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New research uncovers exotic electron crystal in graphene

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 11:58am
Researchers have identified a new class of quantum states in a custom-engineered graphene structure. The study reports the discovery of topological electronic crystals in twisted bilayer -- trilayer graphene, a system created by introducing a precise rotational twist between stacked two-dimensional materials.
Categories: Science

PET probe images inflammation with high sensitivity and selectivity

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 11:56am
Researchers have developed a breakthrough method to detect inflammation in the body using positron emission tomography (PET) imaging. This innovative probe targets CD45, a marker abundantly expressed on all immune cells but absent from other cell types.
Categories: Science

Natasha Hausdorff and the hope for peace

Why Evolution is True Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:45am

Natasha Hausdorff, barrister and legal director of UK Lawyers for Israel, discussed the prospects for peace between Israel and Palestine—I don’t say Hamas, because I don’t think either Natasha or I think there will ever be peace between Israel and Hamas—with Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk TV yesterday.  In this seven-minute conversation, Hausdorff believes that the chances for peace, while not solid, have been increased with the new administration.  Trump may do (and is doing) a passel of crazy things, but most friends of Israel think he offers a more salubrious future for the Jewish state than did the Biden administration.  The Forward agrees, though it notes that Rubio’s support for Israel has by no means been sycophantic or 100%.  But it’s surely better than Anthony “There’s a Red Line Around Rafah” Blinken. 

Categories: Science

What Will It Take To Reach Zero Space Debris?

Universe Today Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:27am

The space debris problem won’t solve itself. We’ve been kicking the can down the road for years as we continue launching more rockets and payloads into space. In the last couple of years, organizations—especially the European Space Association—have begun to address the problem more seriously.

Now they’re asking this question: What will it take to reach zero space debris?

At first glance, it may seem unreal, maybe naive. There are billions of pieces of space junk orbiting Earth, and more than 25,000 of those pieces are larger than 10 cm. Though small, these pieces are travelling fast and can cause significant damage when impacting satellites or space stations. What will it take to get rid of all this debris?

The ESA has released the Zero Debris Technical Booklet to elucidate the challenges to a zero-debris future and propose solutions to get there. The Booklet’s development follows the signing of the Zero Debris Charter by members of the Zero-Debris community.

“Despite several initiatives for space debris mitigation in recent years and modest improvements in public awareness, there is a general consensus that more ambitious actions are urgently needed from all space stakeholders to prevent, mitigate, and remediate debris,” the report states. The report points out that the Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space outlines how access to space is hindered by debris.

The booklet defines zero debris targets and presents “technical needs, solutions and key enablers” that can help organizations achieve them.

The obvious first step is to cease creating more debris.

It begins with avoiding the unintentional release of debris. Exposure to the space environment can degrade materials during missions and beyond their end date, and unintentional impacts can also release debris. The Booklet promotes the “Development of multi-layer insulation and coating technologies preventing long-term degradation of materials” and similar developments for materials that can resist impacts. Improved monitoring, simulations, and testing can help us get there.

The Booklet also points out the need for different propulsion technologies. Some propulsion technologies release enormous quantities of small particles. The Booklet promotes the development of alternate propulsion systems based on things like electromagnetic tethers, momentum-transfer tethers, and drag or solar radiation pressure augmentation devices.

This image shows the Tethered Satellite System (TSS). The tether generated electricity as it moved through Earth’s magnetic field and the electricity could be used to adjust the satellite’s orbit without the need for other propulsion. Image Credit: By NASA Johnson Space Center (NASA-JSC), Public Domain

The Booklet also points out how improved Space Traffic surveillance and Coordination (STC) can help solve the problem. “Improved STC will help prevent collisions and reduce the occurrence of unnecessary collision avoidance manoeuvres,” the Booklet states.

That will require a technological solution, but different space agencies will also have to share information, which some will be more reluctant to do than others. The Technical Booklet explains that standardized guidelines will need to be developed and adopted for this to happen.

For existing debris, removal is the only solution. “For space objects which fail to de-orbit themselves for whatever reason, external means can be used to remove these objects from orbit,” the Booklet states.

That begins with assessing defunct satellites to determine the best way to de-orbit them. Are they at risk of breaking up due to de-orbiting methods? Once assessed, we need to develop reliable and configurable methods to remove them. That means a technological approach will be needed, as will communication between different space-faring nations.

The Booklet states that this will require the “Development of interoperable interfaces and requirements that facilitate removal for different types and sizes of objects (e.g. large/Small Spacecraft, launcher stages and elements, constellation spacecraft), adapted for different orbital regions (e.g. LEO, MEO, GEO), for different Disposal strategies (e.g. controlled, uncontrolled re-entry, orbital transfer to graveyard orbit), and with easy adoption in mind,” the Booklet explains.

De-orbiting systems could be as simple as deployable solar sails like the experimental Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment-7 (CanX-7.) It was launched in 2016 and achieved a decay rate of 20/km per year.

The CanX-7 with its sails deployed in a clean room. Image Credit: Space Flight Laboratory

While the CanX-7 and other similar systems are passive, there are also designs for Active Debris Removal (ADR).

One ADR system is Clearspace-1. It will demonstrate technologies for rendezvousing, capturing, and de-orbiting an end-of-life satellite called PROBA-1. After capture, both Clearspace-1 and PROBA-1 will plummet into Earth’s atmosphere and be destroyed.

Predicting and avoiding the risk of collisions between satellites and other objects in space is also part of the Booklet. “The increasing number of debris and the risk associated with collisions in orbit lead to an
ever-increasing need for operators to carry out collision avoidance manoeuvres,” the Booklet states. This can be partially addressed during the design phase but inevitably requires coordination.

Again, the Booklet calls for more cooperation between agencies. The effort needs a standardized set of guidelines for collision assessments and “methods to integrate collision risk assessments from multiple providers.”

When it comes to technology, collision avoidance and prediction will also benefit from the development of machine-learning algorithms, the development and uptake of optical and radio tracking aids, and a longer list of additional developments.

The Technical Booklet summarizes our problem: Space Debris requires standardized methods to assess hazards, avoid hazards, and remove hazards. While the technology needed to address the space debris problem hasn’t been thoroughly developed yet, there’s little doubt that it will be. However, the needed technologies may not be the biggest obstacle to solving the space debris problem. The critical part is cooperation.

Without cooperation, the problem will never be fully solved. However, cooperation can be in short supply. Our species is at least partly defined by our internecine squabbling and the tragedy of the commons. Different nations have different ideologies, politics, and leadership. Can we imagine Russia under Putin taking part in a cooperative effort to reduce space debris? How about China? North Korea? Iran?

What’s worse, some nations are actively creating more debris. In 2007, China conducted an anti-satellite missile test that destroyed a defunct satellite and created a massive amount of debris. In 2017, Russia did the same. India conducted a similar test in 2019, though they claim that it was at such a low altitude that the debris would quickly burn up in Earth’s atmosphere. However, the US Strategic Command said the debris remained in space longer than India claimed.

It doesn’t seem likely that the planet’s nations and space agencies will be cooperating any time soon, and even the once-reliable United States may eschew increased cooperation under its new leadership. Who knows?

But just as with climate change and a host of other problems, we can only solve the space debris problem through cooperation.

The ESA deserves credit for outlining the technical challenges and solutions to the problem. Though daunting, that may turn out to be the easy part.

It’s our politics that hamper the effort.

The post What Will It Take To Reach Zero Space Debris? appeared first on Universe Today.

Categories: Science

Biodegradable nylon precursor produced through artificial photosynthesis

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:03am
Scientists have developed an artificial photosynthesis technology that produces precursors of biodegradable nylon from biomass-derived compounds and ammonia.
Categories: Science

From soot particle filters to renewable fuels

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:02am
Unraveling the chemical processes in soot particle filters reveals new ways to produce synthetic fuels.
Categories: Science

Drug candidate eliminates breast cancer tumors in mice in a single dose

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:00am
Despite significant therapeutic advances, breast cancer remains a leading cause of cancer-related death in women. Treatment typically involves surgery and follow-up hormone therapy, but late effects of these treatments include osteoporosis, sexual dysfunction and blood clots. Now, researchers have created a novel treatment that eliminated small breast tumors and significantly shrank large tumors in mice in a single dose, without problematic side effects.
Categories: Science

Grass surfaces drastically reduce drone noise making the way for soundless city skies

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:00am
Porous land such as foliage significantly lowers noise made by drones and air taxis which could reduce disturbances for urban communities as Urban Air Mobility (UAM) grows.
Categories: Science

Researchers unlock new insights into tin-based catalysts for electrochemical CO2 reduction

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:00am
A group of researchers have analyzed thousands of reports from the past decade, identifying a tin-based catalyst that aids the production of formic acid, an indispensable chemical in various industries, and makes the process greener.
Categories: Science

Why are most companies failing to benefit from AI? It's about the people not the tech

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:00am
Successful uptake of new technology is a matter of emotions -- and with 4 in 5 companies saying they're failing to capitalize on its potential, managers need to know how to deal with them, say researchers.
Categories: Science

New AI technology helps scientists detect which pollutants in England's lakes are most harmful to life, and identify species which are at highest risk

Computers and Math from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:00am
Scientists can now identify the most harmful pollutants present in UK waters that are having the biggest impact on biodiversity thanks to pioneering AI technology.
Categories: Science

Researchers make breakthrough in bioprinting functional human heart tissue

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:00am
Researchers have developed a way of bioprinting tissues that change shape as a result of cell-generated forces, in the same way that it happens in biological tissues during organ development. The breakthrough science focused on replicating heart tissues, bringing research closer to generating functional, bioprinted organs, which would have broad applications in disease modelling, drug screening and regenerative medicine.
Categories: Science

Severance is still the most thoughtful, complex show on television

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:00am
After three long years of hoping, it seemed impossible that the second season of Severance could live up to the scope and ambition of the first. But, mercifully, it has, says Bethan Ackerley
Categories: Science

Fancy pigeons flaunt their feathers in this striking photo series

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:00am
Photographer Luisa Maria Stagno is on a mission to document the most unusual pigeons out there, from a Danish Suabian to a Gimpel
Categories: Science

New Tom Hanks film fails to wow despite the cutting-edge tech

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:00am
Robert Zemeckis's would-be epic film Here relies on real-time de-ageing technology. But do its ambitions conceal a more mundane project?
Categories: Science

Why giving Jurassic Park's velociraptors feathers is a good thing

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:00am
Feedback is delighted by a YouTuber's sterling efforts to make Michael Crichton's velociraptors more accurate – but points out that they're still far too big
Categories: Science

The human sense of smell is quite good, and matters more than you know

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:00am
Smell is often dismissed as a less important sense, but it makes our lives much more vivid, says Jonas Olofsson
Categories: Science

What should we do about societal divisions that run deeper than ever?

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:00am
Kurt Gray's new book Outraged is a clear and insightful look at our society's deep divides, with valuable tips on building bridges
Categories: Science

Wake up to the bigger picture on how to get a better night’s sleep

New Scientist Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:00am
We often obsess about nighttime routines for good sleep, but mounting evidence shows that what we do during our waking hours is also important – a more holistic view that could ease the modern pressure to create a perfect environment for when our heads hit the pillow
Categories: Science

Compact comb lights the way for next-gen photonics

Matter and energy from Science Daily Feed - Wed, 01/22/2025 - 9:55am
Researchers have created a new ultra-broadband electro-optic comb that packs 450 nm of light precision into a chip smaller than a coin, paving the way for smarter, more efficient photonic devices.
Categories: Science


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