they may be consistent with the fact that many African Americans have been great comedians – Moms Mabley, Pigmeat Markham, Nipsey Russell, Flip Wilson, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, and the greatest of all, Bill Cosby. (“Noah!”)

Of course this is a lighthearted post, but there is a real phenomenon to be explained, and I invite readers to offer their own theory, which is theirs.

Categories: Science

Astronomers are Losing the Night Sky (and Radio Sky) to Satellite Megaconstellations

Universe Today Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 8:11am

When was the last time you looked up into the night sky and saw the Milky Way? If you happen to live in one of the truly remote areas of the world, your answer might be “last night.” If you live in one of the generally “rural” areas of your country, you might remember how you used to see the Milky Way regularly, but the rise of LEDs, particularly the blue/white ones, has gradually erased the Milky Way from your nights. For the large majority of humans on our small world, the answer is “never.”

Light pollution has gradually stolen the night from us. Once powerful observatories such as Griffith Observatory have been blinded by our nocturnal illuminations, and modern telescopes must be built in the most remote areas of the world where light pollution is still manageable. Although we don’t notice it in the same way, the same is true for radio telescopes. Our days are filled with radio light, from mobile phones and Wi-Fi to the tire pressure sensors of a modern call. They all shine as bright in radio as an LED flashlight in the visible. But in recent years, both optical and radio telescopes have seen growing light pollution from another source: constellation satellites.

Companies such as Starlink have launched so many satellites that even in the most remote areas of the world, you can regularly see them near the horizon, particularly during dusk and dawn. For optical telescopes, the trails they create can be mitigated to a degree by making them less reflective. For radio telescopes, however, they pose a more serious and complex challenge.

Since Starlink and other constellations are communication satellites, they actively beam radio signals to Earth. Imagine if satellites had powerful floodlights shining over your house all the time, and you get the problem for radio observatories. One way to limit radio light pollution is to create forbidden zones where satellites don’t operate. For example, Starlink satellites go quiet over key regions of the National Radio Quiet Zone, as well as other large observatories across the world. But while this reduces the amount of light pollution, it doesn’t eliminate it.

An image of the NGC 5353/4 galaxy group made with a telescope at Lowell Observatory in Arizona, USA on the night of Saturday 25 May 2019. The diagonal lines running across the image are satellite trails of reflected light from more than 25 Starlink satellites as they passed through the telescope’s field of view. Credit: Victoria Girgis/Lowell Observatory

As a recent study points out, radio signals from Starlink satellites aren’t narrowly focused. Even when they go quiet over an observatory, they are active in areas near the observatories, and stray radio light can contaminate observations. As satellite constellations become more common, this stray radio light will gradually wash out the radio sky, in much the same way that LED lights from neighboring towns diminish your view of the Milky Way.

The situation has gotten serious enough that the IAU Centre for the Protection of the Dark, Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference (CPS) has called for specific steps to be taken to save the night sky. They urge the international community to implement regulations so that ground-based astronomy can remain viable in the future.

It’s clear that satellite constellations such as Starlink are a benefit to many people in the world. For some regions, it is the only way to have a connection to the internet. In the same way, inexpensive night lighting has allowed us to have safer, more comfortable lives. But it is worth being mindful of what we can lose. Our view of the heavens has deep roots in human culture, and it is worth preserving. Balancing our history with our future is something we can all strive to do better.

Reference: Dark, I. A. U., et al. “Call to Protect the Dark and Quiet Sky from Harmful Interference by Satellite Constellations.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.08244 (2024).

The post Astronomers are Losing the Night Sky (and Radio Sky) to Satellite Megaconstellations appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Science

Will genome editing transform our children's health? Some have doubts

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 8:00am
A team of scientists claims that the risk of common conditions like heart disease could be slashed by editing people's genomes at the embryo stage - but other biologists strongly disagree
Categories: Science

Physicists discover that 'impossible' particles could actually be real

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 8:00am
Every fundamental particle in the universe fits into one of two groups called fermions and bosons, but now it seems there could be other particles out there that break this simple classification and were once thought to be impossible
Categories: Science

Punk and Emo fossils rock our ideas of how ancient molluscs looked

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/08/2025 - 8:00am
Two species of marine molluscs dating back about 430 million years have been named Punk and Emo for their outlandish spiky appearance
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