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Americans United for Separation of Church State

Americans United for Separation of Church and State is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to preserving church-state separation to ensure religious freedom for all Americans. It is a 501c3 educational organization. A number of publications, press releases, blog posts, and other resources are available on the website. In addition, they publish a magazine.

Americans United works on many issues; a few of them are:

  • Religion and Public Schools
  • Creationism in Science Classes
  • Opposing Voucher Subsidies for Religious Schools
  • No Taxpayer Funding for Religious Indoctrination
  • Exposing the Radical Religious Right
  • Opposing Partisan Politics in Churches
  • Religion Healthcare and the Public Interest
  • Religious Equality in the Military
  • Church State and Marriage Equality

This is a very good website to learn about many aspects of these and other issues of importance to many Jefferson Center Members.
